United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Friday, December 7, 2007

Serbia warns of a new Balkan war as peace talks over Kosovo fail - Times Online

With Russia putting ships in the Mediterranean Sea for the first time, this could be a prelude for open war. Russia is to putting in at a Syrian port, but patrolling around the sea, which could be a block against Israel in a coming conflict with Hizbolah and Lebanon. Also, they could be jocking in place for a block of the NATO forces against any Serbian military action in stopping the Muslims from forming another state...made of Serbian land. What would our own government do if the Indians here started doing the same? I don't think it's wise to be involved/supporting an idea, movement, or principle that you wouldn't want on your own land, or not to support those whom you wouldn't support at home. At least not in this kind of conflict. What good sized nation of the world wouldn't have breakaway sections if any group could call for and then just create their own country? I do think there are many lands that could, or should do so, but something just isn't right about the actions of this situation. Why is NATO so involved? And for a group of people opposed to Western ways to start with? Will this just be another terror state? Will it be swamped with jihad seekers? Only time will tell, if the Serbs will let time come to see, but then again would you wait for it if it already has happened to you by them? And even the more with the promise that given the chance it would happen again? I think not...that's why US troops are in Afghanistan and Iraq, to put it in their back yard and not ours, right? Oh yeah, did I mention that the Serbs are Christians... and Kosovo is populated by mostly immrigrant Muslims. Doesn't make any sense that the US government departments think that Serbs and Jews should just give the Muslims, who kill them at will, everything they desire. Will the US give Deerborn, MI independence too?
Serbia warns of a new Balkan war as peace talks over Kosovo fail - Times Online

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The News-Press: Nation & World

The News-Press: Nation & World

America: PostGlobal on washingtonpost.com

How the world sees America
America: PostGlobal on washingtonpost.com

Islam's Barbarism is no ‘Religion of Peace’ - HUMAN EVENTS

Islam's Barbarism is no ‘Religion of Peace’ - HUMAN EVENTS

WorldNetDaily: Book of hate

Read these verses of the Quran and judge with a honest heart if this is a religion and book of peace or of violence and hatred for non-Muslims.

WorldNetDaily: Book of hate

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Is this for the coming war of Russia attacking Israel with a company of the nations named in the Bible as a last day war? Is this a plan for the coming next round of fighting between Hizbolah, Lebanon and Israel where Russia and/or Iran are to withstand Israel? Will this set the stage for Russia to attack, lead, or call for an attack on Israel. What about America, will our government stand by and let any of this happen? Is the US gov. letting the Russians and Chinese come on strong in the world of geo-military power in the Mid-East, Tiwain, and even the South American states? What is happening here...a power shift? Israel seems to be left alone in the conflicts that look to be just around the corner. Is this to show the world, and Israel, that God is on her side? Is it to humble her to seek his face? Time will tell.

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

5 out of 6 Nations - Chavez's Unpopularity in Latin America - Yahoo! News

Isn't it a little fishy that an American-hating dictator in another country is liked or trusted more in the US than in the countries that surround his own country, and that speak his language? Could it be that they read and hear him for what he is in his own words, while we in the US can only hear and read "of" him and his words...through liberal media outlets? That is, those that already like him because of the shared ideology? I guess to hate a rat, you must first know him to be a rat.

5 out of 6 Nations - Chavez's Unpopularity in Latin America - Yahoo! News



New findings may be due to a defector, sources suggest | Iran | Guardian Unlimited

New findings may be due to a defector, sources suggest | Iran | Guardian Unlimited