United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

ADF challenges Pittsburgh ordinance that stifles free speech (OneNewsNow.com)

Thank God not all Christians are silent as the State would have us be. Haven't you noticed how the courts are telling Christians they are not allowed to speak their message for fear that someone, somewhere, somehow might be offended? Yet, it grants so-called undeniable rights to declare, enforce, and demand that all hear, love and obey the messages of liberals, pro-abortion/baby killers, Christian haters, anti-Americans, queers and lesbians, porn businesses, communist and socialist groups, Muslims, witches, devil worshipers...and the list gos on and on. If Christians don't stand up now, then when? If not in our home town, county, and state, then where. If not the Christians of today, you and me, then who will stand up? Who will be left to do it later?
ADF challenges Pittsburgh ordinance that stifles free speech (OneNewsNow.com)

Black conservative leaders weigh-in on Obama's 'race' speech (OneNewsNow.com)

Not all blacks believe like the racists Wright and Obama.
Black conservative leaders weigh-in on Obama's 'race' speech (OneNewsNow.com)

'Death to Ahmadinejad,' Iranian crowds cry

'Death to Ahmadinejad,' Iranian crowds cry

U.S. loses No. 1 ranking as dollar drops

Its things like this that makes me wonder out loud if America is being set aside for the new power of the World: the EU?
U.S. loses No. 1 ranking as dollar drops

13 Dead, 3 Missing in Central US Storm

In the Bible the people understood storms and other weather problems as God's actions (oddly enough, so do today's insurance companies). And God's actions were for certain reasons. Yet today we are told that its just natural weather happenings with no looking to God to see if He's trying to tell us something, or worse, if He is punishing the nations for something. If the sins of the nations in the old times of the Bible caused natural, man made and divine things to bring bad events/trouble upon them, shouldn't we see that these three things are upon us today too? God does the same things today as he did in the past. Its just that evolution and non-believers have filled our ears with lies and therefore making us not understand the our times and current events due to their influences. We need to return to the Word of God for understanding, and not t0 the list of godless man's ideas and reasoning. That is, if we want to hear from our Maker.
13 Dead, 3 Missing in Central US Storm

Mexican official says NAFTA includes superhighways

Who's telling the truth? If its openly discussed in meetings, spoken of in public speeches, and maps are showing the route...isn't it time to admit that we have dishonest leaders and that its real? But, if the highways, railways, and other things are real...what about the new money (the Amero) to replace our US dollar, and the coming North American Union to replace our US, Canadian, and Mexican countries (just like the EU-- the European Union)?
Mexican official says NAFTA <I>includes</i> superhighways

Go to church and pray if you want to be happy, say scientists | the Daily Mail

Go to church and pray if you want to be happy, say scientists | the Daily Mail

Racists endorse Obama on candidate's website

Racists endorse Obama on candidate's website

What's Happened to Teaching History?

What's Happened to Teaching History?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hamas leader Haniyeh offers Gaza truce - Yahoo! News

Can you believe that this man is even tolerated by the West??? How can he go into a college and say this kind of stuff and get away with it? The story says...'In a speech at Gaza City's Islamic University, Mr. Haniyeh demanded an end to Israeli military activity in the Gaza Strip, which Hamas seized in June 2007. "We are talking about a mutual comprehensive calm, which means that the enemy must fulfill its obligations," Haniyeh said. "The Israelis must stop the aggression ... including assassinations and invasions, end the sanctions, and open the borders." Why doesn't he say this about the missiles that are daily shot by Arabs from the Gaza into Israel, and therefore the Israelis would not have a reason to attack and kill Arabs in Gaza.
Hamas leader Haniyeh offers Gaza truce - Yahoo! News

Haniyeh beats Abbas in popularity poll | Jerusalem Post

All one needs to do to understand the Arabs of Israel and the Palestine Arabs is to listen to their words and look at their works. They vote for and support murders and evil men. And the West doesn't agree on what to do?
Haniyeh beats Abbas in popularity poll | Jerusalem Post

Palestinian stabs rabbi in Arab East Jerusalem - Yahoo! News

Where's the media outcry for the violence against a peaceful Jewish teacher? The only outcry is the false one of defending Muslim sins and crimes against anyone they wish to hurt in their war for the whole land of Israel.
Palestinian stabs rabbi in Arab East Jerusalem - Yahoo! News

Obama's pastor denounces United States (OneNewsNow.com)

If this man was white and saying the same things he would be hounded by the media outside his house day and night, 7 days a week. Why not this racist too?
Obama's pastor denounces United States (OneNewsNow.com)

Obama attempts to put pastor controversey behind him (OneNewsNow.com)

Obama attempts to put pastor controversey behind him (OneNewsNow.com)

Obama pleads ignorance about pastor's controversial sermons (OneNewsNow.com)

There is no way that Obama could have a 20 year relationship with a minister and not know his thoughts on the most important issues to the minister. There's just no way to not hear sermons on such things as race in a race-based theological and political style setting of a church (Blackness over Christian in their reach, aim, and desire to of what to be in this life). This isn't just some traveling minister, but Obama's father-like role model and longtime spiritual adviser. So, no we cannot simply "move" beyond this and focus on "unity", regardless what you say Mr. Obama. Will the white people supporting him now see him for what he really is...a racist!
Obama pleads ignorance about pastor's controversial sermons (OneNewsNow.com)

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day! | The British National Party News

I personally like this preacher St. Patrick. His story is a very interesting one. Too bad the day to remember him is celebrated today by drunken parties and drinking green beer. This neither makes them Irish that do it, nor is it the proper way to remember a man that spent his life spreading the Gospel of Christ, and that while living a holy life himself.
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day! | The British National Party News

'Jewish party sold Jerusalem for $138 million'

The theme seems to be the same for leaders around the world...tell all the lies you have to to your citizens while you break any law, promise , religious teaching, traditional and cultural habit or taboo. It doesn't matter, just stay in power and do what you what. This is the kind of behavior that our Founding Fathers found provoking them to stand up, take control and change the status quo of unaccountable government that worked against the will and well-being of the people. Its time that the Jews of Israel to do the same and throw this bum out on his head!
'Jewish party sold Jerusalem for $138 million'

Brits skeptical of Putin plot

Putin and the Russian leaders have made it very clear that the US is their enemy (see past articles on Russia posted on this site). So, having said this, who is the "enemy without" that they said has "reached within" Russia to setup and fund this so-called assassination plot? Is this a lie for setting the field for some future Russian action...maybe an attack upon America itself? How many other countries would support the idea of an "American free world" (as Russian partner and President of Iran said recently)? If China and Russia wanted to hurt or go to war against the US, who in the world could really stop them? Who could come to our defense? If you know much about Global politics the answer is NO ONE! See how dangerous of a time we live in today?
Brits skeptical of Putin plot

FOXNews.com - Clinton Library Builder's CFO Disappears Amid Audit - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

How many people connected to the Clinton family come up missing, dead, or put in jail?
FOXNews.com - Clinton Library Builder's CFO Disappears Amid Audit - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

Monday, March 17, 2008

Conference eyes American-Indian sovereignty - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

I have feared for a long time that the policies force on other nations by the US would come back to haunt all of us, and the US leaders too. Not only that, but the way that the US government likes to support the dividing up of other nations, but it has never thought that way about the Indians and islanders under the US control...for many years. But, if you reap what you sow like the Bible says, then the US has a lot more to "reap" than just this. Nevertheless, this could play a huge part of the downfall of the country if sections of the nation are separated into new "countries", as in Serbia's rebel Muslim section and the upcoming (and US pushed), Muslim "Palestine".
Conference eyes American-Indian sovereignty - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Islamic summit to accuse Israel of 'war crimes' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Its OK for Arabs to kill as many Jews as they can. But its never OK for Jews to deliver or defend themselves against terrorist, killers, murders or the system of crime, hate, and government funded terror? Where were these Arabs concerned with the deaths of Arab/Palestinians when the same dead folks were shooting missiles at Israeli towns and citizens? I'll tell you where they were, they were in the streets rejoicing and praising their god and religion for the chance to send their sons to die in suicide attacks on innocent Jewish shoppers, school children on school buses going to class, and simple outpost Israeli army personnel trying to keep peace! All this while the Jews are at the "Peace" table talking and giving in to all demands of the Arabs/Palestinians. And yet, no help against the terror, and no stopping of the war by the very Arab/Palestinians in exchange for Israeli help. Where is the US, EU, UN, UK, Russia, and the World's national leaders when Jews die, or are taken prisoners, beat to pieces and killed by the elected officials of the so called "Palestinians", and their military wings of their political parties? God is not blind to this injustice! Nor is HE not willing or active in paying back those guilty of this. May God change the hearts of our leaders, and ourselves, in regards to Israel.
Islamic summit to accuse Israel of 'war crimes' - Israel News, Ynetnews

'Deception': Christians war over worship day

'Deception': Christians war over worship day

Anti-Judaism at root of 'Sunday Sabbath'?

Every custom and belief should be checked against the Word of God. If it is the Truth, obey it, and if not, don't force it on others, if against the Truth, then stop it. This should be the watch call of our Faith.
Anti-Judaism at root of 'Sunday Sabbath'?: "deigned"

Obama's preacher sanitizes website

Change out the word "black" for "white" in this "Black Value System" and all the media in the US, and around the world, would neither have had a hard time nor hesitated one minute to call it "racist"! People need to wakeup in this country and see the manipulation in our country through the media and our leaders...wrong is wrong, regardless of race!
Obama's preacher sanitizes website: "disavow"

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Asian youths in 'faith hate' attack on priest -Times Online

This is just another example of the raw fact that opposing Faiths cannot dwell together long term without problems. Regardless of the lies, half-truths and other things preached by the governments and colleges of the UK and the US (along with all the modern Western nations). I'm amazed that the very liberal "Times On Line" even reported this kind of Christian-hating and attacks by Muslims. Sadly, Christianity is the only Faith that is allowed to be openly hated in the Western World nowadays. When you import a foreign religion and people that don't respect you, your laws, customs or religion, this is the kind of treatment they give you...we're not going to change to be like you, you must change to be like us! And it is backed up with violence.
Asian youths in 'faith hate' attack on priest -Times Online

Friday, March 14, 2008

Silencing Christians

FINALLY A SERIES FOR THE AVERAGE PERSON TO SEE WHAT'S GOING ON IN THIS COUNTRY! You can see all the videos on their website for free...do it now!
Silencing Christians

Thursday, March 13, 2008

OIC Wants 'Binding Legal Instrument' to Fight Islamophobia -- 03/13/2008

They are through peace seeking to take over all, and to stop all that are not a part of them.
OIC Wants 'Binding Legal Instrument' to Fight Islamophobia -- 03/13/2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

TotallyJewish.com | News | National

Though the current rules for deciding who is a Jew are erroneous (they have been followed for a long time, but is not the one followed by the Hebrews in the beginning of the Faith and nation of Israel), it is more scary of an issue to allow a court and judge decide for a religious group who is a member and who isn't!
TotallyJewish.com | News | National

My Way News - Parents May Be Jailed Over Vaccinations

First in Europe and Canada, then California and then the rest of the US?
My Way News - Parents May Be Jailed Over Vaccinations

Study finds 1 in 4 US teens has a STD - Yahoo! News

Say what you want but this was never the case of girls, TEENAGE GIRLS, in this country before TVs were in every home, the 60's revolution, Planned Parenthood in the schools, Sex education, "R" movies in the movies houses every weekend, Liberal teachers and professors taking over almost all colleges and universities, PRAYER and the TEN COMMANDMENTS removed from the schools, The Lord Jesus not allowed to be spoken about in the schools--but all other religions and the religion of humanism were both allowed and promote instead! People...you rep what you sow! Gal 6:7 -8 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

Study finds 1 in 4 US teens has a STD - Yahoo! News

Second Muslim elected to Congress | U.S. | Reuters

Are we seeing a watershed moment with the first two Muslims elected into office, and millions more looking lustfully to the same?
Second Muslim elected to Congress | U.S. | Reuters

Google's latest anti-Jewish outrage

Google's latest anti-Jewish outrage

Saturday, March 8, 2008

McCain rejects anti-Catholic views - Yahoo! News

This is sooo political for McCain to say this. Though this is understandable in not wanting to pushing away millions of Catholic voters, it does show the mindset of our questionable leaders. That is that they do not want to "offend" anyone, anytime, in anything...that is, except Christians and the majority of Americans! They don't want to offend the small, but well funded, social groups that will cause them problems. Yet the sleepy, mostly quiet majority of Americans they could care less if you don't like what they say, do, or how they make money on anti-American deals they make in secret.
McCain rejects anti-Catholic views - Yahoo! News

Brownback: Nat'l security would suffer with military outsourcing (OneNewsNow.com)

It is always a national security issue when a nation outsources any part of their defense! The Romans did this too...to their own peril and great loss. Why is the greatest nation in the world granting outsiders into their security systems anyway? China has been let in through companies they own in the area of military/intelligence computer systems. And now comes the French, who don't understand that we are at war with Islamic terrorists and their leaders could just not "support" us by refusing to fulfill their contract. Airbus is a government own business. Therefore, their politicians could at any time just stop Airbus from doing what we contract them to do. And then what if this happens in a critical moment where our Air Force flights are suddenly not able to do their missions?
Brownback: Nat'l security would suffer with military outsourcing (OneNewsNow.com)

Brownback: Nat'l security would suffer with military outsourcing (OneNewsNow.com)

It is always a national security issue when a nation outsources any part of their defense! The Romans did this too...to their own peril and great loss. Why is the greatest nation in the world granting outsiders into their security systems anyway? China has been let in through companies they own in the area of military/intelligence computer systems. And now comes the French, who don't understand that we are at war with Islamic terrorists and their leaders could just not "support" us by refusing to fulfill their contract. Airbus is a government own business. Therefore, their politicians could at any time just stop Airbus from doing what we contract them to do. And then what if this happens in a critical moment where our Air Force flights are suddenly not able to do their missions?
Brownback: Nat'l security would suffer with military outsourcing (OneNewsNow.com)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Chinese hackers: No site is safe - CNN.com

How safe can we, or our stuff, be with happening? What about the statement " U.S. officials last week said there has never been a full damage assessment of their systems' vulnerabilities" ? So, how secure do you feel...it is a solid one, or one built upon false information?
Chinese hackers: No site is safe - CNN.com: "U.S. officials last week said there has never been a full damage assessment of their systems' vulnerabilities."

The Associated Press: Egypt Walls Up Gaza Border

It only took a few days to for the Arabs of Egypt to show their real colors concerning their understanding of the Arabs of Gaza: they know they are trouble makers and they don't want them in Egypt either! How come this isn't really big news for the Western World's news outlets????? Because it doesn't make Israel look to be stupid, mean spirited, evil or murderously killing little children and mothers! And it shows the Arabs of Gaza as they really are: unlikable even by their own fellow Arabs who aren't simply using them to hurt Israel without having to do the fighting themselves (like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria and other rich and/or weak Muslims).
The Associated Press: Egypt Walls Up Gaza Border

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hamas firing from civilian homes

Here's the difference between American and Islamic fighters: Americans fight to protect women and children, and Islamic fighters fight from behind and in the hopes for the death of women and children to promote and protect their cause! There is no way in Earth to justify or to allow these cowards called "Islamic holy fighters" in what they do in the name of their religion or cause! They just don't think like good Westerns of Europe and America. And to all those that justify the Muslims and condemn the Western world (the US), here's what you are fighting for... and God is not blind to your evil of protecting, defending and promoting this kind of bloody evil! Nor will he let you by with it either! Case closed! What you mete out to others will come back to haunt you too, and no one is exempt from it without real repentance and conversion to God's way.
Hamas firing from civilian homes

Booklet issues warning about 'Christian values'

The more I read and hear about these people, persons of note, and the movement of sexual freedom (of all kinds of sexual behavior), I am convinced that like all addictions and those who have lost their minds for them, these people are insanely addicted to sex! They are filled with sexual and perverted spirits, whose minds are to destroy the pure and innocent...our little children! If fathers and mothers of today don't rise and stop them now, who will...when will they be stopped? After many children and young people are hurt and destroyed?
Booklet issues warning about 'Christian values'

Teachers seek end to sex class opt-out - Telegraph

This is a perfect picture of sin: first the teachers of this filth (called sex ed.) just wanted into the classrooms...now they don't want your children to be able to get out! They are devils with little disguise to cover their real God and moral hating ways.
Teachers seek end to sex class opt-out - Telegraph

FOXNews.com - U.N. Condemns Israel's Strike on Hamas Office - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

FOXNews.com - U.N. Condemns Israel's Strike on Hamas Office - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Advocates organize to thwart US immigration agents -- chicagotribune.com

Unlawful persons working together to break the law...isn't this organized crime? Will the FBI take over and stop this like other organized crime rings??? They should, if they are to do their job, and the Feds will let them. They'd clean house if that would happen!
Advocates organize to thwart US immigration agents -- chicagotribune.com

Hugo Chavez moves his tanks to border as regional war looms - Times Online

Hitler of South America is on the war call! How much will the US take before trouble happens? This is not good for peace loving people. Is he hiding something, or is he making room for more sinister plans? Only time will tell. Soon it will be time to SEND IN THE MARINES!!
Hugo Chavez moves his tanks to border as regional war looms - Times Online