United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Monday, January 28, 2008

Gustave Doré: The New Jerusalem

Gustave Doré: The New Jerusalem

Chavez advises pulling U.S. deposits - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

This is a project of Venezuela and Iran for Latin countries to get free of US economics and influence...through deflating the US dollar. What if the shoe was on the other foot and the US was openly saying it was working with other countries to take down the dollar and economy of Venezuela or Iran, then what would they say? That America was racial and mean spirited to other people, right? Just not the other way around.
Chavez advises pulling U.S. deposits - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

World Tribune — Soldiers' GPS uniforms would prevent friendly fire incidents

World Tribune — Soldiers' GPS uniforms would prevent friendly fire incidents

cbs11tv.com - Texas UFO Mystery Solved?

cbs11tv.com - Texas UFO Mystery Solved?

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war - CNN.com

Another anti-Bush research by bush hating "non-profit" journalist? I'm not a big Bush supporter, but I do support truth, and this doesn't pass the smell test.
Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war - CNN.com

Russians and Arabs/Muslims working together in anti-American terror

This could be nothing on the global scale of terror and political workings, but it could show a real connection between some Russians and Arabs/Muslims to do harm to Americans.
Bomb-making factory found in Brooklyn apartment of Columbia professor

World Tribune — Soldiers' GPS uniforms would prevent friendly fire incidents

This is both really smart, and really scary. What's stopping the indicators' signal from being hijacked and helping the enemy from knowing where the solders are to fire at, kidnap or to kill them? Or for the enemy to steal the indicators and place them where they want for protection. This would move the Army to say they need to place the indicators where they can't be stolen...that is, in the solder's body. Add to this the fear that the same NATO, UN or otherwise could say the same about the citizens of the countries/world should have the same indicators for safety...in their body.
World Tribune — Soldiers' GPS uniforms would prevent friendly fire incidents

'Bill of Rights' quietly added to Miami ballot - 01/22/2008 - MiamiHerald.com

Another tricky government act? Why do our leaders forget that they are OUR servants, and not that the cities, counties, and states are their little kingdoms? If they wanted to do something about the status of persons in the society they should have told the REAL government, the People, about the ballet questions for an informed vote!
'Bill of Rights' quietly added to Miami ballot - 01/22/2008 - MiamiHerald.com

Honor killings: When the ancient and the modern collide

This is a very bad situation in our Western world, what can be done? If these people don't want to have their families act like Americans and other Westerns then why do they come here? And in the mist of this terrible case of murder, I fear that this is another case of the media setting the ground work for their anti-religious desires to be fulfilled. The bad person of these cases are "religious" fathers, brothers, and uncles, and "strictly religious" families where the government had not done enough to get involved in the family problems. Though I would hate to see any of these girls, or boys and other family members hurt or killed, we don't need more government control or involvement. This is a problem in a country that has people in it's leadership trying to make all people come into a society of mixed ideas, religions and ethnic standings. It's insane to think it will all somehow just "work out", as liberals say it can.
Honor killings: When the ancient and the modern collide

Exclusive: Hamas 'spent months cutting through Gaza wall in secret operation' - Times Online

This is a good example of propaganda in action. This wall was to keep out the unlawful flow of guns and bombs aimed at Israeli citizens by murders. Now it is seen as a wall to keep in and starve the Arabs in Gaza. What a game they can play those Arabs.
Exclusive: Hamas 'spent months cutting through Gaza wall in secret operation' - Times Online

Sunday, January 20, 2008

'We want to offer sharia law to Britain' - Telegraph

This is what is coming to America. First it's "personal law" by those that "choose" to follow it. Later it will be the whole set of Sharia law, and to all persons...willing or not willing. It's only a matter of time before Britons wake up and find their country, traditions, faith and religion, and government gone, and with Muslim substitutes in all their places. God help them, and us.
'We want to offer sharia law to Britain' - Telegraph

WorldNetDaily: University sued again for dissing Christians

Who says Christians aren't treated differently in schools? It's happening all over the country, but thanks to Christian lawyers and firms they are being fought.
WorldNetDaily: University sued <I>again</i> for dissing Christians

CIA launches hunt for international computer hackers threatening to hold cities ransom by shutting off power | the Daily Mail

Is this a movie??? I think this is a good reason why none of us are not in harm's way with terrorist against the Western nations.
CIA launches hunt for international computer hackers threatening to hold cities ransom by shutting off power | the Daily Mail

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mohammed cartoon publisher jailed - Europe- msnbc.com

Another fine example of government doing with "hate laws" as intelligent people fear that they would once given the laws to manipulate. In the name of stopping "incitement" against a religion, an editor is imprisoned for three years...over cartoons about a faith that has fought and killed Christians and Europeans for 1500 years, in the name of their religion! This is why we don't need "hate laws" in this country. It only silences truth and those that seek it. It's only a smoke and mirror for increasing government's power over our God given rights of freedom of speech and conscience.
Mohammed cartoon publisher jailed - Europe- msnbc.com

WorldNetDaily: Border Patrol agent killed by 'smugglers'

No...we don't need a security fence to stop smugglers and other criminals from doing things that they shouldn't at the boarder. They just want to have the same chance to have the American dream as you and I...right?
WorldNetDaily: Border Patrol agent killed by 'smugglers'

WorldNetDaily: District lessons teach 'erotic' sex techniques

This is a bigger problem than most people think in America. This sounds like a situation in another state, but really it's your problem too. For what one state is doing will only come to your state too if not stopped and prevented now. Just think about it, by law you send your children to school to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic, computer skills...etc, but they are taught this kind of garbage. Our schools are falling behind the world in skills and knowledge, but some many self serving sex oriented groups, some teachers, and teacher's unions are pushing this kind of ideas and curriculum instead! No wonder our problems exist as they do. No wonder God doesn't bless our young people like he once did. It's no longer about learning needed things, but about converting youngsters into a lifestyle that the ones currently living so can't procreate their own offspring to keep their numbers from disappearing due to Aides and other sicknesses.
WorldNetDaily: District lessons teach 'erotic' sex techniques

WorldNetDaily: Film could spark new wave of Muslim riots

WorldNetDaily: Film could spark new wave of Muslim riots

Dutch news - Muslim Councillor Tells Rotterdammer: 'Shut Up, Minority'

It's moments like this that we see the real heart of the Islamic movements in the West that prove what they really think and are working to do. It's no different in the USA either. But some in the US will say "they just want to have a good job and have the American dream too"...yeah right!
Dutch news - Muslim Councillor Tells Rotterdammer: 'Shut Up, Minority'

Monday, January 14, 2008

Transplants: Concern as Brown backs right to remove organs without consent | the Daily Mail

It's interesting how only 25% of the people wanted to donate their organs by the state decided to make all do it...unless they request not to have it. Just the other day it was in the news how a doctor was allowing to die/killing a person for their organs. Will this become the black market in Britain? This is scary to think that now all persons in the UK hospitals are seen as "donors" instead of regular patients. Very scary.
Transplants: Concern as Brown backs right to remove organs without consent | the Daily Mail

Revealed: Registrar who says she won't do gay weddings... and is now taking council to a tribunal | the Daily Mail

Revealed: Registrar who says she won't do gay weddings... and is now taking council to a tribunal | the Daily Mail

Iran Plans on Destroying Tomb of King Cyrus, Friend of the Jews - Jewish World - Israel News - Arutz Sheva

No, the leaders of Iran aren't crazy...they only want to destroy even their own country's past of when they believed other than Islam, or before Islam came in and conquered them. That doesn't mean that they what to destroy anybody else's culture or nation because it isn't Islamic. That would be a stretch to think that...right?

The Canadian Press: Edmonton woman violently raped played dead to stay alive: court

This is a prime reason why gun laws are only hurtful to good people. This woman could have had a gun to save her from this evil man, but we are told to trust in the law enforces to keep the peace and safety of our communities. Yeah right...ask this lady if she would like to have had the power to stop her attacker before he almost killed her...after he raped and beat and cut her up so bad!

WorldNetDaily: Public 'threatened' by private-firearms ownership

WorldNetDaily: Public 'threatened' by private-firearms ownership

WorldNetDaily: Public 'threatened' by private-firearms ownership

WorldNetDaily: Public 'threatened' by private-firearms ownership

Anti-war Soros funded Iraq study - Times Online

The number one Bush hater is paying for part of the research that says Bush's invasion killed huge numbers of people??? This...this doesn't sound like a political stunt, does it now?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

WorldNetDaily: Sheriff defends capture of boy by SWAT team

WorldNetDaily: Sheriff defends capture of boy by SWAT team

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Taiwan nationalists in huge win

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Taiwan nationalists in huge win

WorldNetDaily: Saudis, Chinese invest in Citibank

WorldNetDaily: Saudis, Chinese invest in Citibank

Inside Bay Area - Oakland schools to defend students here illegally

Inside Bay Area - Oakland schools to defend students here illegally

CFP: Ugly and painful sores result of prolonged severe antibiotic abuse in Red China

CFP: Ugly and painful sores result of prolonged severe antibiotic abuse in Red China

World Tribune — Chinese intelligence responds to reports it penetrated NSA listening post in Hawaii

World Tribune — Chinese intelligence responds to reports it penetrated NSA listening post in Hawaii

Arkansas Taxes Up $642 Million Under Huckabee, Report Shows -- 01/10/2008

Arkansas Taxes Up $642 Million Under Huckabee, Report Shows -- 01/10/2008

Winston Churchill inspecting a 'Tommy' gun Poster : The Churchill Centre Shop

Winston Churchill inspecting a 'Tommy' gun Poster : The Churchill Centre Shop