United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

'New York Times' Spiked Obama Donor Story - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives

"The New York Times had killed a story in October that would have shown a close link between ACORN, Project Vote and the Obama campaign because it would have been a “a game changer.”"

Ms. Moncrief told Ms. Heidelbaugh the campaign had asked her and her boss to “reach out to the maxed-out donors and solicit donations from them for Get Out the Vote efforts to be run by ACORN.”

“Upon learning this information and receiving the list of donors from the Obama campaign, Ms. Strom reported to Ms. Moncrief that her editors at The New York Times wanted her to kill the story because, and I quote, “it was a game changer.”’

Ben Smith's Blog: Liberal coalition takes shape - POLITICO.com

Iran native copied, transferred nuclear software while employed at largest U.S. reactor

News agencies concealing Islamic names?

"'did the Old Media in Minnesota purposefully leave the names unreported so that they could cover up the fact that the criminals were Somali immigrants? And, if so, why would they do this?'"

Medieval monk hailed by Barack Obama was a heretic, says Vatican -Times Online

"The Vatican has dismissed as a heretic a mystical medieval monk apparently cited by Barack Obama as a moral authority and visionary."

...the US President referred in campaign speeches to Gioacchino da Fiore, or Joachim of Fiore, as a ''master of contemporary civilisation'' who had sought to create a better world. Drawing on the Book of Revelation, Gioacchino envisaged a "new age of the Holy Spirit" in which the Church hierarchy would cease to exist and Christians would unite with infidels in an "Order of the Just".

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama seeks Muslims for White House posts

"'It was mostly under the radar,' Williams said. 'We thought it would put (the president) in a precarious position. We didn't know how closely he wanted to appear to be working with the Muslim American community.'

Ellison is serious about his faith. He made the pilgrimage to Mecca with the sponsorship of the Muslim American Society, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In 1991, Mohamed Akram wrote a memo for the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood that explained its work in America as 'a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.'"

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tennessee Citizens are Holding Corrupt Public Officials Accountable

"'Public officials under investigation and charges often use their public positions of trust to retaliate, disseminating false and misleading information against citizens who bring complaints to discredit the citizen's testimony and character' states, a political analyst.

Every American citizen is endowed with an inherent right and responsibility to hold public officials accountable. For further information visit: www.tnccc.com."

Friday, March 27, 2009

Report: Nuclear 9/11 threat alive and well

"Al-Qaida has 'access to nuclear materials from the former Soviet Union. In the past 10 years there have been 1,300 separate incidents of nuclear material smuggling,' MI6 revealed."

The British Home Office also announced it will train 10,000 of Britain's police to deal with the aftermath of a chemical or biological attack.

Abortionist Tiller cleared of criminal charges

YouTube star summoned to White House?

Bob Basso, ...has created videos in which he portrays Thomas Paine, author of the "Common Sense" pamphlet that made the case for independence during the American Revolution.
"'Only when they feel the almighty wrath of 'We The People' marching in the streets from California to New York shouting 'We're mad as hell and we want our country back' will they get the message they work for you.'"

...Obama had personally invited him to meet in the White House "to discuss the disturbing nature of the videos."

U.S.-backed forces infiltrated by terrorists?

"JAFFA, Israel – Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization suspects its U.S.-backed militias and official intelligence service have been infiltrated by the rival Hamas terrorist organization, according to PA sources speaking to WND."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Press TV - Commander confirms Netanyahu war plans

"Israeli army Home Front Command Major General Yair Golan said Sunday that Tel Aviv is preparing for 'all possible scenarios', indicating that one such scenario would be to fight a simultaneous war against Iran, Syria and Lebanon."

Can cops demand to take your photo?

"Two years ago, a Pennsylvania man was thrown in jail for 160 days for refusing to allow police to take his picture.

Gregory Bush, who was not charged with any crime on May 17, 2007, when a Lancaster, Pa., officer demanded to take the man's photo. Only after refusing to have his picture taken did the police subdue him, charge him with obstruction of justice and toss him in jail."

Wyoming: Don't mess with U.S. Constitution

"The state of Wyoming has adopted a resolution to inform Washington bureaucrats and bureaucracies of its opposition to any plans to hold a Constitutional Convention that would recommend changes or alterations to the nation's founding document."

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Guess who says pope was right about condoms, AIDS

"Dr. Edward C. Green, director of the AIDS Prevention Research Project at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, told National Review Online last week that despite AIDS activists and media outlets pounding the pope for downplaying the effectiveness of condoms, the science actually supports the Catholic leader's claim."

Justice Department: 'Zip it' on Ayers probe

"The Obama Justice Department instructed San Francisco police officials not to comment after top law enforcement officers there signed a letter accusing Weathermen radical Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, of being directly behind the 1970 bombing of San Francisco's police station that killed one sergeant and wounded nine others."

Now the San Francisco Chronicle is reporting the police group members who signed the letter received calls from the Justice Department and a local police chief telling them to remain silent.

CNSNews.com - Barney Frank: Antonin Scalia is a ‘Homophobe’

"“At some point, [the Defense of Marriage Act] is going to have to go to the United States Supreme Court,” Frank said. “I wouldn’t want it to go to the United States Supreme Court now because that homophobe Antonin Scalia has too many votes on this current court.”"

As always, when they don't get their way they cry"homophobic" at those that disagree with them.

Monday, March 23, 2009

USA has two options to save its economy: declare default or trigger off war - Pravda.Ru

"Experts say that the USA has only two ways to solve the problem: to either declare default or trigger off a war."

Obama wants more oversight of corporate execs' pay | Chronicle | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

"The plan is being put together in advance of the meeting of the Group of 20 industrialized and developing nations in London,"

'Fusion Centers' Expand Criteria to Identify Militia Members - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com

"If you're an anti-abortion activist, or if you display political paraphernalia supporting a third-party candidate or a certain Republican member of Congress, if you possess subversive literature, you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group."

Now we know that it's not just the 9/11-type incidents but many, many other types of incidents that we can benefit from having fusion centers that share information and product and analysis upwards and horizontally."

People who supported former third-party presidential candidates like Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr are cited in the report, in addition to anti-abortion activists and conspiracy theorists who believe the United States, Mexico and Canada will someday form a North American Union.

USA has two options to save its economy: declare default or trigger off war - Pravda.Ru

"Experts say that the USA has only two ways to solve the problem: to either declare default or trigger off a war."

RIA Novosti - Russia - Russia could focus on tactical nuclear weapons for subs

"Russia may prioritize the development of nuclear-powered attack submarines armed with nuclear-capable cruise missiles in the future, while maintaining its fleet of strategic subs, a senior Navy official said."

RIA Novosti - Russia - Russian army creates 20 motorized infantry brigades

"Russia has created 20 motorized infantry brigades as part of ongoing military reforms, the commander of the Ground Forces said on Friday."

Will Obama tax plan hurt religious groups? - USATODAY.com

"the change will result in a 10% drop in charitable giving by wealthy Americans, who typically contribute about 20% of all charitable dollars. In real dollars, Williams projects a decline of about $6 billion in charitable donations because of the change."

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Man critical of Obama case judge visited by marshals

"'When you solemnly swear to uphold and defend the Constitution – then loathsomely lacerate and despicably desecrate that hallowed document – perhaps you should fear for your safety, for you have stopped being a dutiful servant of the people, and started arrogating unto yourself the venomous trappings of their tyrannical slave-master,' he wrote."

FOXNews.com - Source: 'Several' Missing Somali-Americans Back in U.S. After Overseas Terror Mission - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

"Many of the Somali-American men who were recruited to join an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group overseas have returned to the United States, according to a source familiar with an FBI investigation into the matter — but the FBI still has not revealed publicly if it is pursuing arrests in the case."

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tax Day tea parties expected to number more than 1,000

"The American Family Association, or AFA, is coordinating 1,000 Taxed Enough Already, or TEA, parties to be held at 12 p.m. in front of city halls across the nation."

This photo posted on Instapundit.com by reader Russell Sayre was taken from the 17th floor of the U.S. Bank Tower above Fountain Square in Cincinnati, Ohio, as a tea party began on March 15. According to some reports, more than 4,000 people showed up for the Cincinnati tea party. Other national tea parties have reported hundreds, and even thousands, of attendees, but few major media outlets have covered their

Taitz to FBI: Investigate 'tampering' at Supremes

"A California attorney battling on a number of fronts to obtain documentation of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president is asking the FBI and U.S. Secret Service to investigate suspected 'tampering' at the U.S. Supreme Court."

Taitz raises questions about "forgery of court records, tampering with court records, cyber crime, erasing of court records from the docket, fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud and other related crimes."

Specifically, she points to the handling of her own case, Lightfoot v. Bowen, which was submitted to the Supreme Court on an emergency basis. Although it was scheduled for a conference, no hearing ever was held.

"Did somebody from outside break and enter into the computer system of the Supreme Court or was it done by one of the overzealous employees who wanted to keep Obama in the White House?"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Latest News | Top Stories | News Articles

"The birth rate rose slightly for women of all ages, and births to unwed mothers reached an all-time high of about 40 percent, continuing a trend that started years ago. More than three-quarters of these women were 20 or older."

Sources: U.S. to sign U.N. gay rights decree - White House- msnbc.com

"WASHINGTON - The Obama administration will endorse a U.N. declaration calling for the worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality that then-President George W. Bush had refused to sign, The Associated Press has learned."

Interview with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano: 'Away From the Politics of Fear' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

"Napolitano: Of course it does. I presume there is always a threat from terrorism. In my speech, although I did not use the word 'terrorism,' I referred to 'man-caused' disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur."

Chaplain at Hospice by the Sea in Boca Raton resigns over ban on word 'God' -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

"A chaplain at Hospice by the Sea in Boca Raton has resigned, she says, over a ban on use of the words 'God' or 'Lord' in public settings."

"I was sensitive to the fact that we don't impose religion on our staff, and that it is not appropriate in the context of a staff meeting to use certain phrases or 'God' or 'Holy Father,' because some of our staff don't believe at all," Alderson said.

"cease and desist from using God in prayers."

Signorelli said her supervisor recently singled her out for delivering a spiritual reflection in the chapel that included the word "Lord" and had "a Christian connotation."

What's next? As of now, Christians can't say, be, act or pray for anything Christian without being called and punished for being (so-called) out of line, wrong, forcing our religion on others, or (believe it or not) guilty for speaking in a chapel with a "Christian connotation".....? This is the enemy coming in as a flood!

Mystery solved: Police chief ordered troops

"'Fort Rucker provided 22 military police personnel, and five vehicles were sent into Samson to provide non-law enforcement support in the town of Samson, Alabama,'"

Belk explained Fort Rucker "was told it would be difficult for the Samson police force to maintain 24/7 operations, and they needed some assistance."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Judge rips homeschool mom's choice of churches

"The assistant pastor said the judge was stating as fact statements based on hearsay and gossip.

'I think it's pretty obvious what's going on here. None of these things was ever raised before Vanessa went public and pressure was brought to bear on the judge. Now all of a sudden his order is absolutely filled with this stuff, with no rebuttals from Venessa,' he said. 'We submitted affidavits on her behalf that thoroughly dealt with all these accusations.

'These affidavits showed this was gossip and not accurate, conjured up by ex-members with their own personal agendas and axes,' he said."

Veterans rip Obama plan to charge wounded heroes

"The president is being 'unreasonable' in his expectations that wounded soldiers will have to have treatments for service-related injuries covered by their own private health insurance, according to leaders of the American Legion.

'It became apparent during our discussion today that the president intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan,'"

Washington Times - BREITBART: 'My Real Time With Bill Maher'

"Even though Mr. Dyson filibustered in a poetic jargon only a linguistics student could decipher, and Mr. Maher glared at me in his trademark smirk, and the audience booed my every utterance, I left knowing I won the rigged bout simply by showing up."

Feds undercut civilian supply of ammunition

"A recent government policy change has taken a bite out of the nation's already stressed ammunition supply, leaving arms dealers scrambling to find bullets for private gun owners."

"This policy didn't come out of the blue," writes Owen. "The Commander in Chief is clearly sending a message to gun owners that they should be paying more for ammunition. If he can't do it through regulatory action, he'll do it by forcing ammunition manufacturers to spend more on production."

Webster's dictionary redefines 'marriage'

"The new definition references 'marriage' as the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife. But the definition also includes 'the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage.'"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bishop orders Episcopal priest to renounce Islamic faith - USATODAY.com

"Wolf has told Redding that her conversion to Islam constitutes an abandonment of the Christian faith and she must recant by March 30 or lose her status as a priest."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Homeschool-denying judge sets case on mom's Sabbath

"At a court hearing last week, Mangum conceded the children are 'thriving' under Mills' instruction but said they need to be exposed to the 'real world.'

'It will do them a great benefit to be in the public schools, and they will challenge some of the ideas that you've taught them, and they could learn from that and make them stronger,' the judge said."

Signs of Obama-Clinton Pressure on Israel - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

"[she] legitimized the question’s false premise and actually helped incite hatred against Israel by not refuting it and ignoring the fact that 98 percent of Palestinians actually live under the Palestinian Authority or Hamas, not Israeli control."

"At this time, it appears that the U.S. is planning to appease the Iranians, Syrians, and Palestinians by paying with ‘Israeli currency.’ As you recall, dear Ms. Clinton, we have too much history. We remember what happened when the Free World was willing to sacrifice Czechoslovakia in order to appease Hitler. We are unwilling to risk our very existence in order for the U.S. to buy itself a quiet withdrawal from Iraq."

Chief justice publicly accepts WND's eligibility petition

"A California attorney lobbying the U.S. Supreme Court for a review of Barack Obama's qualifications to be president confronted the chief justice yesterday with legal briefs
and a WND petition bearing names of over 325,000 people asking the court to rule on whether or not the sitting president fulfills the Constitution's 'natural-born citizen' clause."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

America is in urgent need of its own 'peristrokia', says Gorbachev - Telegraph

"“Everyone is used to America as the shepherd that tells everyone what to do,” Mr Gorbachev said on a visit to London with Alexander Lebedev, the new majority owner of the London Evening Standard newspaper.

But this period has already ended. That’s why there must be solidarity and partnerships. One single country can never rule the whole world,” he said."

Friday, March 13, 2009

Parents sue state over babies' DNA

"its practice of collecting DNA from newborns and then keeping and using the private information."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Survey: Less Than 1 Percent of Young Adults Hold Biblical Worldview| Christianpost.com

A biblical worldview, as defined by the Barna study, is believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is completely accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.

"George Barna, who directed the research, commented on the “troubling” generational pattern that suggests “parents are not focused on guiding their children to have a biblical worldview.”"

Putting the care and "training" of our children into the hands of those that differ from our Christian beliefs and God's Word is one of the great downfalls of our time. Personal devotion is one of the keys of obtaining to God's will.

2 arrested in FBI raid at Obama appointee's office - wtop.com

"D.C. Office of the Chief Technology Officer employee Yusuf Acar and Advanced Integrated Technologies Corporation (AITC) President and CEO Sushil Bansal have been arrested, sources tell WTOP."

More of Obama's friends in trouble for breaking the law and engaging in criminal activity. Obama's not only surrounded by this level of crime, but appoints them guilty of crime, receives money from them, is voted for by them and is given open public support by criminals, communist, Muslim terrorists and dictators. WOW! And who among us isn't concerned about this kind of Presidential administration leading the country?

Chanting Teachers Take Over Building | NBC Los Angeles

"LOS ANGELES -- A school board meeting turned into a display of civil disobedience Tuesday as about 50 educators refused to leave, creating a brief standoff with police, who refused to make any arrests in the presence of media."

The members of ACORN and United Teachers Los Angeles -- all wearing bright red shirts -- entered the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education meeting on Tuesday afternoon, sat down and began chanting.

"...all wearing bright red shirts"? Communist are always in love with the color red. And we wonder why we are having problems in our schools and in the lives and personal beliefs of our nation's youth? A stream rarely rises above it's stream, as the old saying goes. The young people of this nation are simply acting out what they are being taught in the public schools. And this is what our judges and politicians are trying to force upon all of us.

'Deep concern' Obama ready to talk to Hamas

"the U.S. government has changed its attitude toward Hamas and may be ready to end the terrorist group's isolation"

Foul mouse! Disney 'drops F-bomb' over '9/11'

"Tom Borelli, a self-proclaimed conservative activist, claims"...

Borelli "had just ended his presentation and was attempting to shake Iger's hand when Iger used the [obscene] phrase. Iger also refused to uncross his arms and shake Borelli's hand. Borelli, who had received applause from fellow shareholders after his presentation, went back to the podium and precisely reported to his fellow shareholders what Iger had just said, to gasps from the assembled crowd."

Clinton: OK to experiment on 'unfertilized embryos'

"Gupta asked Clinton, '[L]et me just ask you, as someone who studied this, is this going to always be as divisive an issue as it is now? Is this going to be the abortion of the next generation? Or are people going to come around?'"

Clinton said scientists must be careful to use only embryos that "have been placed beyond the pale of being fertilized before their use."

Human embroyo at approximately five weeks

During the interview, Gupta, a neurosurgeon and Obama's former pick for surgeon general, failed to clarify that a human embryo is by definition an egg that has been fertilized for several days and that creation of stem cell lines requires its destruction.

Judge orders homeschoolers into public district classrooms

"A North Carolina judge has ordered three children to attend public schools this fall because the homeschooling their mother has provided over the last four years needs to be 'challenged.'"

...it was putting his judgment in place of the mother's.

Every kid MUST be kept in the chains of the public schools for our current brood of vipers called "politicians" to have some thing to "throw our tax-payer's money at"...as they continually use this sad situation for getting elected and for spending money.

ABC News: Spring Break Meets 'State of Undeclared War' on U.S.-Mexico Border

"Concerns have consumed college campuses and student travel offices as well as lawmakers on Capitol Hill because rampant violence has killed about 7,000 people since the start of 2008. There have been 1,000 murders this year alone."

FOXNews.com - Report: Police Union Accuses Ayers in Deadly 1970 San Francisco Bombing - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

"'There are irrefutable and compelling reasons to believe that Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn ... are largely responsible for the bombing of Park Police Station,' the Feb. 24 letter reads, according to the Chronicle."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Canada joins Transatlantic Union effort

"Canada has decided to join the United States in negotiating a transatlantic free trade agreement with the European Union."
The agreement constituted the Transatlantic
economic Council as a permanent body that committed the U.S. to "deeper transatlantic economic integration," without ratification by the Senate as a treaty or passage by Congress as a law.

New center revives North America agenda

"the globalist effort to integrate North America economically and politically continues under different names."

MSNBC poll: Obama earns 'F' on performance

"While the approval rating has remained between 38 and 42 percent since Inauguration Day, a full 32 percent now strongly disapprove of his performance – the highest disapproval rating yet."

Crisis has wiped out 45% of world’s wealth: Blackstone CEO

"'Between 40% and 45% of the world's wealth has been destroyed in little less than a year and a half,' Mr. Schwarzman told an audience at the Japan Society. 'This is absolutely unprecedented in our lifetime.'"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Famed pastor predicts imminent catastrophe

"'It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires – such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago,' he explains. 'There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting – including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written, 'If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?'"

Robert George and Eric Cohen Say Barack Obama Has Politicized Stem-Cell Research - WSJ.com

"Yesterday President Barack Obama issued an executive order that authorizes expanded federal funding for research using stem cells produced by destroying human embryos. The announcement was classic Obama: advancing radical policies while seeming calm and moderate, and preaching the gospel of civility while accusing those who disagree with the policies of being 'divisive' and even 'politicizing science.'"

Obama makes Oval Office call to reporters - Curl - Presidential Election Commentary - Washington Times

"'It was hard for me to believe that you were entirely serious about that socialist question,' he told reporters, who had interviewed the president aboard Air Force One on Friday."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sharia's Inroads Around the World - Middle East Times

"But Sharia is not just making inroads in Pakistan but actually creeping in the West and in particular in Europe"

And yet, Christians are being persecuted, tried in kangaroo courts with their rights being denied and abused, their daughters are being kidnapped for sex and forced marriage, forced "conversions", churches burned down, etc, in most "Islamic" nations in the name of Islam, and with the blessings or "allowing" of the country's rulers. BUT IT'S A RELIGION OF PEACE...so says the liberals, media and the democrats and Obama.

Commentary: Elect a crazy council, get crazy results | detnews.com | The Detroit News

"When he dared suggest that an improved Cobo Center would create more good-paying jobs for union workers, Conyers reminded him, 'Those workers look like you; they don't look like me.'

Desperate, he invoked President Barack Obama's message of unity and was angrily warned, 'Don't yousay his name here.'

Juxtapose the place and the faces and imagine a white Livonia City Council treating a black union representative with such overt racial hostility. The Justice Department would swoop down like a hawk, and the Rev. Al Sharpton would clog Five Mile Road with protesters."

Pakistan Attack on Sri Lankan Cricket Team: Echoes of Mumbai?

"They were young, about 25-to-30 years of age, coming from different directions. Some were clean-shaven, others bearded. They were wearing tracksuits and carried backpacks. One of the men then put down his rocket launcher and pulled out a rifle. He changed the magazine so quickly that it could only have been done by a professional. The others were walking around so calmly, across the grass in the roundabout.'"

More on the "religion of peace".

Firestorm Over Tenn. Gun Permit Database - CBS News

A Memphis newspaper has posted a searchable database of Tennesseans with permits to carry concealed handguns, upsetting firearms owners and igniting a debate on whether such information should be available to the public.

Gun owners say the database is an invasion of privacy and makes permit holders easy targets for burglaries. They have flooded the newspaper with complaints - some 600 e-mails daily...

Still, the database has widened the rift between First and Second Amendment proponents.

...hopes to add real estate transactions and the sex offenders registry.

This is a simple one to understand...if you're not under the influence of the "liberalism/Marxism" dream. These people, the media, Hollywood, and the Democratic Party, claim that by taking away all guns of citizens will lead to "safety" in America. This couldn't be farther from the truth. They also are willing to do anything or go to any lengths to achieve this, including harassing and making the lives and properties of gun owners to possibly become suspect to danger, injury or even death. All in the name of the liberal idea that "guns are evil" and therefore those that own them "must be evil too", or are "attributing to the evil". This kind of wild imagination of the liberals continual to prove that they are simply the "useful idiots" of Marxism that Lenin (USSR founder) spoke of. Neither do they care about the 600 emails a day, protests and concerns of these people that they are now at risk of targeted robberies. No, they only care that they are fighting "evil guns" and "evil gun owners". Yet they claim that the newspaper is only concerned with the people knowing important information about the community, but do they really? So, they readers about those in the community who LEGALLY ARE PERMITTED TO CARRY GUNS, BUT DON'T THE PAPER DOESN'T TELL THE COMMUNITY WHO AMONG THEM IS A CONVICTED SEXUAL PREDATOR, RAPIST, CHILD-MOLESTER, etc? This shows me that the paper is only concerned with fighting against gun ownership, and is using the guise of a "community info link" story to cover their pernicious ways.

More military officers demand eligibility proof

"Military officers from the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are working with California attorney Orly Taitz and her Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, citing a legal right established in British common law nearly 800 years ago and recognized by the U.S. Founding Fathers to demand documentation that may prove – or disprove – Barack Obama's eligibility to be president."

Monday, March 2, 2009

MPR: New Islamic mortgages now available in Minnesota

"A handful of private banks and lending institutions offer Islamic mortgages in the U.S., but Minnesota Housing is the first state agency to offer such a product. The program is the brainchild of Hussein Samatar, director of the African Development Center in Minneapolis."

Samatar, who used to work for Wells Fargo, tried for years to launch Islamic financing. He says the fact that Minnesota Housing has agreed to participate is a nod to the Muslim community's growing economic power.

"It is great news for the country, and it really sends a great signal that the United States is our country," he said, "and we would love to make it better."

Dallasites turn in 90 guns in exchange for grocery cards | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Morning News

"The city of Dallas’ gun buyback program on Saturday morning yielded at least 90 guns in exchange for $50 grocery store gift cards, the city announced."

People will give up anything when it is for "peace and safety" (included food to eat and homes to live in).

A Chip Below Their Shoulders on ADVANCE for LPNs

Radio frequency identification (RFID) may seem like something borne out of The Jetsons or the latest sci-fi thriller.

But this identification technology isn't as futuristic as it sounds. In fact, RFID has existed for several years (dating back to the late 1940s) and is gaining popularity in its use in credit cards, toll booths, passports and subway systems. It's also become more common among pet owners who have their animals imbedded with RFID chip implants to make it easier to identify Fido should he get lost or "petnapped."

"an organization based in West Palm Beach, FL, that cares for more than 2,000 Alzheimer's patients and caregivers throughout a three-county radius (Palm Beach, Martin and St. Lucie) — partnered with neighboring RFID technology manufacturer VeriChip to begin a 2-year pilot program using the company's latest RFID device — the VeriMed microchip."

To date, about 100 patients and caregivers with Alzheimer's Community Care have undergone successful RFID implants with another 100 expected to be implanted by February 2009.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev 13:16-17

People, it has to start somewhere. And here is another example of it growing across the nation.

The Daily Texan - Police, citizens clash over cameras

"Three of the four Austin residents who spoke against a proposed police surveillance program at a City Council meeting in February compared the plan to “1984,” the science fiction novel about a society under constant surveillance.

One critic, Vickie Karp, said the program “equates to destroying freedom in order to save it.”"

CNSNews.com - U.S. Senator Says He Would Practice Civil Disobedience If Obama Repeals Abortion 'Conscience Clause'

"The Obama administration’s “review” is considered the precursor to rescinding the regulation.

“I think a lot of us will go to jail,” Coburn told CNSNews.com when asked what would happen if the administration reverses the policy. “Let’s see them prosecute the first one of us for not doing that.”"

U.S. agency aims to undo Bush's abortion rule - International Herald Tribune

"The Obama administration moved Friday to undo a last-minute Bush administration rule that granted broad protections to health workers who refuse to take part in abortions or provide other health care that goes against their consciences."

This is the most ANTI-LIFE/PRO-ABORTION President ever in the USA. God help us in this. This is about the shedding of innocent blood that God hates. And they do it because democrats are making countless millions, while helping in controlling the World's population (which they claim is too high and should be decreased daily, which abortion does)...this is not about a woman's so-called right to choose.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Senator calls Obama ‘world’s best salesman of socialism’ « - Blogs from CNN.com

"“the Union of American Socialist Republics is being born” with the president’s stimulus package.

“Lenin and Stalin would love this stuff,”"