United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Saturday, December 19, 2009

CNSNews.com - More than 3 Million Registered Voters are Dead, 12 Million More Ineligible, Analysis Finds

"Regardless of how lively an election season might be, a new study shows that more 3.3 million voters on current registration rolls across the country are dead.

Another 12.9 million remain on voter registration lists in an area where they no longer live."

CNSNews.com - Mayor Set to Sign DC's Same-Sex Marriage Bill

"Same-sex marriages in the nation's capital will come one step closer when Washington's mayor signs the bill at a public ceremony.

The city council approved the measure this week legalizing gay marriage."

CNSNews.com - After Covering Up Symbol for Jesus at Georgetown, White House Had Obama Speak in Front of Symbols for AMA, AARP and Human Rights Campaign

"When President Barack Obama spoke at Gaston Hall at Georgetown University on April 14, the university complied with a White House request to cover up all signs and symbols on the wall of the stage behind where the president spoke. These included the monogram “IHS”-- a symbol for the name of Jesus--which is prominently engraved in gold on a pediment in the center of the back wall of stage."

Friday, December 18, 2009

Why the sign of Our Lady reigns over Europe - Catholic Herald

"“It is a symbol of Virgin Marie!” And then, as if on cue, she reached behind her cash register and grabbed a well-worn copy of a French Bible, quickly thumbed through and held it out for me to read: Un grand signe parut dans le ciel: une femme enveloppée du soleil, la lune sous ses pieds, et une couronne de douze étoiles sur sa tête (“Then a great and mysterious sight appeared in the sky."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Spooky: 1 in 3 Democrats communicate with the dead

"* 36 percent of Democrats report being in touch with someone who is dead, compared with only 21 percent of Republicans.

* 21 percent of Democrats say they have seen a ghost, compared with only 11 percent of Republicans.

* 22 percent of Democrats say they have consulted a fortune-teller, compared with 9 percent of Republicans.

* 30 percent of Democrats say they believe in reincarnation, compared with 17 percent of Republicans.

* 31 percent of Democrats say they believe in astrology, compared with 14 percent of Republicans

* 31 percent of Democrats view yoga as a spiritual practice, compared with 15 percent of Republicans.

* 30 percent of Democrats say they believe in spiritual energy, compared with 17 percent of Republicans."

Celebs to kids: America stinks!

"'The People Speak' as an effort to promote 'Marxist academic Howard Zinn's capitalism-bashing, America-dissing, grievance-mongering history textbook, 'A People's History of the United States.' … Zinn's work is a self-proclaimed 'biased account
' of American history that rails against white oppressors, the free market and the military.'"

The first two pages of Zinn's book demonstrate why Malkin and other critics might judge "A People's History of the United States" as inherently socialist propaganda:

Copenhagen climate summit: Tony Blair calls on world leaders to ‘get moving’ - Telegraph

"Following the ‘climategate scandal’, Mr Blair said the science may not be “as certain as its proponents allege”.
But he said the world should act as a precaution against floods, droughts and mass extinction caused by climate change, in fact it would be “grossly irresponsible” not to."

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jimmy Carter: Abuse of Women? Blame the Catholics and Southern Baptists

"In an address to a gathering sponsored by the World Parliament of Religions (PWR) last Friday, former US President Jimmy Carter has once again blamed traditional religion, particularly Southern Baptists and Roman Catholics, for 'creating an environment where violations against women are justified.'

...Carter appeals to his authority as someone who has 'taught Bible lessons for more than 65 years.'

In opposition to the vast majority of authentic scholars and historians, Carter asserted: 'It's clear that during the early Christian era women served as deacons, priests, bishops, apostles, teachers and prophets.' He added: 'It wasn't until the 4th century or the 3rd at the earliest that dominant Christian leaders, all men, twisted and distorted Holy Scriptures to perpetuate their ascendant position within the religious hierarchy.'

Contrary to the theorizing of Carter, Pope John Paul II taught, 'The Lord Jesus chose men to form the college of the twelve apostles, and the apostles did the same when they chose collaborators to succeed them in their ministry.' He added: 'the Church recognizes herself to be bound by this choice made by the Lord himself. For this reason the ordination of women is not possible.' (Catechism of the Catholic Church; 1577)

Carter singled out the Southern Baptist Convention and Roman Catholic Church, claiming that they 'view that the Almighty considers women to be inferior to men.' However, both Christian faiths hold to the Scriptural truth that God created men and women equal.

Carter suggests that only in permitting women to become priests and pastors could male religious leaders choose to interpret teachings to exalt rather than subjugate women. 'They have, for their own selfish ends, overwhelmingly chosen the latter, subjugation,' he said.

'Their continuing choice provides a foundation or justification for much of the pervasive persecution and abuse of women throughout the world,' said Carter. Carter goes on to list horrific violations against women such as rape, genital mutilation, abortion of female embryos and spousal battery.

Responding to Carter's nearly identical points in July, John Paul Meenan, Professor of Theology at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy in Barry's Bay, Ontario characterized Carter's points as 'ridiculous,' noting that there was no evidence of the ordination of women in the early Church.

Moreover, Meenan stressed that historically Christianity ought to be credited for promoting the dignity of women. 'It is the Church that invariably improved the lot of women in the lands that were converted and Christianized,' he said."

'Witch hunt' expected under new U.S. 'hate crimes' law

"The lawyer who handled the years-long battle by Pastor Stephen Boissoin over 'hate speech' charges for a letter he wrote to the editor of a local newspaper that cited the Bible's condemnation of homosexuality is forecasting a nationwide 'witch hunt' in the U.S. prompted by an expanded 'hate crimes' law signed by President Obama."

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

"The 23% who Strongly Approve matches the lowest level of enthusiasm yet recorded. Just 41% of Democrats Strongly Approve while 69% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 21% Strongly Approve and 49% Strongly Disapprove."

Friday, December 11, 2009

CNSNews.com - Hollywood and Howard Zinn’s Marxist Education Project

"The two most important questions for society, according to the Greek philosopher Plato, are these: What will we teach our children? And who will teach them?"

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lesbian awarded custody of Christian's only child

"A Vermont court ordered a Christian child taken away from her mother and given to a lesbian ex-partner, setting up, according to a lawyer for the Christian family, a dispute that the U.S. Supreme Court likely will have to resolve."

Liberty Counsel said, "Unrefuted testimony has shown that for the last five years, Janet has neither attempted to phone nor write Isabella. She has never sent Isabella a card of any kind for any occasion. Janet has refused to attend Isabella's Christmas plays because she does not want to be around a Christian environment. She has also said that it is not in Isabella's best interest to be raised in a Christian home."

Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani Held in Death of Prof. Richard Antoun - NYTimes.com

"In his statement, Mr. Mollen said there was “no indication of religious or ethnic motivation” in the killing. He said no other arrests were expected."

Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani Held in Death of Prof. Richard Antoun - NYTimes.com

"A 46-year-old Binghamton University graduate student from Saudi Arabia was charged on Saturday with killing a retired anthropology professor, a specialist in Islamic and Middle Eastern studies with whom he had worked, the authorities said."

In his statement, Mr. Mollen said there was “no indication of religious or ethnic motivation” in the killing. He said no other arrests were expected.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

CNSNews.com - Abortion Is a ‘God-Given Right,’ Liberal Leader Declares

"Rev. Carlton Veazey, president and CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, told a small crowd of pro-abortion protesters that women have a “God-given right” to abortion and that opposition from pro-life congressmen and religious leaders would never take it away."