United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Harry Reid: Republican party's filibuster 'anti-American' - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

“Even some Democrats would like to offer amendments on this bill,” Reid said. “All of this talk from Republicans about wanting to do something about this bill before it gets on the floor is really anti-Senate and anti-American.”

Tony Perkins: I see 'hostility' toward Christianity

"I see an environment being created that is hostile to Christianity," he said. "Two months ago, I was disinvited to speak at Andrews Air Force Base. Just last week … Franklin Graham [was] disinvited to pray at the Pentagon on the National Day of Prayer."
He said that "shows that this isn't about political activity. It's not about public policy positions. It really comes down to the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Judge warns: 'Arm yourselves!'

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Task Force pulls out of Pentagon prayer event (OneNewsNow.com)

"An official with the National Day of Prayer Task Force believes the strongest military force in the world has bowed to pressure from a small group of people who oppose prayer at the Pentagon.
John Bornschein was responding to news that the Pentagon has withdrawn an invitation for evangelist Franklin Graham to take part in an interfaith ceremony at the Pentagon.

Plans called for Graham to be part of an ecumenical service at the Pentagon during the National Day of Prayer event set for May 6, but after groups such as the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and the Council on American Islamic Relations complained about statements Graham had previously made about Islam, the Army announced it had withdrawn its request for the evangelist to speak."

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Director: Robocop Was an ‘American Jesus’ Because He Kills People

"Verhoeven recently spoke to MTVs Josh Horowitz about the underlying symbolism of Robocop and his main conception was that the Robocop character was an “American Jesus” because his method of righting wrongs was to shoot and kill all evil doers. Robocop was judge, jury, and executioner all in one and that apparently makes him an “American Jesus.”
It was Verhoeven’s contention that America is little else but a violent nation that has no interest in peace, law, order, or diplomacy, but is the quintessentially violent cowboy, self-interested, and mostly a lawless place."

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Levitt Letter Extra News » Blog Archive » To Hijab… Or Not

Levitt Letter Extra News » Blog Archive » To Hijab… Or Not: "To Hijab… Or Not
By Daniel Pipes, www.DanielPipes.org
Glamorous Muslim Political Women
In “Hijabs on Western Political Women” (see pictorial that follows below), I displayed a brood of queens, princesses, first ladies, members of congress, foreign ministers, journalists, and even movie stars looking anywhere from faintly ridiculous to outlandishly bad as they wear some variant of a hijab.
It then occurred to me, what about Muslim political women – are they all in hijabs, chadors, jilbabs, niqabs, and burqas? A little research found that at least some of them not only avoid any Islamic apparel but fit a Western standard of beauty and glamor, making a sharp contrast to those Europeans and Americans in their tatty hijabs."


Friday, April 16, 2010

National Day of Prayer ruled unconstitutional

National Day of Prayer ruled unconstitutional: "Crabb wrote that in her view of case law, 'government involvement in prayer may be consistent with the establishment clause when the government's conduct serves a significant secular purpose and is not a 'call for religious action on the part of citizens,'' citing a high-profile Ten Commandments case, McCreary County, Kentucky v. ACLU.
'Unfortunately,' she wrote, the National Day of Prayer law 'cannot meet that test.'
'It goes beyond mere 'acknowledgment' of religion,' Crabb wrote, 'because its sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function in this context. In this instance, the government has taken sides on a matter that must be left to individual conscience.'"

NASA lab accused of crackdown on intelligent design

NASA lab accused of crackdown on intelligent design: "A complaint has been filed against NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, which sent Galileo to Jupiter and dispatched a ship named Dawn to orbit asteroids Vesta and Ceres, claiming managers there discriminated against and demoted a key project worker because he shared intelligent design videos with co-workers.
The case has been filed by David Coppedge, an information technology specialist and systems administrator on the lab's Cassini mission to Saturn, which has been described as the most ambitious interplanetary exploration ever launched.
Images recently released from the project reveal lightning on Saturn.
'For the offense of offering videos to colleagues, Coppedge faced harassment, an investigation cloaked in secrecy, and a virtual gag order on his discussion of intelligent design,' said attorney Casey Luskin of Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture."

Schools' assignment: Squelch family values

"The proposal states 'all public education institutions, prekindergarten through university campuses, are encouraged to develop and enact policies that support tolerance and acceptance of others regardless of their race or ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, or any other characteristic. … [Further] resolved, that all public education institutions are encouraged to enact procedures, such as counseling services and conflict management, that meaningfully address acts of discrimination. …'
'The Democrats with the help of silent Republicans have given homosexual activists and the liberal education establishment a new tool with which to squelch and punish pro-family values in public schools,' said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com."

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Absurd Report » Who is Saul D. Alinsky?

The Absurd Report » Who is Saul D. Alinsky?:

"Hilary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama
Although Obama did not study directly at “Alinsky School”, he was influenced enough by Alinsky
to write a chapter in a book called After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.
From the chapter in the book��
Why Organize? Problems and Promise in the Inner City
For three years Barack Obama was the director of Developing Communities Project, an institutionally based community organization on Chicago’s far south side. He has also been a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, an organizing institute working throughout the Midwest. Currently he is studying law at Harvard University. “Why Organize? Problems and Promise in the Inner City” was first published in the August/ September 1988 Illinois Issues [published by then-Sangamon State University, which is now the University of Illinois at Springfield].
Chapter 4 (pp. 35-40) of After Alinsky By Barack Obama can be read here�."

In this same artical it speaks about Hilary Clinton's hidden thesis is on Alinsky too! Forbidden to be put online or copied...why is the college doing this?

It is a Clash of Civilizations - Op-Eds - Israel National News

It is a Clash of Civilizations - Op-Eds - Israel National News: "Lieberman: We didn't provoke anybody. I hear all the condemnations of Israel regarding so-called East Jerusalem. In the same week 60 people were killed in Pakistan in terror attacks. In every country around us there is bloodshed and tension. But everybody prefers to criticize Israel. I am waiting for the day when the German Bundestag debates the violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia."

Obama’s transparency haze - TheHill.com

Obama’s transparency haze - TheHill.com: "When I came to town in the early ’70s, “transparency” was a photographic rather than a political term. Legislation was written in backrooms by congressional grandees, votes were traded for bridges and highways and no one outside Washington was much the wiser."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It is a Clash of Civilizations - Op-Eds - Israel National News

"Lieberman: We didn't provoke anybody. I hear all the condemnations of Israel regarding so-called East Jerusalem. In the same week 60 people were killed in Pakistan in terror attacks. In every country around us there is bloodshed and tension. But everybody prefers to criticize Israel. I am waiting for the day when the German Bundestag debates the violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Judge to ACLU: Where are plaintiffs?

Judge to ACLU: Where are plaintiffs?: "A federal judge handling a case brought by the ACLU against a school district that has forced teachers to hide in closets if they want to pray now is demanding documentation about the status of the plaintiffs, whose identifies have been kept secret.
That's because the case never was certified as class action, which means unless those for whom the case was brought remain in peril over the school's actions, there are valid questions about 'this court's continued enforcement jurisdiction over the consent decree,' the judge wrote.
WND has reported on the case, which has included an order crafted by the ACLU requiring employees in the Santa Rosa School District to act in an 'official capacity' whenever they are at a 'school event' – including breaks, after-school events on or off campus and private events held on campus."

So, the ACLU gets to "craft" its own law and the court enforces it? Why are these non-elected and non-acountable to the public people/firms getting to curcumvent the legitiment system of creating laws and enforcing them upon the American people? Where are the libs that are against churches, religious groups and the like from influencing laws when an outside group (s) is doing the same thing?