United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Saturday, May 29, 2010

The lesson of al-Hudaybiyah

Mohammad's Peace = false peace for winning later by war.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

U.S. investigating GIs in Afghan deaths - Afghanistan- msnbc.com

"The Army is investigating allegations that soldiers from a 'rogue squad' may have illegally killed three Afghan civilians in Kandahar province earlier this year, U.S. military officials told NBC News."

FT.com / Technology - Google debates face recognition technology

"Google is facing probes by the Spanish, French, German, Italian and Czech data protection authorities after revealing it had accidentally recorded data from unsecured WiFi connections over the past three years.
Earlier this year it faced a public outcry over Buzz, its social networking site, which critics claimed had exposed private information without the approval of users.
Mr Schmidt insisted that the WiFi data collection had not resulted in any real harm. He said the company needed to do more to educate users about privacy concerns."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gallup Poll Finds More Americans Pro-Life Than Pro-Abortion, The "New Normal"

Episcopal Church consecrates first openly lesbian bishop - CNN.com

"Glasspool is the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church since Gene Robinson took office in New Hampshire in 2004. Episcopalians instituted a temporary ban on gay bishops after Robinson's ordination but revoked that ban last summer.
The daughter of a priest, Glasspool was one of two openly gay candidates on the slate in the Los Angeles diocese. She has said that her sexual orientation is 'not an issue.'
Bishop Jon Bruno of Los Angeles called Glasspool, an ordained priest for 28 years, a 'highly qualified and experienced' cleric.
'She's not afraid of conflict and is a reconciler,' Bruno said, according to the Episcopal Church website."

It is an issue with God!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No breakthroughs in US, China human rights talks - Yahoo! News

"Posner said in addition to talks on freedom of religion and expression, labor rights and rule of law, officials also discussed Chinese complaints about problems with U.S. human rights, which have included crime, poverty, homelessness and racial discrimination.
He said U.S. officials did not whitewash the American record and in fact raised on its own a new immigration law in Arizona that requires police to ask about a person's immigration status if there is suspicion the person is in the country illegally.

China, a nation that has the world's worst human-record ever--estimated 150 million killed by the communist government-- is now complaining to the US about so-called US human-rights violations? This is a sad public relation attempt. Not as sad as our own Presidential administration's officials "in fact raised on its own a new immigration law in Arizona" to a bloody and oppressive government of China!

9/11 families blast Kagan - NYPOST.com

"Doyle and thousands of other 9/11 relatives had joined in a suit that traced funding for the 19 hijackers to certain Saudi royals, along with banks, corporations and Islamic charities.
The royals were let off the hook last year at the urging of Kagan, the US solicitor general.
'Kagan protected them,' Doyle said. 'I think it's a huge issue, and I hope it comes up in her confirmation hearings.'
She filed a brief to the Supreme Court last May, arguing that the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act shielded Saudi princes from the suit's claims that
they gave money to Osama bin Laden and other terrorist leaders or to charities that funneled funds to al Qaeda.
Kagan cited 'the potentially significant foreign-relations consequences
of subjecting another sovereign state to suit.'
The Supreme Court declined to hear the case."

FBI files discuss Cronkite aiding Vietnam protesters - Yahoo! News

"Legendary CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite allegedly collaborated with anti-Vietnam War activists in the 1960s, going so far as to offer advice on how to raise the public profile of protests and even pledging CBS News resources to help pull off events, according to FBI documents obtained by Yahoo! News."

Monday, May 17, 2010

The 2010/5770 Jerusalem Day March of the Temple Mount Faithful

"'Together with the G‑d of Israel, the people of Israel will soon remove the enemy from the Holy Hill of G‑d and the Holy Third Temple will be rebuilt.'"

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Hidden History of Evil by Claire Berlinski, City Journal Spring 2010

"It is not nearly as well understood that Communism led just as inexorably, everywhere on the globe where it was applied, to starvation, torture, and slave-labor camps. Nor is it widely acknowledged that Communism was responsible for the deaths of some 150 million human beings during the twentieth century. The world remains inexplicably indifferent and uncurious about the deadliest ideology in history."

Broad Approval For New Arizona Immigration Law: Overview - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

"The public broadly supports a new Arizona law aimed at dealing with illegal immigration and the law’s provisions giving police increased powers to stop and detain people who are suspected of being in the country illegally."

FOXNews.com - Holder Admits to Not Reading Arizona's Immigration Law Despite Criticizing It

"Despite repeatedly voicing concerns about Arizona's new immigration enforcement law in recent weeks and threatening to challenge it, Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday he has not yet read the law, which is only 10 pages long.
Despite repeatedly voicing concerns about Arizona's new immigration enforcement law in recent weeks and threatening to challenge it, Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday he has not yet read the law -- which is only 10 pages long.
'I have not had a chance to -- I've glanced at it,' Holder said at a House Judiciary Committee hearing when asked had he read the state law cracking down on illegal immigrants."

This story is a continuation of democratic legacy: style over substance, agenda-driven, all about the "in name only" game; showing themselves as being complete ideologues; best described as knee-jerk libs.

Lets see, to put this story in some sort of proper perspective lets compare a couple of recent bills passed by US elected officials: democrats on the Federal level, and republicans on a State level. Democratic leaders just recently crammed down the throats of Americans an unpopular health care takeover bill that was more than 2000 pages long. None of the democrats are on record saying they read all of it. Even though they were in the news daily supporting the health bill as needed for Americans, wanted by Americans and that it would be good for all Americans. Adding also that against a huge movement of Americans, business leaders, republicans and economists that the bill spelled very ominus future for the US; dems repeated all such talk was only lies, misinformation, and that there wasn't anything amiss in the bill's writing, meanings or even in any future "interpratation" or application of it. Now that it's passed, we're seeing that it's not all that it was said to have been. It will cost a lot more than promised; punish a lot more than promised; change a lot more than promised; and will hurt a lot more than promised. Nevertheless, democrats were out en masse supporting it, pushing it and demanding it. Anyone who failed to echo their words and ideas on the issue were always cast in a very bad light, even as mean, cruel people that didn't care for other Americans.

Now from the other side of aisle we have a bill recently passed in AZ that is addressing what Americans themselves wholeheartedly support. According to polls it stands at 73% of the nation's population supports this bill. Around 50% of democrats support the bill, and __ of republicans do. Yet, with this extremely high number of the people, as opposed to activists, in favor of the bill, what do democratic leaders do? They are on record opposing it outright. Many democratic leaders were calling it such things as racist and along the line of even Nazism. In the frenzy of criticism and contempt was our Nation's highest lawyer: democrat Eric Holder. Holder came out of the gate swinging at the law before it was even signed by AZ's Governor. Holder was also associating the bill with racism, government abuse and other political hot-button issues that makes the liberal media jump and shout in in concert. What really makes this such an ugly lesson in the democratic reality of today is that Eric Holder was morally against this bill, spoke against it many times in the media, was personally working with the Department of Homeland Security against the bill, and claimed to be exploring the idea of a court challenge to the bill in the hopes of stopping or preventing it's use--WITHOUT EVEN READING BILL TO SEE WHAT WAS IN IT, even though it was only TEN PAGES LONG! This is why democratic leaders are held in such a very negative view by the majority of Americans today. And with this kind of behavior being their normal approach to things, that view is rightly held.

low approaval numbers
looking to take a hit this fall/be crushed
out of touch with American--even rank and file dems

Almost a Thousand Major Scientists Dissent from Darwin!

"A major storm of protest against the myth of evolution has been building for many years, as proved by almost a thousand major scientists, all with doctorates who have signed on to the following statement as of 2010: “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”"

Israel Slams Russian Remarks - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

"'It is forbidden for enlightened countries to divide terrorists into good and bad ones on the basis of geography,' the Foreign Ministry stated.
'A terrorist is a terrorist,' and there is no difference between Hamas terrorism against Israel and Chechen terrorism agains Russia, the Foreign Ministry said.
'There is no difference between [Hamas chief] Khaled Meshaal and [the late Chechen leader] Shamil Basayev, who was killed in 2005.'
'Israel has always stood behind Russia in its fight against Chechen terrorism and would have expected similar treatment regarding Hamas terrorism against Israel,' it concluded.
Despite Hamas' oft-repeated statement that it will destroy the 'Zionist occupiers,' i.e., Israel, Russia has never distanced itself from the group."

Along with the fact that Russia is comitted to building a nucular plant in Turkey, and maybe one in Syria too; the situation is only getting worse for Israel, and the world.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Associated Press: Thieves take controversial Mojave Desert cross

"MOJAVE NATIONAL PRESERVE, Calif. — Authorities say a 7-foot-tall cross in the Mojave Desert that sparked a U.S. Supreme Court dispute has been stolen.
The National Park Service says someone cut the bolts holding down the metal-pipe cross and made off with it late Sunday or early Monday.
Veterans groups say they're outraged at what they consider the desecration of a symbol that was erected in 1934 by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to honor World War I dead.
The cross was challenged by critics who say a religious symbol shouldn't be allowed on public land but the U.S. Supreme Court last month refused to order it removed."

Where's the outcry of the actions of what seems to be haters, who have committied a hate crime, over stealling a very important Christian symbol recently vendicated by the highest court of America? What would happen if this was a symbol of anything supported by the liberals of this nation? You know the news coverage would be non-stop, and the stur it would cause would only be disscribed as enciting near frinzies against a "threat to national security", the "right-wing haters", "racists" and "evil republicans". And that with countless callings for new and very restrictive laws, banning freedoms, etc, at the hands of arbitrary officials!

New force for broad immigration reform: conservative evangelicals - CNN.com

"But a growing chorus of conservative evangelical leaders has broken with their traditional political allies on the right. They're calling the Arizona law misguided and are attempting to use its passage to push for federal immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
The group, which includes influential political activists such as Richard Land, head of the Southern Baptist Convention's public policy wing, and Mathew Staver, dean of the Liberty University School of Law, will soon begin lobbying Republican leaders in Washington to support comprehensive immigration reform under President Obama."

Again, we see liberals/socialists of CNN and the DNC using the soft approach/capitulation of some churches, republicans, etc, as news-worthy info --not because of its biblically sound ideas, truth of anything Christian, or the such, but because of its support for something already in the DNC/liberal agenda and strategy for dominating US government.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » As Vichy Hollywood Cowers Before Islam, Another Catholic-Bashing Film Greenlit

"If Hollywood hadn’t spent most of the post-9/11 decade portraying Islamic terrorists as nuanced victims driven to violence by the West, their open cowardice when it come to taking on Islamists might make some sense. After all, if these extremists are — as leftist Hollywood would have us believe – nothing more than misunderstood freedom fighters, what is there to be afraid of – why so spineless?"

The Post-Hispanic Hispanic Politician - NYTimes.com

"In 1984, Mexican-American political activists were thrilled when Walter Mondale publicly considered Cisneros for the Democratic vice-presidential nomination. But second place no longer seems such a great prize. “In 1984, there were 20 million Hispanics in America,” according to the political activist Antonio Gonzalez, who heads the William C. Velasquez Institute. “Today, we are 50 million, and more and more people are registering to vote.” Who they will vote for and what issues will cement their party loyalty is one of the great questions of American politics. This year Democrats hope to exploit the ire among Hispanics over the new G.O.P.-inspired law in Arizona that empowers local police forces to crack down on illegal immigrants."

Isn't this a race-based comment, set of beliefs and motivators, and of the political ambition of a foreign people to rise up and control a land belonging to another people group? Isn't this "racism" when committed by "whites"? Can we say "double stantard!

Isn't this a law that most Americans support? Then the DNC is against the will of the people.

AFP: Obama bemoans 'diversions' of IPod, Xbox era

"Obama argued that from the days of the pioneer politicians who founded the United States, until the modern day, education and knowledge had been the key to progress and US democracy.
He drew a line between Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, and today's challenges.
'What Jefferson recognized... that in the long run, their improbable experiment -- called America -- wouldn't work if its citizens were uninformed, if its citizens were apathetic, if its citizens checked out, and left democracy to those who didn't have the best interests of all the people at heart.
'It could only work if each of us stayed informed and engaged, if we held our government accountable, if we fulfilled the obligations of citizenship.'"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Obama 'Internet czar' linked to 'Net neutrality' effort

"President Obama's 'Internet czar,' Susan P. Crawford, is tied to a Marxist-run liberal media think tank that advocates government intervention in the Internet, charges a new book released this week."


Friday, May 7, 2010

Plan for mosque near World Trade Center site moves ahead

"A proposal to build a mosque steps from Ground Zero received the support of a downtown committee despite some loved ones of 9/11 victims finding it offensive.
The 13-story mosque and Islamic cultural center was unanimously endorsed by the 12-member Community Board 1's financial district committee."

Bristol Palin goes clubbing after celebrating the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

"So how did the dignified 19-year-old get into 1Oak to begin with?
Insists a rep for the club: 'Everyone was carded.'
At least she well-behaved. Says our spy: 'She didn't drink at all.'"

Spies working for the left seems to be standard.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Media Narrative Changes: First They Blame The "Right-Wing" Now They Fear "Racism"

"Various politicians and members of the media blamed the 'right-wing' for the failed New York car bomb terrorist attack, now they are afraid of 'racism' against Muslims."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Graham upset Prayer Day invite was revoked - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times

If President Obama fails to intervene to allow controversial evangelist Franklin Graham to lead a National Day of Prayer event Thursday inside the Pentagon, “it will be a slap in the face of all Christians,” Graham said Tuesday.
And invited or not, he’ll stand in front of the Pentagon and pray, Graham said in an interview.
The Pentagon had invited a private national evangelical group, the National Day of Prayer Task Force, of which Graham is 2010 honorary chairman, to lead an official prayer service there. The prayers are for the military; Graham’s son is on his fourth tour in Afghanistan.
But the invitation was rescinded after mainline Protestants, Muslims and Jews complained that Graham offends and excludes many believers because of his strict views on Christianity and his comments that Islam is “evil.”
The Task Force requires organizers and prayer leaders to sign a statement of beliefs agreeing that salvation is only through Christ and that the Bible is inerrant — views not shared by all Christians, including Catholics and many mainline Protestants."

The WH and the DNC are against Christian prayer. BO will jump to intercede for muslims, liberals and homosexuals, but Bible-believing Christians. If this was a muslims or homosexual then this would be a hate crime, or racist if they were non-white. When liberals, blacks or muslims show and speek in bigoted, racist and anti-Christian way, they still get the jobs, appointments and grants that the Federal and White House wants, but they look for and micro examen all things associated with the Christian to "find" reasons to censer, reprove, reject and remove them.

School sued after teachers hide in closets to pray

"A Florida school district is being accused in a lawsuit of making a deal with the ACLU to criminalize 'protected religious expression,' banning students from saying 'God bless' and forcing teachers to 'hide in closets to pray.'"

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: MSNBC's Brewer: I'm Sorry Terror Suspect Has Islamic Ties

"CONTESSA BREWER (7:06): I mean the thing is is that and I get frustrated and there was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country because there are a lot of people who want to use this terrorist intent to justify writing off people who believe in a certain way or come from certain countries or whose skin color is a certain way. I mean they use it as justification for really outdated bigotry.

And so there was part of me was really hoping this would not be the case that here would be somebody who is not the defined. I mean he’s accused he’s arrested you know I don’t want to convict him before it’s time to do so. He’s the guy authorities say is involved. But that being said I mean we know even in recent history you have the Haitari militia from Michigan who have plans to let’s face it create terror.

That’s what they were planning to do and they were doing so from far different backgrounds then what this guy is coming from. So, the threat is not just coming from people who decide that America is the place to be and you know come here and want to become citizens. Obviously this guy did."

These liberals are set against anything Christian, Conservative or traditional American, and they are just as set to defend and promote anything that is Islamic or aotherwise "anti" the aforementioned things liberals are set against.

RealClearPolitics - Video - CNN: Foreclosure Brought "Pressure" And "Heartache" On NY Car Bomb Terrorist

RealClearPolitics - Video - CNN: Foreclosure Brought "Pressure" And "Heartache" On NY Car Bomb Terrorist: "CNN: Foreclosure Brought 'Pressure' And 'Heartache' On NY Car Bomb Terrorist"

Instead of thinking of the US citizens that almost lost their lives due to an attempted attack by a muslim; CNN goes for the "understanding" the attacker, "ignoring" the victims approach.

CBS Features NY Mayor Bloomberg Speculating Bomber Was Mad About ObamaCare | NewsBusters.org

"With Katie Couric drawing him out, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg agreed the Times Square car bombing was likely “homegrown” as he proceeded, in an interview excerpt run on Monday's CBS Evening News, to speculate it could have been placed by “somebody with a political agenda who doesn't like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.”

Could be “anything,” but the first thing Bloomberg thinks of are those who don't like ObamaCare, presumably conservatives or Tea Party activists."