United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Sunday, May 20, 2012

NAACP Endorses Same-Sex Marriage Amid Opposition by Black Pastors

NAACP Endorses Same-Sex Marriage Amid Opposition by Black Pastors

This, like so many other things done by so-called 'Christians' in the liberal and DNC organizations prove that they aren't Christians, but Marxists that infiltrate and abuse Christians and the Christian Faith to do their will 

Sebelius Talks Separation of Church and State at Georgetown Ceremony

Sebelius Talks Separation of Church and State at Georgetown Ceremony

Taking their 'anti-Christian' message of lies and not-in-the-Constitution deception to Christians and Churches...to keep them asleep, inactive and not alarmed at the amount or rate of speed of hate towards God, morals and Christians. 

Media "Uniformly" Back Obama on Gay Marriage; "Getting Chills" Upon Hearing Obama’s "Historic Words"

The media cheer Barack Obama's flip-flop in favor of gay "marriage," with his handpicked interviewer, ABC's Robin Roberts, confessing to "getting chills" upon hearing his "historic words" on the...

Taliban Terrorism Poetry Gets June Release in U.S.

Reviewer claims poetry will make Westerners ‘forget which side they are supposed to be on.’