United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Russians dig in but still promise Georgia pullout - Yahoo! News

"Russian forces lingered deep in Georgia on Thursday, digging trenches and setting up mortars a day before Kremlin officials promised to complete a troop withdrawal from this former Soviet republic."

Is the Russian Bear awake again? Will they take down a sleeping, unprepared and over reached US?

Jump in US measles cases linked to vaccine fears - Yahoo! News

"Measles cases in the U.S. are at the highest level in more than a decade, with nearly half of those involving children whose parents rejected vaccination, health officials reported Thursday.

Worried doctors are troubled by the trend fueled by unfounded fears that vaccines may cause autism. The number of cases is still small, just 131, but that's only for the first seven months of the year. There were only 42 cases for all of last year."

The media is the never-ending voice of all things liberal/socialist in this country! There are genuine cases that bring the chemical makeup of vaccines into question due to many problems with their creation, true purposes, their properties, and the true reasons for everyone in the country getting them. Yet the media isn't open on all the facts. What about the health problems for may who have taken them? The only concern here seems to be the control of political power to mandate things, and the influence of "educated" people like doctors not being obeyed by the masses who dare to question them!
If the media really cared for the safety of the nation or the people, then why are they continually ignoring the HUGE risks daily presented by AIDES in the queer community? Comparing the numbers is easy: 131 for not taking the vaccines and tens/hundreds of thousands (if not millions) for the "alternative" lifestyle. I don't think its hard to see this article is not about health. Don't be fooled. Liberals think that Americans are stupid, lets stop being apathetic (the real problem), and show them how wrong they are!

Satellites track Mexico kidnap victims with chips - Yahoo! News

"Affluent Mexicans, terrified of soaring kidnapping rates, are spending thousands of dollars to implant tiny transmitters under their skin so satellites can help find them tied up in a safe house or stuffed in the trunk of a car.

The recent kidnapping and murder of Fernando Marti, 14, the son of a well-known businessman, sparked an outcry in a country already hardened to crime.

More people, including a growing number of middle-class Mexicans, are seeking out the tiny chip designed by Xega, a Mexican security firm whose sales jumped 13 percent this year. The company said it had more than 2,000 clients."

Here we go, another reason for the controlling device to be implanted in all people is on the rise. The book of Revelation is coming alive everyday in the news.

www.kansascity.com | 08/20/2008 | Conflict in Georgia may force U.S. to rethink military strategy

"In a world where U.S. military strategy has been focused since Sept. 11 on fighting terrorist groups and foreign insurgencies, the sudden Russian move into Georgia raises troubling questions for military thinkers, many of whom had hoped that tensions with Russia were a thing of the distant past."

New Guidelines Would Give F.B.I. Broader Powers - NYTimes.com

"The senators said the new guidelines would allow the F.B.I. to open an investigation of an American, conduct surveillance, pry into private records and take other investigative steps “without any basis for suspicion.” The plan “might permit an innocent American to be subjected to such intrusive surveillance based in part on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or on protected First Amendment activities,”"

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Russians dig in deep within Georgia - Russia- msnbc.com

"They've stolen everything. They've bombed everything. This is fascism, that's what this is." .........

At a military training school in the mountain town of Sachkhere, a Georgian sentry said Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers had shown up the day before and demanded to be let in, leaving only after a 30-minute standoff.

Fear of new Mid East 'Cold War' as Syria strengthens military alliance with Russia - Times Online

"Syria raised the prospect yesterday of having Russian missiles on its soil, sparking fears of a new Cold War in the Middle East. President Assad said as he arrived in Moscow to clinch a series of military agreements: “We are ready to co-operate with Russia in any project that can strengthen its security.”

The Syrian leader told Russian newspapers: “I think Russia really has to think of the response it will make when it finds itself closed in a circle.”

Mr Assad said that he would be discussing the deployment of Russian missiles on his territory. The Syrians are also interested in buying Russian weapons.

In return Moscow is expected to propose a revival of its Cold War era naval base at the Syrian port of Tartus, which would give the Russian Navy its first foothold in the Mediterranean for two decades. Damascus and Moscow were close allies during the Cold War but the Kremlin’s influence in the region waned after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Yesterday’s rapprochement raised the possibility that Moscow intends to re-create a global anti-Western alliance with former Soviet bloc allies."

Russia warns of response to US missile shield

"Such comments 'border on the bizarre frankly,' Rice said, speaking to reporters traveling with her in Warsaw.

'When you threaten Poland, you perhaps forget that it is not 1988,' Rice said. 'It's 2008 and the United States has a ... firm treaty guarantee to defend Poland's territory as if it was the territory of the United States. So it's probably not wise to throw these threats around.'"

These Russians are showing themselves to truly crazy, and barbaric. They've never changed! This is exactly what true conservatives have been saying for may years about Russia. When they asked 'why is the US helping our enemy' they were treated as if they were crazy. Who's right now liberal media that attacks all things not far left?

FOXNews.com - How Much Discretion? U.N.'s Anti-Poverty Program Wants Unlimited Spending Power - United Nations

"The United Nations Development Program, the U.N.’s anti-poverty agency, which systematically ignored its own financial rules and regulations while funneling millions of dollars to North Korea, wants to give its chief operating officer the right to make out discretionary checks of unlimited amounts, without normal budgetary approval."

We need to kick the UN out of the US and snatch the US out of the UN! This is nothing but a power hungry, US money hungry organization, and we don't need it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wholesale inflation surged in July - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com

"Wholesale inflation soared in July, leaving prices rising at the fastest pace in nearly three decades."

Russia to Light Up Iraq - Kommersant Moscow

"Russia will proceed with executing electricity contracts in Iraq. The RF Energy Minister Sergei Shmatkov and Iraq’s Minister of Electricity Karim Wahid Hasan deliberated on potential cooperation yesterday. The first project could be rebuilding the Harta Thermal Plant by Tekhnopromexport. Russia’s chances to benefit from over $10 billion that Iraq intends to inject into its electricity facilities appear rather solid now."

With Russia controlling 50% of natural gas into Europe (which has severally limited their ability to speak out against Russia an anything, much less to oppose Russia). Russia is in control of Georgia's oil pipeline, the only such line that brings oil into the Western European, Israeli or US markets that does not go through Russia already. Now, for Russia to have its hands in Iraq's electricity plants (a major stake into any modern nation--all of which run off electricity) would give Russia an advantage over them too. Not to mention their oil. Those oil rigs run off electricity too you know? This is a power move, as well as an economical for Russia.

Media Credibility Plummets, 'Most Trusted' CNN Believed by Just 30% | NewsBusters.org

"“virtually every news organization or program has seen its credibility marks decline” and “Democrats continue to give most news organizations much higher credibility ratings than do Republicans.”

Based on past Pew polls, CNN touts itself as “the most trusted name in news,” but the percent who “believe all or most” of what CNN reports has fallen 12 points, to 30 percent, since Pew first posed the question in 1998. Yet, in a sign of how far the news media have fallen in the eyes of the public, that puts CNN at the top of the 12 television news outlets analyzed, as well as above all the newspapers and online sources."

Interestingly, the media hammers President Bush for having ratings of about 30% as proof that he is a horrible leader, maybe even the worse ever (according to them). So, I guess this means that CNN and the rest of the liberal gang are "horrible" media outlets, "maybe even the worse"? That would be the truth according to their principles.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Atheists abandon attempt to ban baptisms

"'Americans should be aware that such lawsuits may seem far-fetched, but they really are happening … and foreign legal decisions are increasingly cited in American courts.'"

First there, and then here? This is what is happening today! Americans need to wake up to the real dangers of the non-Christian/non-religious movement's bent attention on the Church.

Report: Snipers sparked Russian-Georgian war

"Sources in Georgia say the massive Russian onslaught into South Ossetia was prompted by Georgian snipers who apparently were picking off separatists in response to the killing of seven Georgian peacekeepers, then ran into a team of Russian peacekeepers and killed all but three, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin."

National 'gay' leaders credit Obama for Dem's pro-homosexual platform

"The release of the proposed platform for the Democratic Party's national convention has leaders of homosexual advocacy groups thanking presidential candidate Barack Obama for helping create a platform that aligns with 'lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender' (or LGBT) activists' vision of American values.".....The Democratic National Platform, called "Renewing America's Promise"

Evil is called good and good is called evil, right here, right now, in our life time-not in a faraway time or place. What is lacking for the things we've heard for so long that would come in the end? Are you ready for the days that lie ahead? Do you speak the truth in these issues? What about all the issues current today wherein the politically correct approach is evil? Speak the truth, and God will do the rest. Even if it cost us, we must do the will of God.

Obama's childhood records vindicate Corsi book

"An AP photo that recently surfaced showing Barack Obama registered for school as an Indonesian citizen of the Muslim religion provides tangible evidence for some of the claims made by author Jerome Corsi in his best-selling book, 'The Obama Nation.'"

Obama raises $7 million in San Francisco :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Barack Obama

"Obama was introduced at the dinner by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called him ‘‘a leader God has blessed us with at this time.’’"

Shock admission: Italy made deal with terrorists

"'I always knew, though not by official documents and information kept from me, about the existence of an agreement based on 'don't harm me and I won't harm you' between the Italian Republic and organizations such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the PLO,' Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga revealed in a letter to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera."

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Diana West :: Townhall.com :: Roars About Russia, Bare Whispers About Islam

"What's noteworthy about this narrative consensus, however, is that the invocation of Russia's historical and cultural record is being made so frankly and without hedging. That is, no one's blaming 'Russian extremists,' 'tsarismists,' or 'hijackers of a great history.' On the contrary, the implication behind most Russia-versus-Georgia stories is that the Russians' world-stage behavior as they smash Georgia is something that this same historical and cultural record tells us that Russians do."

Ukraine offers satellite defence co-operation with Europe and US - Telegraph

"The crisis over Russia's display of military might in Georgia has alarmed ex-Soviet satellites states in a broad arc from the Baltics to Central Asia. Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, all of which harbour bitter memories of Soviet occupation, have expressed solidarity with the Georgian position.

Meanwhile, disturbing reports of abuse of ethnic Georgians in captured parts of the disputed region emerged. A group of captive soldiers were paraded in the streets of the South Ossetian capital, Tskinvali, and the bodies of at least 40 dead troops rotted in the sun.

Teams of ethnic Georgians, some under armed guard, were forced to clean the streets. It was the first apparent evidence of humiliation or abuse of Georgians in the Russian-controlled breakaway republic."

This is the real deal of a rebirth of either the USSR or the old Russian Empire! Will Americans wake up to the real threats of Russia, China, Venezuela and the Islamic nations before it's too late?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Churches ordered closed during Olympics

"Chinese government document demanding that churches shut their doors for 90 days around the Beijing Olympics.

'Should church members violate these rules they will be subject to the disciplinary actions of the Chinese government,'"

Russia accused of dropping cluster bombs on Georgian civilians - Times Online

"Russian military aircraft have deployed controversial and indiscriminately deadly cluster bombs on civilian areas of Georgia according to an international rights group."

Russian general says Poland a nuclear 'target' as Condoleezza Rice arrives in Georgia - Telegraph

"Earlier, a senior Russian general warned that Poland has made itself a nuclear target for Russia's military by hosting elements of a US anti-missile system.

'By hosting these, Poland is making itself a target. This is 100 per cent'"...

"It becomes a target for attack. Such targets are destroyed as a first priority," Gen Nogovitsy was quoted as saying.

He added that Russia's military doctrine sanctions the use of nuclear weapons "against the allies of countries having nuclear weapons if they in some way help them," Interfax said

FOXNews.com - Terror Probe in Case of Somali-Born Man Found Dead of Cyanide Poisoning in Denver Hotel - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

"FBI terrorism experts are investigating whether the death of a Somali-born Canadian citizen — whose body was found Monday in a Denver hotel room with about a pound of extremely toxic sodium cyanide — is connected to the upcoming Democratic National Convention."

Attacks on cyberspace preceded Russian tanks | Australian IT

'A cyber warfare campaign by Russia is seriously disrupting many Georgian websites,' the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement."

US accuses Russia of campaign of scorched earth in Georgia - Times Online

"“We have one general commander for the Black Sea Fleet,” he said. “It is the President of Russia and all commands from outside are illegitimate to us.”"

Muslim father burns Christian daughter alive

"A Saudi Arabian Muslim father cut out his daughter's tongue and lit her on fire upon learning that she had become a Christian"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Asia Times Online :: Central Asian News and current affairs, Russia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan

Pipelineistan's biggest game begins
"This is what Pipelineistan is all about: a supreme law unto itself - untouchable by national sovereignty, serious environmental concerns (expressed both in the Caucasus and in Europe), labor legislation, protests against the World Bank, not to mention mountains 2,700 meters high and 1,500 small rivers. BTC took 10 years of hard work and at least US$4 billion - $3 billion of which is in bank loans. BTC is not merely a pipeline: it is a sovereign state."


"'What they are doing is exactly what Stalin did to Finland, what they've done to Afghanistan, what in the Second World War Germany was doing to Poland and to other European countries,'"

Russia begins pull-out from Georgian city - Russia- msnbc.com

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

CNN Avoids Mentioning Islam in Segment on 'Honor Killings' | NewsBusters.org

"Quite a feat: CNN has pulled off the MSM equivalent of describing a spiral staircase without using one's hands. It has managed to produce a segment on 'honor killings' and related violence in the UK . . . without using the word 'Muslim' or 'Islam.'"


"A wolf pack of at least 30 thugs viciously attacked two hero ex-Marines in Brooklyn after they rescued a teenage girl who was being assaulted, police and witnesses said yesterday."

This is my fear...that in the coming time of national calamity that the whole land will turn into one big "Katrina" situation. One where people see the failure of the law and order, and they just go crazy and do every evil and unlawful thing that they think of. Like things of this nature here in this article.

www.mysanantonio.com >> National - U.S. acts to open borders to foreigners with HIV

"After more than two decades on the books, a little-known yet strictly enforced federal law barring foreigners with HIV or AIDS from entering the country is on its way out.

Tucked in a bill pledging $48 billion to combat the disease, signed into law by President Bush last week, was language stripping the provision from federal immigration law."

The Lord seems to have given this country's rebellious leaders over to a senseless mind, one that is ready for destruction. Another effect of rejecting Truth for self-serving lies.

Monday, August 11, 2008

'Oil, Israel and Iran' Among Factors that Led to Georgia War - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Arutz Sheva

"Russian and Georgian media reported several days ago that Israel decided to stop its support for Georgia after Moscow made it clear to Jerusalem and Washington that Russia would respond to continued aid for Georgia by selling advanced anti-aircraft systems to Syria and Iran.

Hundreds of Israeli defense experts are reportedly in Georgia and Israel's military industries have been upgrading Georgia's air force, training its infantry and selling the country unmanned aerial vehicles and advanced artillery systems."

I was stunned when I read this article of an Israeli connection to this conflict. At times I start to think, like many sleeping churches, that things of the end-times, written in the prophetic books, will be years down the road. Then I read things like this and I see that its right now, in My lifetime, and then I wonder if it will be this month or next. For years it has been said that Russia would attack Israel, but no clear reason has been out there for it to take place. Now, Russia has no further need or provocation to blame and attack Israel, or America (though the reasons are false and evil, but they are something they can use toward a world that seems to be anti-Israel and anti-America). Is this the days of Gog, the chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal in Ez 38?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nation's Only Criminal Case against Planned Parenthood Sinks with Kansas Prosecutor's Political Fortunes

"Prospects for Planned Parenthood's answering 107 criminal charges in court dimmed as pro-life Kansas prosecutor Phill Kline conceded defeat last night to his opponent Steve Howe in the hard fought Republican primary."

Abortionist Arrested For Violent Attack On Pro-lifer

"A pro-life man was violently attacked by an abortionist on a public sidewalk outside a Santa Ana abortion clinic"

INDONESIA Thousands of Christians take to the street against application of Islamic law - Asia News

"More than 3,500 Christians have protested in Jayapura, the capital of Indonesian Papua, against the introduction of sharia, Islamic law, in the region."

Everywhere Islam is trying to force its religion on non-Muslims.

The Global Ambition of Rick Warren - TIME

"A shift away from 'sin issues' — like abortion and gay marriage — is reflected in Warren's approach to his coming sit-downs with the candidates. He says he is more interested in questions that he feels are 'uniting,' such as 'poverty, HIV/AIDS, climate change and human rights,' and still more in civics-class topics like the candidates' understanding of the role of the Constitution. There will be no 'Christian religion test,' Warren insists. 'I want what's good for everybody, not just what's good for me. Who's the best for the nation right now?'"

This is a sure sign that Mr. Warren is not on the right track. When did the Lord or the Prophets act like this? Just trying to do what's best for "everybody"? Did they not seek to do the "Truth" and to cause all others to do so too? Why then is this "pastor" trying to work with the likes of Obama, who is pro- Islamic, pro-queer and lesbian marriage and adoption of children, pro-abortion, pro-feminist, and anti-Bible believing doctrines and people?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Associated Press: US faults Russia for rising violence in Georgia

"Russia's use of overwhelming military force against Georgia, including strategic bombers and ballistic missiles, is disproportionate"

Top Stories: Lewis-Palmer grad's 'Jesus speech' lawsuit thrown out | speech, school, district : Gazette.com

"Lewis-Palmer School District 38 did not violate the First Amendment rights of a 2006 graduate when it disciplined her for mentioning Jesus Christ in a valedictorian speech, a federal judge has ruled."

Hindus demand Christian school eliminate cross emblem

Billboards announce: 'Sharia law is hate'

"'Under Sharia law if you are accused of stealing, a hand and foot from opposite sides are amputated. If you are caught having an affair, the woman is stoned to death and the man is given 80 lashes. If you change religions, you can be charged under apostasy laws and given the death sentence by a legal Sharia court. If you want to marry a nine-year-old child, Sharia law condones pedophilia, because Mohammad married Aisha at six and consummated the marriage at age nine. I find these and many more practices of Sharia law despicable and hateful,'"

Ex-Moveon leader challenged for KKK-style tactics

"A public interest group that prosecutes government corruption announced an investigation into a left-leaning group that is warning contributors to conservative causes this election year about 'potential dangers, including legal trouble, public exposure and watchdog groups digging through their lives.'"

How come the political left/liberals can and do intimidate and threaten anyone that they oppose, and the media, Hollywood and all the Democrats have nothing to say? Yet they yell and scream about the "right" to freedom of speech when its a queer, lesbian, anti-Christian, pro-Islamic terrorist, anti-conservative or Republican wanting to slander or attack people? This group is behaving just like the KGB of the USSR, the Islamic bullies and the Brown Shirts of the Nazi street fighters against Jews and any non-radical of their day! This is another sign that the Democrats are nothing but Soviets under different names: and they are "Liberals", "Democrats", "The Left" and "Progressive Movement". To name but a few.

FOXNews.com - Georgia Demands Cease-Fire as Defiant Russia Defends Attacks - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

"It also likely will increase tensions between Moscow and Washington, which Lavrov said should bear part of the blame for arming and training Georgian soldiers"

At nation's churches, guys are few in the pews - USATODAY.com

"One church, 121 Community Church in Grapevine, Texas, outside Dallas, was even designed with dudes in mind, from the worship center's stone floor, hunter-green and amber decor and rustic-beam ceilings to woodsy scenes on the church website."

Friday, August 8, 2008

Demographic landscape shifts across United States - USATODAY.com

"White populations have declined in more than half of the USA's counties since 2000, helping fuel a rise in the number of communities where minorities are now the majority, an analysis of 2007 Census estimates released today shows.

The data reflect how immigration, a population boom among Hispanics and the slowing growth of an aging population of whites are reshaping the nation's demographic landscape."

My Way News - Georgia says Russian aircraft bombed its air bases

"Russia sent columns of tanks and reportedly bombed Georgian air bases Friday after Georgia launched a major military offensive Friday to retake the breakaway province of South Ossetia, threatening to ignite a broader conflict."

Russia on the warpath? Some have said that Russia is trying to regain the land lost from the former USSR?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Detroit Mayor Jailed; Appeal Set For Friday - Detroit News Story - WDIV Detroit

"- Inmate No. 25330, Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, will be treated the same as any other prisoner in the Wayne County Jail as he spends the night Thursday, said Wayne County Sheriff Warren Evans."

Now this is a REAL judge...we need more of this kind of judges, that treat the offending leaders of the city/state/country as any other person: guilty of braking the law = time in jail!

Obama tells 7-year-old America not so great

"It's the question every presidential candidate must be prepared to answer, but when it was posed to Barack Obama by a 7-year-old yesterday, the Democratic senator seemed at a loss for words. ... the young girl asked Obama why he is running for the White House. 'America is, is no longer, uh, what it could be, what it, it once was,' Obama said haltingly. 'And I say to myself, I don't want that future for my children.'"

China to Bush: Don't interfere - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

"China's Foreign Ministry released a terse statement saying that no one should interfere with China's internal affairs."

Mexican-born killer put to death in Texas

With the parents of his victims watching a few feet away......

Medellin was pronounced dead. His execution, the fifth this year in Texas...

"the U.S. Supreme Court ruled earlier this year neither the president nor the international court could force Texas to wait."

Finally some backbone in this country!!! Don't mess with Texas!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pelosi: At-risk Dems back drilling - Politico.com Print View

"Even as they face heat from constituents during the August break, Democrats say they aren’t going to cave in to popular pressure.

We feel pretty comfortable with where we are,” said Rep. Michael E. Capuano (D-Mass.), who is close to the Democratic leadership. “This is a not a new issue. This just didn’t happen today. We’ve been working on this for months.”"
“There is no crisis on our side of the aisle,” a top House Democratic leadership aide said. “We have a plan, and we will stick to it.”

Saudis to Christians: Get out!

"'Deporting Christians for worshipping in their private homes shows that King Abdullah's speech is mere rhetoric and his country is deceiving the international community about their desire for change and reconciliation,' said Jeff King, the president of ICC."

This is the official treatment of Islamic/Muslim nations toward all Christians and other non-Muslims. When will the US wake up and see this is the future of America if things aren't done ASAP to stop them in the US, Canada and South America?

Democrats kill ban on terrorists in schools

"Majority Democrats in the California Assembly have rejected two amendments that would have allowed schools to fire any employee discovered to be part of an extremist terror network and require users of school facilities to affirm they are not terrorists."

"I am appalled that Democrat lawmakers will not agree to these commonsense amendments,"

Illegal Obama donors: Middle Eastern Arabs

"Palestinian brothers inside the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip are listed in government election filings as having donated $29,521.54 to Sen. Barack Obama's campaign.

Donations of this nature would violate election laws, including prohibitions on receiving contributions from foreigners"

CNSNews.com - U.S. Headed Toward Bankruptcy, Says Top Budget Committee Republican

"(CNSNews.com) - The ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee said the U.S. government is headed toward bankruptcy if it stays on its current fiscal course. “We know that for a fact,” Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told CNSNews.com in a video interview. “All the actuaries, all the objective scorekeepers of the federal government, are predicting this.”"

Putin says Russia needs to go back to Cuba: media | Politics | Reuters

"The Kremlin is angry at U.S. plans for a missile defence system in Eastern Europe, and last month a news report suggested Russia might use Cuba, a thorn in America's side for half a century, as a refueling stop for nuclear-capable bombers."

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Police Taser boy with broken back 19 times

"I'm not an officer, but I don't see the reason for Tasering somebody lying there with a broken back. I don't consider that a threat,' his aunt Samantha said."

Authorities say their use of a Taser weapon should not be questioned, because they were trying to help Hutchinson to safety.

We should all support our police and others civic leaders. Nevertheless, there certainly is an attitude sweeping the country's leaders and enforcers that they can do whatever they want to do in any situation without any of us having the right to even question them. Historically, this ONLY leads to tyranny and oppression of the people.

1 million plan to bring prayer to Washington

"Organizers of a Christian prayer ministry are expecting over a million people will fill the National Mall in Washington, D.C, on Aug. 16 for a 12-hour assembly of fasting and prayer for the country"

Son of top Hamas leader converts to Christianity

"'I know that I'm endangering my life and am even liable to lose my father, but I hope that he'll understand this and that God will give him and my family patience and willingness to open their eyes to Jesus and to Christianity. Maybe one day I'll be able to return to Palestine and to Ramallah with Jesus, in the Kingdom of God,' Masab said."

This is wonderful news and a great testimony of the grace and mercy of the Messiah of Israel. To rescue from the depth of evil, rage and murder one of his people's enemy because he called out to Him. And then He changed him into a new creature, a new person. Now that's love, and it gives us hope for others.

U.N. grants status to homosexual-rights groups

"The U.N. recently accorded two homosexual-rights groups 'consultative status,' raising opposition from pro-family advocates who see the move as a weakening of national sovereignty that could result in lowering the age of consent for homosexual sex.
U.N. watchdogs also cite homosexual-rights groups' historical alignment with organizations advocating pedophilia."

This is the UN working for you and all the families of the World.

American people responsible for 'blood of Muslims'

"A top commander for al-Qaida says American people are as responsible for the U.S. military's ability to 'wage war and spill the blood of Muslims' as is the American government.

'Islam does not distinguish between the American people and the American government, since both are in a state of war with Islam,' Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid said in a recent interview."

Tyson replaces Labor Day with Muslim Eid al-Fitr

"Food workers at the Shelbyville, Tenn., plant for Tyson Foods, which boasts on its corporate website that it strives 'to honor God,' will have time off for Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday closing the month of Ramadan, instead of the American tradition Labor Day."

Report Credits Drop in Illegal Immigrants to Enforcement - washingtonpost.com

..."immigration says the number of illegal immigrants in the country appears to have declined significantly over the past year, at least partly because of the chilling effect of stepped-up enforcement."

CAIR: Oklahoma Muslim Denied Job Because of Islamic Scarf

What's next...will they sue because of not being given 5 prayer breaks a day to do their prayers with rugs and total silence? Sue for not being given the right to blast your local neighborhood at the break of dawn for calling the "Islamic faithful" to morning prayers? Make no mistake, its coming.

My Way News - Ahmadinejad: Iran won't give up nuclear rights

"Iran will not give up 'a single iota of its nuclear rights,' the country's president said Saturday, rebuffing an informal deadline to stop expanding uranium enrichment or face more sanctions."

YouTube - OBAMA: 'Praise The One' New McCain Ad Attacks The 'Divine'

Watch this new McCain add, its really good at addressing the "Messiah" attitude of the media, staffers, followers and even the Obama campaign team.

TBO.com - News From AP

Hawaii man accused of helping China design missile

Friday, August 1, 2008

7-31-08 Mills

"the truth as we now know it with access to Soviet and FBI files from the period is that substantially more than 57 Communist spies, Party members, and propagandists taking orders from the Soviet Union were working for the State Department, for international organizations after working for the State Department, or elsewhere in the government after working for the State Department."

The Crypt: House Dems turn out the lights but GOP keeps talking - Politico.com

"'This is the people's House,' said Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.). 'This is not Pelosi's politiburo.'"

Update 3: Democrats just turned out the lights again. Republicans cheered.

Update 4: Republican leaders just sent out a notice looking for a bullhorn, and leadership aides are trying to corral all the members who are still in town to come speak on the floor and sustain this one-sided debate.

Nancy Pelosi is a Communist styled dictator who thinks that she really runs the whole government and country! This female must be stopped now! When will the American people wake up?

Police identify Canadian bus attack suspect

"We heard this bloodcurdling scream and turned around, and the guy was standing up, stabbing this guy repeatedly," Caton said.

Caton watched in horror as blood sprayed across the back of the bus, he told The Globe & Mail daily.