United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why does Obama support Zelaya? - Washington Times

"Manuel Zelaya wants to return to Honduras as president and then, of course, continue his efforts to be a big-time socialist dictator, a Hugo Chavez lookalike, and the surprising thing is that the Obama administration seems to want the very same thing.

It has, after all, supported this law-subverting macho-style child of privilege in his insistence on being reinstated to the office he held before being kicked out of it not in a military coup, not in some sort of illegal overthrow of a legitimate regime, but through the application of a specific law by a unanimous Honduran Supreme Court backed up by a virtually unanimous Honduran Congress.

The military did the deed, but this was not a military coup. The military was acting legally and under civilian control as it shipped Mr. Zelaya off to Costa Rica."

Some of the poor cheered him on, causing him to disregard Honduras' constitutional provision and enforcing laws that say presidents can serve one term and one term only, that amendment of this provision is prohibited and that any attempt by a president to serve a second term will result in his removal from office. Mr. Zelaya tried a
nyway with a planned, nonbinding referendum on the provision.

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