United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Thursday, May 13, 2010

FOXNews.com - Holder Admits to Not Reading Arizona's Immigration Law Despite Criticizing It

"Despite repeatedly voicing concerns about Arizona's new immigration enforcement law in recent weeks and threatening to challenge it, Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday he has not yet read the law, which is only 10 pages long.
Despite repeatedly voicing concerns about Arizona's new immigration enforcement law in recent weeks and threatening to challenge it, Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday he has not yet read the law -- which is only 10 pages long.
'I have not had a chance to -- I've glanced at it,' Holder said at a House Judiciary Committee hearing when asked had he read the state law cracking down on illegal immigrants."

This story is a continuation of democratic legacy: style over substance, agenda-driven, all about the "in name only" game; showing themselves as being complete ideologues; best described as knee-jerk libs.

Lets see, to put this story in some sort of proper perspective lets compare a couple of recent bills passed by US elected officials: democrats on the Federal level, and republicans on a State level. Democratic leaders just recently crammed down the throats of Americans an unpopular health care takeover bill that was more than 2000 pages long. None of the democrats are on record saying they read all of it. Even though they were in the news daily supporting the health bill as needed for Americans, wanted by Americans and that it would be good for all Americans. Adding also that against a huge movement of Americans, business leaders, republicans and economists that the bill spelled very ominus future for the US; dems repeated all such talk was only lies, misinformation, and that there wasn't anything amiss in the bill's writing, meanings or even in any future "interpratation" or application of it. Now that it's passed, we're seeing that it's not all that it was said to have been. It will cost a lot more than promised; punish a lot more than promised; change a lot more than promised; and will hurt a lot more than promised. Nevertheless, democrats were out en masse supporting it, pushing it and demanding it. Anyone who failed to echo their words and ideas on the issue were always cast in a very bad light, even as mean, cruel people that didn't care for other Americans.

Now from the other side of aisle we have a bill recently passed in AZ that is addressing what Americans themselves wholeheartedly support. According to polls it stands at 73% of the nation's population supports this bill. Around 50% of democrats support the bill, and __ of republicans do. Yet, with this extremely high number of the people, as opposed to activists, in favor of the bill, what do democratic leaders do? They are on record opposing it outright. Many democratic leaders were calling it such things as racist and along the line of even Nazism. In the frenzy of criticism and contempt was our Nation's highest lawyer: democrat Eric Holder. Holder came out of the gate swinging at the law before it was even signed by AZ's Governor. Holder was also associating the bill with racism, government abuse and other political hot-button issues that makes the liberal media jump and shout in in concert. What really makes this such an ugly lesson in the democratic reality of today is that Eric Holder was morally against this bill, spoke against it many times in the media, was personally working with the Department of Homeland Security against the bill, and claimed to be exploring the idea of a court challenge to the bill in the hopes of stopping or preventing it's use--WITHOUT EVEN READING BILL TO SEE WHAT WAS IN IT, even though it was only TEN PAGES LONG! This is why democratic leaders are held in such a very negative view by the majority of Americans today. And with this kind of behavior being their normal approach to things, that view is rightly held.

low approaval numbers
looking to take a hit this fall/be crushed
out of touch with American--even rank and file dems

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