United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Saturday, May 31, 2008

National Journal Magazine - China’s Cyber-Militia

China attacking the US and nobody seems to know about it among the people? Why isn't this front page news across the land? When will The People rise up and do something about this blackout of important news? We need real leaders in this country who will take to heart the people, laws, customs and ideas, and security of traditional America. And not see us as simply a part of the global community.
National Journal Magazine - China’s Cyber-Militia

Buy American online, and say bye-bye big box

Buy American online, and say bye-bye big box

Court: Sect kids go back to parents - FLDS hearings- msnbc.com

Praise God: A victory for the rights of the people, families, parents, children, churches and religion, communities...and the list goes on and on. The State/gov. should never be given the power to do this to people, or when, where and how could it stop in the future? Have you ever known the State to freely, of its own accord, to give up power? There is a reason 0ur wise Founding Fathers never trusted in government: its untrustworthy! Give them an inch, as the old saying goes, and they'll take a mile! Thank God for this help!
Court: Sect kids go back to parents - FLDS hearings- msnbc.com

The truth about homosexuality and the Nazi Party

This is a MUST read for all people in American society! Read this and share it with others. Sin never pays and always grows into the ugliest form it can until it is crushed, stopped or repented of. It's time to start calling things as they really are and not holding back. Those that call Christians, Churches, and ministries "Nazis" are in fact the very ones that are the most akin to, or apart of the spirit of that demonic party/movement. I say this not as a slam or insult, but as a way to spread truth that can open eyes and minds, and maybe save people from this evil.
The truth about homosexuality and the Nazi Party

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Local News | Ex-Army chaplain cleared in Gitmo spy case is Obama delegate | Seattle Times Newspaper

Local News | Ex-Army chaplain cleared in Gitmo spy case is Obama delegate | Seattle Times Newspaper

Abortionists to surrender records of child rape?

Its about time to see all the evil they have been hiding in the name of money and power of the abortion movement.
Abortionists to surrender records of child rape?

Pastors called to defy IRS censorship rules

Read this and send it to all pastors, ministers you know. And send it to all other Christians for them to do the same with their pastors and leaders.
Pastors called to defy IRS censorship rules

IRS clears pastor who backed Huckabee

Victory for the Pastor, the Church and the whole path to regaining ours and the Church's rights to engage in th Republic's political process again. Its greatly needed, may every pastor, minister, church worker and the Christian world act in this manner too. The public needs to hear where the Christians and their leaders stand on choosing leaders for the country, and in every office of State, county and city.
IRS clears pastor who backed Huckabee

Reagan's would-be assassin aided by top Obama adviser

Reagan's would-be assassin aided by top Obama adviser

Local News | Ex-Army chaplain cleared in Gitmo spy case is Obama delegate | Seattle Times Newspaper

Local News | Ex-Army chaplain cleared in Gitmo spy case is Obama delegate | Seattle Times Newspaper

Women win right to children without fathers - Times Online

Like so many other countries, the British government continues to slip beyond recognition of its formal self. What happened to the land of John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, the Puritans and so many other great men, preachers and teachers of God's Word, and the countless great men and women of God of the British Isles? I have hated for many years the growing numbers of the Muslims in the UK, but now I fear that God may in fact give them the whole land to rule over the Brits for their sins against God and the light that was in their country in former days. The same I fear for the US. God help us!
Women win right to children without fathers - Times Online

Lebanon Accord Offers a Respite - washingtonpost.com

Lebanon was once the Paris of the Middle East, but now, thanks to Islamic terrorist that caused the civil war between Catholics and Muslims, it's only a divided country that's ready to fall back into the Dark Ages. This change in the government could bring in some good, but I fear that the new veto power of the terrorists in the government will only bring in more problems for the whole country.
Lebanon Accord Offers a Respite - washingtonpost.com

Christians copy Christ killers, says Obama pastor's magazine

"White Christians are "make pretend" believers and conservative Christians emulate the people who killed Jesus...Sen. Barack Obama's longtime pastor that paint traditional Christianity as false and racist" Obama sat under this kind of teaching for 20 years. These doctrines are worse than David Duke on a bad day, and yet young, rich white college kids, the 20 and 30 something groups along with other useful idiots run after this man like he is the greatest thing going. Never mind that he is anti-American, a racist, pro-Islamic, anti-Israeli, and anti-hard working Americans: he is a little socialist (and a secret Muslim).
Christians copy Christ killers, says Obama pastor's magazine: "facade"

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

White House denies Iran attack report | Jerusalem Post

I really don't want to see more war...but what shall we do about this sworn enemy of the entire Western World, especially the US? I wish the day was here that men like this were done away with and the need for killing was a thing of the past. But I'm not naive in my understanding: evil men always have, are today, and aways will rise to do evil. This is why men of courage must rise to counter them...even when we really don't want to do so. I'd rather see our young men doing other things throughout the world, like building up poor nations and ending the food problems caused by their bad infrastructure, than fighting in other parts of the world. Yet, I'd rather see them fight our enemies over there than over here! The day is coming that the world will embrace real peace. That day will appear and be under the Prince of Peace, the Messiah of Israel: Jesus. My prayer is Come Lord Jesus. I don't think that the future wars will end like the past ones, but will be total, or near total destruction of the people of the world (who didn't start or push for these wars anyway). These are trying times indeed. All I can say is pray, pray, pray with all the faith you have, and read the Bible for yourself instead of only listening to others.
White House denies Iran attack report | Jerusalem Post

TV news crew probing Islam at public school attacked

I sincerely hope that the media sees in this the heart of the Islamic/Liberal Media partnership is just an allusion of the Muslims until the Liberal leaders are no longer needed. There is no love in the Islamic world for the Media, only to use it until they replace it with their own.
TV news crew probing Islam at public school attacked

31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda

Its not everyday that a man who: seems to have grandiose syndrome; has written books about and played in a movie about a subject; has countless hours of speaking and teaching around the world about this same subject to have 31 thousand scientists and other science or medical field personal putting their name on a list saying that he is dead wrong. But then again, since when has liberal globalist ever been concerned with truth, or what others in the know really say or believe?
31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda

Monday, May 19, 2008

Transgender lobby to intimidate petitioners

This is nothing more than the double standard of the politically left of this country. Imagine if a church anywhere in this country had announced that it would "shadow" a queer group on an outing---for any reason?? All of the media and government departments would be calling it evil and hate-based actions...etc. Where are they now. This group, as all left groups, don't obey or believe in the laws of this nation or the States. Or else what about the freedom of speech and the freedom of the conscience for these people? Are only the strange allowed to reach out to the public for help in passing laws and policies? Double standard I say.
Transgender lobby to intimidate petitioners

10-year-old takes college by storm - Education- msnbc.com

10-year-old takes college by storm - Education- msnbc.com

Next on school agenda:
Teaching communism

"A new plan by a California lawmaker would allow schools to be used to promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, and let teachers in public district classrooms "inculcate in the mind of any pupil a preference for communism," according to a traditional values advocacy organization."

"Just when we thought the indoctrination in California's public schools couldn't get any worse, state lawmakers introduce bills that will further brainwash innocent children," said a statement from Capitol Resource Institute, a traditional values and family advocacy organization based in California
Next on school agenda:<BR>Teaching communism:

Spanking swatted by lawmaker

How come liberals, queers and lesbians always think they know more about children and their needs than the parents that brought them into this world and care for them daily?
Spanking swatted by lawmaker

Teachers union to decide fate of homeschooling?

Teachers union to decide fate of homeschooling?
They don't want to change America into a Muslim country. They just want to share the book of Islam, or something like that. My question is what about the Hadith and the other Islamic books that openly teach the death Jews and other non-believers more than the Quran verses do? Will they share them for free too? Of course, that will not help them see Islam as a "peaceful religion", but instead as one that calls for and demands violence.
Free Quran coming to your doorstep?
"The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services erroneously labeled 3,051 innocent people as child abusers by placing them on the state's official list."..."A lot of what happens at these hearings is it becomes a legal process, not ... whether it happened or not, but whether enough evidence is presented,"..."In 2006, the News-Democrat reported that 53 children died while they were under DCFS' care following sloppy investigations by caseworkers." Need I say more? This is why NO ONE should trust the government...our Founding Fathers didn't, why should we?
State falsely accuses 3,000 of child abuse

MPs back creation of human-animal embryos - Times Online

MPs back creation of human-animal embryos - Times Online
This is what liberal leaders give their people...weakness in the time when strength is needed, foolishness in the time when wisdom is needed, and lack of action when action is needed and demanded.
DEBKAfile - Israel’s Missed Boat in Lebanon

Iraq party: Punish U.S. soldier who shot at Quran - CNN.com

What hypocrites! Look at these offended religious leaders with their principles of: the act of shooting the Quran as a "blatant assault on the sanctities of Muslims all over the world", then they " reacted to the news 'with deep resentment and indignation' -- wants the 'severest of punishments' " for the action while saying that it was a " criminal act by U.S. forces". Where are they when millions of Muslims throughout the whole Islamic (and non-Islamic) World destroy Christian and Jewish holy books and writings? Why is it not an "assault on the sanctities of" Christians and Jews, and other religions "all over the world" when Muslims do them harm? How come there isn't any outcry from these holy men for the rape, murder, attacks, burning down of religious buildings and homes of people of other religions, but only Muslims? For you that don't understand this, it's because only Muslims are innocent and good in the sight and teachings of the Quran and Muslims! That's why they don't cry about us, only them and theirs! Note also how CNN (Communist News Network) handles this with their "Watch as the US formally apologizes" little link, as they take joy to report this!
Iraq party: Punish U.S. soldier who shot at Quran - CNN.com

Children of FLDS 'prophet' kept in foster homes - CNN.com

"We all know why we are here. You have a right to religious freedom up until the point where it breaks the law," Can any of you see the handwriting on the wall? I know it takes foresight to understand this kind of talk, but throughout history it has proven true. Today it's the FLDS, tomorrow it's ?????? Will it be your church or community? What ever happened to limited government in the US? And what about the Constitution/Bill Of Rights-1st Amendment saying: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble..." What about the State laws about sodomy, porn, and the restriction of women form certain things (no abortions, or not getting into male-only clubs...etc), shall they be enforced too. This is another case of selectively enforcing of laws that the State thinks will not ruffle too many feathers while they strong arm their way into the lives of others. I don't believe in or care for the doctrines of the FLDS, but I fear this mistreatment of the families in this religion. And it is interesting how the the media will cover up for any and every wrong thing that is done in the name of bigger government or secularism. Just look at this statement: "Acting on calls alleging physical and sexual abuse" (which is a lie about a lie: the whole thing started from a false caller lying of who they were, saying they were being raped by a old man that they were forced into a marriage with, and locked up to make it all happed. This is also a favorite cause for government departments to practice abuse and waste--in the name of innocent children! This is a scary thing, legally, to witness unfolding before our very eyes, while we wait on who's next on the chopping block!
Children of FLDS 'prophet' kept in foster homes - CNN.com

US Warns Tourists of 'Small-Unit Combat' at Mexico Border -- 05/16/2008

Isn't odd that our military is spread over globe fighting in other countries' wars and internal affairs, but in and around the US southern boarder there are terrorist in "equivalent to military small-unit combat" and our government is "Travel Alerts" in order to help? Call out the Marines to stop it now! How do we know that these are not being used or already apart of Islamic terror aimed at the US and the whole West?
US Warns Tourists of 'Small-Unit Combat' at Mexico Border -- 05/16/2008

Local Muslim leader met privately with Obama | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Nooooo....Obama isn't a Muslim or pro-Islamic...or is he? Why would a Christian want to meet with a Muslim cleric and not be offended that
"At the end of the meeting, Qazwini said he gave Obama a copy of new book, “American Crescent,” and invited Obama to visit his center"?
I wonder how many people understand what this was that happened? For one, why is the man that is running to be the next President of the United States meeting with a US Muslim discussing Israel, the war in Iraq and the Presidential race? Two, how many people see clearly that the cleric was either openly showing that Obama is in fact a Muslim, or the cleric was openly trying to convert him! Could you imagine a Christian leader meeting with a Muslim leader of another country and giving him a book on the Cross and inviting him to Church? Well, that would be an open attempt to make him a Christian...and that wouldn't be politically correct, now would it be? Why then is it ok for a Muslim to do the same to a man in the race for the highest office in the US and the Free World? Can't we see that there is a HUGE double standard for Christians compared to others; especially for Muslims?
Local Muslim leader met privately with Obama | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Christian Persecution Blog - a weblog about persecuted Christians and the persecuted church

A wake up call for all Christians in the Western World, and the US even the more!
Christian Persecution Blog - a weblog about persecuted Christians and the persecuted church: "Christian Sentenced for Carrying A Bible"

McConnell: Dems will 'turn us into France' - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times

Right on Mitch McConnell, spoken like a true Kentuckian...you should be running for the President of the US!
McConnell: Dems will 'turn us into France' - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times: "erided"

The American Spectator

While Ronald Reagan is rated in poll after poll by Americans as a great president, (most recently he rated second only to Lincoln), are there enough people who recall that Reagan's election came about because of Carter's...ahhh..."performance" in the Oval Office? And will they be able to make the Obama-Carter connection for younger voters... God help us if we get another Carter style President in the Highest Office of the Free World! Good info here.
The American Spectator

The American Spectator

...those folks who are fond of preaching that we are not to legislate aberrant sexual behavior because "it's nobody's business what goes on behind closed doors," are the same folks who insist on legislation like hate crime laws, which seek to punish that which is innermost to all people; human thought and emotion. Excellent wording, I couldn't have said it better myself.
The American Spectator

Sect mother of newborn not a minor, Texas concedes

This is soooo scary! Listen to this statement. Texas child welfare authorities took the children into custody on the argument that the polygamist sect abused children by pushing underage girls into marriage and sex and by raising ys to be future perpetrators. Did your hear that? They arrested the women and children "on the argument" that something was wrong. People, this is one of the most large scale attacks on people's rights I've ever heard of. Of course, the media plays on our emotions that some children "may", "could have", or "would be" subject to things that we don't agree with, but these are not proofs only accusations. Our laws and courts were setup to defend the people as "innocent until proven guilty" and not guilty until you can prove that you aren't guilty! These women are prisoners of the state until that they can prove that they are adults? Why is the state getting involved in these people's private lives? Who is next? Baptist families that home school? Private schools that don't teach evolution and so-called gay rights? This is why the People must know their country's, and the world's, history and current events: so they may know human nature, government nature, and not to fall victim to either of them.
Sect mother of newborn not a minor, Texas concedes

Debbie Schlussel

This woman spied for Hezbollah,... and gets zero jail time, while Jonathan Pollard (A JEW) rots for life in prison for spying for an ally. A drunk driver does more time than this spy. Not a day in jail. For treason. Outrageous.
Debbie Schlussel

Monday, May 12, 2008

Muslim threats force student with dog out

Everyday the Muslims are getting worse and worse about forcing their religion on us Americans, but our leaders are cowards for not protecting us. Will all be made to follow a false prophet because of sissy leaders?
Muslim threats force student with dog out

Muslim clinics fill health care needs of underserved | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

This is a sure way for them to win the hearts of some people over for conversion. Not that that is wrong to use this, but that it is coming. And all those that are at odds with the Church will see this as a way to turn. How come they come here and do this in our land, but they forbid it in their Muslim countries?
Muslim clinics fill health care needs of underserved | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Tornadoes kill 21, injure hundreds in U.S | U.S. | Reuters

Tornadoes kill 21, injure hundreds in U.S | U.S. | Reuters

Friday, May 9, 2008

Evolutionist compares rabbi to Hitler!

This is a great read, he calls it as it is and puts the God and faith hating Richard Dawkins in his place.
Evolutionist compares rabbi to <I>Hitler!</i>

Forum 18 Search/Archive

KAZAKHSTAN: "A Law on Non-Freedom of Conscience"

Forum 18 Search/Archive

FaithNews Network

I can't believe that this man, and the other Pentecostal churches are doing this. What is it about this man, the leader of the largest cult other than Islam, that is desired by them? It must be a spiritual drawing to him, but one that is not of righteousness and truth.
FaithNews Network

'You don't have the right to speak'

'You don't have the right to speak'

FOXNews.com - Code Pink Protesters Try Witchcraft at Anti-Marine Rallies - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

FOXNews.com - Code Pink Protesters Try Witchcraft at Anti-Marine Rallies - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

Dan Rather tweaks suit, sez CBS killed shot at big news job

Dan Rather tweaks suit, sez CBS killed shot at big news job