United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Saturday, November 29, 2008

New Study Shows Direct Link Between Abortion and Mental Health Problems

"The researchers found women who had abortions, compared with those who didn't had a 120% risk for alcohol abuse, with or without dependence, a 145% increased risk of alcohol dependence, 79% increased risk of drug abuse with or without dependence and a 126% increase in the risk of drug dependence.

For mood disorders, the experience of an abortion increased risk of developing bipolar disorder by 167%, major depression without hierarchy by 45% and major depression with hierarchy by 48%.

For anxiety disorders, there was a 111% increased risk for panic disorders, 44% increased risk for panic attacks, 59% increased risk for PTSD, 95% increased risk for agoraphobia with or without panic disorder and a 93% increased risk for agoraphobia without panic disorder.

There was no mental health outcome showing abortion to have decreased the risk or a high risk for women who did not have an abortion."

"The abortion variable made a significant independent contribution to more mental health outcomes than a history of rape, sexual abuse in childhood, physical assault in adulthood, physical abuse in childhood, and neglect which contributed to between four and ten different diagnoses," the scholars wrote.

Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

The N.O.W. organization of women, the DNC/Democrats in Congress and all the States call for abortions for any and every reason, time, female and age. And that is without even the thought of a thought of any interference into this issue! They claim to be for a "Woman's rights", more like their agenda and money making scams in my opinion.

FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: Cyber-Hackers Break Into IMF Computer System - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

"The discovery of the assault last week threw into crisis the Washington, D.C. based International Monetary Fund (IMF), which offers emergency financial aid to countries faced with balance-of-payments problems, and provoked a shutdown of IMF computers that lasted for several days."

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

kstp.com - FEDS: Twin Cities man behind Somalia bombing

"More than a dozen young men of Somali descent, mostly in their 20s, from the Minneapolis area have recently disappeared, U.S. law enforcement officials tell 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS. All are thought to be associates of Ahmed. U.S. officials suspect most of the young men have departed for Somalia to fight in ongoing violence there or to train in terrorist camps."

Florida ban on gay adoptions ruled unconstitutional - Breaking News - Dade - MiamiHerald.com

"A Miami-Dade circuit judge Tuesday declared Florida's 30-year-old ban on gay adoption unconstitutional, allowing a North Miami man to adopt two foster kids he has raised since 2004"

A child abuse investigator had asked Gill to care for the boys temporarily; they were never able to return to their birth parents.

''This is the forum where we try to heal children, find permanent families for them so they can get another chance at what every child should know and feel from birth, and go on to lead productive lives,'' Lederman said in court before releasing the order. ``We pray for them to thrive, but that is a word we rarely hear in dependency court.''

Let me get this right...two children are taken from their REAL parents by the State and put into the care of homosexual men??? And they simply we're not given back to their REAL parents? And this is in open disrespect of the law that outlaws them from having them in the first place? Yet they have them for four years? Now they want to adopt them as their? Yet they aren't a family? And the judge says that "this is the forum where we try to heal children"? Sounds like a setup to me, a political stunt to get another part of the homosexual agenda into mainstream. This is wrong. When will the American people stand up and stop this madness?

Israel Matzav: UN General Assembly chief calls for Israel's destruction

"'Brockmann's call,' said Bayefsky, 'was in effect, a call for the political destruction of Israel by means of the same strategy adopted against apartheid South Africa.'"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Court to decide whether campus evangelism a crime (OneNewsNow.com)

"'Three weeks later he got a certified letter from the president of the college stating that his actions were the subject of a campus crime report,'"

Pope Questions Interfaith Dialogue - NYTimes.com

"ROME — In comments on Sunday that could have broad implications in a period of intense religious conflict, Pope Benedict XVI cast doubt on the possibility of interfaith dialogue but called for more discussion of the practical consequences of religious differences."

Michael Vick pleads to state dogfighting charge

"I hope they're prepared to face the dog lovers of America," Kansas City Chiefs president and general manager Carl Peterson said earlier of a team that acquires Vick. "There are going to be a lot of problems. People love their pets, and particularly dogs. There will be protests, people expressing their thoughts—even though he's served his time."

"Nine protesters from the animal rights group PETA stood quietly outside the courthouse before the hearing, holding signs with photographs of bloodied fighting dogs and others that read 'Dogfighters repent.'"

55 million babies (the world's most innocent persons) have been killed, and all these animal worshipers can do is to call for dog fighters to "repent"? This is real madness on display. Yet the media is to cowardly and evil to notice or care. Romans Chapter one says that men turn to worshiping animals and to making God like unto them as they continue to sin and fall away from Him and the Truth. And we see this in today's news. Sad. Yet it points us towards the Lord as the only real help in day and current situations. It also shows that the Bible is telling the truth once again (as always).

Olmert announces he wants quick peace deal

Speaking of "a painful sacrifice of parts of the land of Israel and the history of the Jewish people," Olmert told reports now was the "time for decisions."

Islamic judges strip Christian mothers of children

"Muslim judges are defying Islamic law in custody battles involving Christian mothers and Muslim fathers – to shield children from Christian influence."

In the court's decision, it agreed with the father's fears that his daughters "would cherish a religion other than Islam, eat foods that are banned in Islam and go to church" if allowed to remain with their mother.

Monday, November 24, 2008

College threatens pro-life students with arrest

"Members of a university pro-life club have received a letter from school officials threatening them with fines, arrests and even expulsion if they set up their semiannual display depicting the horrors of abortion."

lawyers for the university sent a menacing letter to CPL informing the students that their signs would only be permitted if turned away from passing foot traffic. Violation of this policy, the letter stated, would make pro-life protesters on campus "subject to arrest, fines or a civil lawsuit."

"Being told to turn our signs inwards is like being told we can express our views as long as nobody can hear us,"

"When the peaceful expression of an opinion is threatened by violence, the appropriate solution is the provision of security, not censorship of the opinion," writes CPL. "In this context censorship would constitute an affirmation of violence as an effective means to silence unpopular opinions. If the University censors an opinion rather than providing adequate security, the University sends a powerful signal that unpopular or controversial views can be silenced through the threat of violence."

"We do not want to be arrested, but the university's attempt to bully us is wrong,"

When its Christian, Conservative or Pro-Traditional American, its attacked at the colleges/universities, but when its anything other than these (regardless of how ugly, ungodly, nasty, sexually explicit (pornographic), hateful, violent, anti-American, or openly hostile and blaspheming against the Christian faith) it is a "Constitutional Right" to express such things in an unfettered and unabashed way. Who are the real brave men and women? Who are the real "intellectuals" of our young people of today? Not those that embrace Political Correctness, but those that dare to stand against it and cry foul at all of its evil! Those are the real brave souls. Nowadays, all other students are just "run-of-the-mill" and "cookie cutter" copies of their liberal professors!

Dad links son's suicide to 'The God Delusion'

"'Three people told us he had taken a biology class and was doing well in it, but other students and the professor were really challenging my son, his faith. They didn't like him as a Republican, as a Christian, and as a conservative who believed in intelligent design,' the grief-stricken father, Keith Kilgore, told WND about his son, Jesse.

'This professor either assigned him to read or challenged him to read a book, 'The God Delusion,' by Richard Dawkins,' he said.

Jesse Kilgore committed suicide in October by walking into the woods near his New York home and shooting himself."

"I want to hold schools accountable for what they're teaching our kids. This was malpractice," he said.

Liberal/Socialist radicals have taken over our schools, colleges and universities with this as their mission...to destroy our Christian Faith. Everything else is just a side show or a means to accomplish their goals.

Christian Prayer Group Sexually and Physically Assaulted by Homosexual Mob

"'they were touching and grabbing me, and trying to shove things in my butt, and even trying to take off my pants - basically trying to molest me. I used one hand to hold my pants up, while I used the other arm to hold one of the girls. The guys huddled around all the girls, and protected them.'"

"Basically I think what we're seeing is that the homofascist element of the larger gay movement is coming out of the closet, and they're emboldened by what they perceive as injustice, but I'm hoping and I'm praying that their antidemocratic behavior educates America and helps Americans wake up to what this movement is all about," LaBarbera said.

"If you do a little logic test and flip it around and if you had a video of a bunch of Christians or let's just say conservatives, sexually molesting and chasing some gays out of a city, you'd better believe there would be a national outcry,"

Barak: Hizbullah 3 times stronger than at end of war - Israel News, Ynetnews

"Hizbullah has grown three times stronger than at the end of the Second Lebanon War, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday.

'They have 42,000 missiles now, which could also reach Ashkelon, Beersheba and Dimona. The radical axis of Iran, Syria and Hizbullah is becoming stronger compared to the axis of the more moderate countries,'"

Official: Obama receptive to Arab 'peace' demands

"dvisers to Sen. Barack Obama have in recent days given positive reception in meetings with Arab diplomats to a so-called 'Arab Peace Initiative,' which offers normalization of ties with the Jewish state in exchange for extreme Israeli concessions, an Egyptian official told WND"

Daily Express | UK News :: Muslim fanatics 'hijack British prison'

"The fanatics are forcing fellow inmates to convert to Islam or face punishment beatings.

One man who stood up to the thugs was branded with a lump of hot metal, according to a prison source."

Religion of Peace...hardly. But anyway...isn't this the same way that Islam has always been spread? What's all the fuss about? I thought that Political Correctness says that they have a right to practice their religion without any interference from any of us "Christians" or Westerns", or without our culture being pushed on them? This is how they do things in their home country, and they have simply kept their customs after coming into "multi-cultural" Britain. I hope the British leaders enjoy the fruit of their labor...the Muslims are!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Emergent church leader says 'gay' can be biblical lifestyle

"One of the key leaders of today's most cutting-edge church movement has opened an Internet discussion on the issue of same-sex marriage with the bold proclamation that he believes 'gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and queer' individuals can and should live out their sexuality in – and blessed by – the Christian church.

'I now believe that GLBTQ can live lives in accord with biblical Christianity (as least as much as any of us can!),' writes author and church leader Tony Jones, 'and that their monogamy can and should be sanctioned and blessed by church and state.'"

Good called evil and evil called good. There is no discussion needed. God has never given Mankind the power to change the Scriptures. Not in the past. Not today either! Why don't Christians simply follow the Bible. That would be radical, exciting, thrilling, very different and an amazing journey for anyone today. Seeing how it isn't followed as written anymore. That would be better than changing things to be "different" or "cutting-edge" (whatever that means).

Brazilian Gay Groups Launch Multiple Lawsuits to Silence Christian Opposition

"In recent weeks, homosexual groups in Brazil have attempted to silence their opponents with a flurry of lawsuits that take advantage of Brazil's pro-gay political climate.

On August 5th, the Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgender People (ABGLT) filed a criminal complaint against several websites for exposing the fact that the leader of Brazil's homosexual movement, Luiz Mott, is a promoter of pedophilia and pederasty (see LifeSiteNews' recent coverage at http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2007/jul/07073011.html).

The sites, Media Without a Mask, the Christian Apologetics Research Center, and Jesussite, are accused of 'charlatanism, infamy, defamation, and calumny', for having quoted Mott's numerous statements endorsing sex with children and adolescents. The Association is asking for criminal prosecution as well as monetary damages."

Carvalho told LifeSiteNews that he sees the homosexual movement's quest for power as a subset of the larger socialist movement in Brazil, which is seeking more and more power: "I believe they really want lots of power because the homosexual movement is not independent. It is part of the leftist machine. And the left now in Brazil has almost total power. They control everything. They are more powerful than the Brazilian state itself, and this is not enough for them.

They want more and more and more and more, and the homosexual movement is a tool of this strategy."

Can anyone believe this madness? Can anyone explain the reasoning behind this insanity? Only one source can...the Bible. This is the obsessive demonic spirit of the devil! Total power and control. Nothing lacking its oversight; nothing free. It is ever present wherever socialism or communism rares its ugly head. No freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom to dissent or to abstain from anything that they are pushing. Total power, lots of controlling and oppressive laws, and lots of bloodshed. This is the legacy of World Socialism/World Communism. Only a God can save us from the mess that this world is in due to these ideas and the people that have/do push them daily around the World.

FOXNews.com - Iowa College Bases Musical on Bible's 'Terror' Stories - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

"Cannibalism, rape, a bear that mauls children — this is the Bible?

They're among six stories from the Old Testament acted out in 'Terror Texts,' a musical at Northwestern College in Orange City."

The musical was first performed at the 1,200 student Christian college in northwest Iowa...

Barker views the Bible as a "repository of ancient plays,"

"This is obviously a very Protestant approach ... ( This is a lie!)

No wonder we're in the mess we're in...if this is the way that a "Christian" college presents the Gospel. The Church will only be effective when we follow the Bible as written, and not continue to "create" "new" ways to approach, explain or retell the Bible. The Church will, as Martin Luther once said, reestablished by the Word (and not attempts to attain God's will through the ideas of Man).

Chavez accused of behaving like 'dictator' ahead of elections - Telegraph

"'The façade of democracy is crumbling,'"

"Chavez wants to control every aspect of our lives. He will not be happy until he had set up a Cuban-style dictatorship here."

Whilst many Venezuelans from the poor slums around Caracas still believe in the ideology of 'Socialism of the 21st Century' and the idea that the nation's oil wealth should be better distributed, they are losing patience with the reality of living under Mr Chavez.

Liberals (whether they have the guts to call themselves by their real party names= Socialist or Communist) are always using facades as they grab all the power they can to dictate every part of the people's lives...in the name of helping "the People". And they always use the nation's "poor" folk to get into office, and then they show their real aim is to be little "gods" (wannabes).

This is the same man, and ideology as Obama (spread the wealth around, helping the poor to get their support, controlling every aspect of our lives), and the same man that came out in support for him too....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

President-elect accused of defrauding public

"American voters have been 'defrauded' by President-elect Barack Obama.

'He promised change. He didn't promise a second Clinton administration,'"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Asia Times Online :: Asian News, Business and Economy.

Scandal exposes Islam's weakness
"Did you hear about the German Gnostic?"
"He couldn't keep a secret."

Just such a Teutonic mystic is Professor Muhammad Sven Kalisch, a German convert to Islam who teaches Muslim theology at the University of Munster. Kalisch recently laid a Gnostic egg in the nest of Islam, declaring that the Prophet Mohammed never existed, not at least in the way that the received version of Islamic tradition claims he did.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Asia Times Online :: Asian News, Business and Economy.

"Just such a Teutonic mystic is Professor Muhammad Sven Kalisch, a German convert to Islam who teaches Muslim theology at the University of Munster. Kalisch recently laid a Gnostic egg in the nest of Islam, declaring that the Prophet Mohammed never existed, not at least in the way that the received version of Islamic tradition claims he did."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Priest Believes Satanic Cult Behind Bizarre Church Incidents - West Palm Beach News Story - WPBF West Palm Beach

The enemy within

"Republican Rep. Paul Broun from Georgia warns of an Obama dictatorship. 'We must not be lulled into complacency,' he stated Monday, as reported by Ben Evans and published by Associated Press. 'You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany.' Broun is alarmed by Obama's intention to establish a civil security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship. He referred to a speech Obama had given in July in Colorado in which he proposed the creation of such a national security force that should be as strong as the armed forces and report to him. 'That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany, and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did, creating a national security force that answers to him,'"

Communist Party strategist maps out Obama's agenda

"'The right-wing propaganda machine will scream socialism, and that is also a good thing,' Markowitz writes. 'Because the more socialism comes to be identified with real policies that raise the standard of living and improve the quality of life for the working class and the whole people, the more socialism will be looked at seriously.'

And once America learns to accept socialism as a good thing, Markowitz writes, the country can more easily be pulled even farther.

'A stronger left that follows the tradition of the Communist Party,' Markowitz writes, 'in its unbreakable commitment to a socialist future and to educating people about the value and necessity of socialist policies in the present could follow.'"

Saturday, November 15, 2008

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom

Couric Studied With Anti-Palin Advisers Before Palin Interview | NewsBusters.org

"Couric shed some light on her preparation for the interviews: Beforehand, she sought advice from former senator Sam Nunn and Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haas [actually, it’s Haass]. They told her to draw Palin out on her geopolitical worldview and urged her to let the governor speak at length without interrupting her. Maybe she should bring them along with her when she takes over at Meet the Press?

That would be a sad day for substance on Meet the Press, if it ever happened. Sam Nunn, of course, is now leading the Obama transition team on defense policy, and Haass and was probably familiar to Couric through his appearances as an analyst on NBC. Haass was a top aide to Colin Powell in the first two years of the Bush administration, and remember, Powell endorsed Obama."

Fair and non-bias news from the CBS (communist,Bolshevik,Socialist) to just find the truth and report it....right? These people practice every form of oppression of the people and the real news stories, while telling us that they are "non-bias" just "reporters of the news, not makers of the news". Alas...the lies they tell!

Secret Directed-Energy Tech Protecting the President? | Danger Room from Wired.com

Ohio.com - Joe the Plumber case still dripping

"Ohio Inspector General Tom Charles said his office is now looking at a half-dozen agencies that accessed state records on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher."

Prop. 8 Anger Spurs Donor Blacklists, CBS Evening News: Online Donor Lists Prompt Boycotts Of Same-Sex Marriage Ban Supporters - CBS News

Now the anger is moving to the Internet, where supporters of same-sex marriage are posting blacklists - the names and businesses of those who gave money to help Proposition 8 pass.

"I was completely disgusted," Li said. "This sort of blacklist should only appear in communist countries, should not be found in the United States."

These people don't believe in freedom of speech or the rights of others. They only demand to get their way regardless of what it does to any and everyone else. These are the new Brown Shirts of politics today.

McCain Supporter Claims She Suffered Racial Taunts in Class|NewsChannel 8

Her problems, she said, began with an assignment to write about the merits of Barack Obama (web|news|bio) . When she announced she differed with Obama, Alfonzo says her African-American classmates subjected her to an onslaught of racial hatred.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ex-Hitler youth's warning to America

"'I lived the Nazi nightmare, and, as the old saying goes, 'A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument,'' writes von Campe. 'Everything I write is based on my personal experience in Nazi Germany. There is nothing theoretical about my description of what happens when a nation throws God out of government and society, and Christians become religious bystanders. I don't want to see a repetition. The role of God in human society is the decisive issue for this generation. My writing is part of my life of restitution for the crimes of a godless government, of the evil of which I was a part.'"

Saudi Arabia to Lead U.N. Faith Forum - washingtonpost.com

"UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 11 -- Saudi Arabia, the oil-rich Islamic kingdom that forbids the public practice of other religious faiths, will preside Wednesday over a two-day U.N. conference on religious tolerance that will draw more than a dozen world leaders, including President Bush, Israeli President Shimon Peres and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown."

Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

This is a country that is at war with Christianity, the West and Israel...why should anyone listen to what they say? Is this for real? Can the blinders really be on that tight to not question this as spurious at best, and at the worst this is a (king) con-artist at work here?

The Associated Press: Devotees flock to 'Buddha reincarnation' in Nepal

"RATANPUR, Nepal (AP) — The teenage boy revered by many as a reincarnation of Buddha sat silently in the jungle as he blessed his devotees Wednesday with a light tap on the head, which they consider the touch of the divine."

"I got a chance to see God today," Bishnu Maya Khadka, a housewife, said after receiving Bamjan's blessing Wednesday. "They say he is Buddha, but for me he is just God."

Mat 24:23-27
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

One of Florida's most prominent black Republicans switches to Democratic Party

Australian web filter to block 10,000 internet sites | Herald Sun

Lesbians, condoms go wild in attack on Christian church

"Worshippers at a Bible-teaching church in Lansing, Mich., were stunned Sunday when members of a pro-homosexual, pro-anarchy organization named Bash Back interrupted their service to fling propaganda and condoms around the sanctuary, drape a profane banner from the balcony and feature two lesbians making out at the pulpit."

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Associated Press: Obama slips in reference to seance by Nancy Reagan

"It actually wasn't Nancy Reagan who was linked to conversations with the dead; it was Obama's top Democratic challenger for the presidency, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y."

As always, Liberals blame and accuse Conservatives of what they have done or are doing.

FT.com / In depth - Chinese hack into White House network

"Chinese hackers have penetrated the White House computer network on multiple occasions, and obtained e-mails between government officials, a senior US official told the Financial Times.

On each occasion, the cyber attackers accessed the White House computer system for brief periods, allowing them enough time to steal information before US computer experts patched the system."

U.S. Treasury teaches 'Islamic Finance 101'

"The Treasury Department has announced it will teach 'Islamic finance' to U.S. banking regulatory agencies, Congress and other parts of the executive branch today in Washington, D.C. – but critics say it is opening a door to American funding of Islamic extremism."

Civil Liberties Examiner: Obama's chief of staff choice favors compulsory universal service

"It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American. Under this plan, All Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service. ..."

WOW! We're not even done with Bush's last few months and things are already going wildly Socialist in this country. God help us!

The Big Question

"100 more votes for Franken in Mt. Iron, Pct. 1
November 7th, 2008 – 2:06 PM by Dennis McGrath

The Norm Coleman campaign is saying that the 100-vote increase given to Democrat Al Franken Thursday night is highly suspicious, because the ballot machine printout of the vote results is timestamped two days before Election Day."

Moderates to blame for GOP losses, conservative leader says - CNN.com

"- A conservative leader Friday laid the Republican Party's poor showing at the polls at the feet of moderates who, he argues, led the party away from its core principles.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council says the GOP must return to conservative principles.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council told CNN that conservatives need to take back control of the GOP if the party is to return to its winning ways.

'Moderates never beat conservatives. We've seen that in past elections,' he said."

YouTube - Ashville N.C. School teacher browbeats student over being a McCain supporter

YouTube - Ashville N.C. School teacher browbeats student over being a McCain supporter

Friday, November 7, 2008

Dollars lining up for 'civilian national security force'?

"President-elect Barack Obama raised questions during an election campaign stop in Colorado Springs when he asserted the U.S. needs a 'civilian national security force' that would be as powerful, strong and well-funded as the Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force, but few of those questions have been answered.

But now one report is proposing a possible solution for part of the equation: From where would the money for such an organization come? Democrats in Congress now are floating the idea of cutting U.S. military spending by 25 percent, or $150 billion a year"

McClatchy Washington Bureau | 11/05/2008 | How will President Obama deploy his Internet army?

"A powerful new lobbying force is coming to town: Barack Obama's triumphant army of 3.1 million Internet-linked donors and volunteers.

In a mass e-mail thanking them, written moments before his Grant Park victory speech, Obama put them on notice. 'We have a lot to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next,' he wrote."

What is he talking about? Scary to think what it might be.

Obama To Re-Appoint Pro-Fairness Doctrine Commissioner To The FCC - Say Anything

"Henry Rivera, a longtime radical leftist, lawyer and former FCC commissioner, is expected to lead the push to dismantle commercial talk radio that is favored by a number of Democratic Party senators. Rivera will play a pivotal role in preventing critics from having a public voice during Obama’s tenure in office.

Rivera, who resigned from the FCC nearly a quarter-century ago during the Reagan years, believes in a doctrine of “communications policy as a civil rights issue”."

This goes to show that "civil rights issues" along with "racism" are nothing but fronts to disarm and people mentally to destroy all that we know as America! There is no "racism" or "civil rights issues" in this country. Its all about power to the DNC!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama thanks 'gracious' press

"'But you guys have been gracious and understanding,' he said, following conservative criticism of the press for its coverage of Obama,..

'It's been a good long ride with all of you,' the Illinois senator said. 'Whatever happens tomorrow (Tuesday) it's going to be extraordinary and you guys have shared this process with us.'"

He admits that the media "shared" in his ability to win the people over to him! He admits that they worked for him and helped him with good coverage and supported comments!

ABC News: African-Americans Glimpse 'Promised Land'

"At once weeping and jubilant, African-Americans glimpsed the Promised Land tonight, 40 years after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., as Barack Obama won election as the first black American president."

All about him being "black", and nothing about him being anything else. You'll never convince me otherwise. Who are the "racist" now? We all know the Truth, just look at them and you'll see. Just wait a few months or years and we'll all see and know it for sure.

Michael Calderone's Blog: Rep. Lewis: 'a nonviolent revolution' - Politico.com

"Civil Rights leader John Lewis told Charlie Gibson that today's election was 'a nonviolent revolution' and an 'unbelievable, and unreal transformation of American politics.'"

You see, it's all about power and the taking of power by blacks and Socialists/Communists, and nothing about America, Americans or what's good for all of us...only about black power, black racism, getting the "white man" back, revenge and the Communist Revolution in America coming full circle into full control.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain's call to Obama - First Read - msnbc.com

"Senator Obama said he was eager to sit down and talk about how the two of them can work together - Obama said to move this country forward 'I need your help, you're a leader on so many important issues.'"

Did McCain throw this race for Obama because he thought Obama should win? Fox News reporter said that "rumors" have been going around for a while that McCain really didn't want to win, from the beginning he thought that Obama would and that Obama should win because of the fact that he was the first "black" of a "major party"... and that McCain thought that Obama was "destined" for the President's office? Now he wants to "work with" Obama? How can you support this man's breaking the laws and rules and then help him unless you're one of them...the Liberals playing Conservative for political reasons?

Breitbart.tv » Hillary Politics Inside New York Polling Station Feet From Booths

When will people understand that Democrats only believe that laws and rules apply to others, and not to them too.

The Associated Press: Exit poll: Obama wins women, blacks, Hispanics

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Barack Obama was winning handily among women, blacks and Hispanics, while whites supported John McCain, according to preliminary exit polls."

My Way News - Report clears Palin in Alaska's Troopergate probe

"Palin - running mate of Republican presidential candidate John McCain - violated no ethics laws, according to a report released by the state personnel board on the eve of Election Day."

Democrats never go after their own people doing wrong, only after others. And then find them "not guilty" after making them look to be...just before the election, after ruining her.

Sign-stealing prof resigns

"A visiting St. Olaf instructor who wrote an online essay about stealing John McCain lawn signs -- 'like a ninja under the cover of cloudy Minnesota night' -- has resigned, the Northfield college announced."

Political Blogs, Conservative Blogging, Republican Bloggers, The Politics Blogspot: Townhall.com

A Repeat of 2004 Philly Voter Chaos, Fraud"GOP Election Board members have been tossed out of polling stations in at least half a dozen polling stations in Philadelphia because of their party status.

A Pennsylvania judge previously ruled that court-appointed poll watchers could be NOT removed from their boards by an on-site election judge, but that is exactly what is happening, according to sources on the ground.

It is the duty of election board workers to monitor and guard the integrity of the voting process."

Fidel Castro praises Obama but doesn't endorse him | MiamiHerald.com

"Fidel Castro praised Barack Obama Tuesday as smarter and less warlike than John McCain"

"Without a doubt, Obama is more intelligent, cultured and levelheaded than his Republican adversary," Castro wrote in state-controlled newspapers. "McCain is old, bellicose, uncultured, of little intelligence and not healthy."

I think that Castro forgot who he was speaking about and started to speak about himself instead of McCain.

President - Election Center 2008 - Elections & Politics from CNN.com


Schumer on Fox: Fairness Doctrine ‘fair and balanced’
"Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday defended the so-called Fairness Doctrine in an interview on Fox News, saying, “I think we should all be fair and balanced, don’t you?”"

Now that they're in stronger...will it come back (the unfair Fairness doctrine?)

Breitbart.tv » Fox News: Black Panthers Block GOP Access to Philadelphia Poll

Using a nightstick and not letting "whites" to freely walk into the polling area. They said that a "black man" was going to win this election "regardless". Can you believe this?

Washington Times - PRUDEN: Taking it all on blind faith

"This election will be remembered as the campaign that ignited a religious revival. Never have so many atheists, skeptics, agnostics, secularists, heretics, freethinkers and rationalists hit the sawdust trail to imbibe so much on blind faith, and to make it their religion."

The Corner on National Review Online

An Obama voter in Pennsylvania admits to CNN that he voted multiple times:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama speechwriter defects to McCain

Wendy Button, a frequent columnist for the Huffington Post, where she is credited with writing speeches for Democratic Sens. John Edwards, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John Kerry and for Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, made the announcement in a blog post called "So Long, Democrats" on The Daily Beast.

"'I can no longer justify what this party has done and can't dismiss the treatment of women and working people as just part of the new kind of politics,'"

Hats off to her and everyone else that is willing to be guided by conviction over Party politics.

Another Communist in Obama’s Orb by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

"The mainstream press steadfastly refuses to delve into Barack Obama’s radicalism, his Leftist revolutionary collaboration with self-identified communists"

Obama's Anti-Israel Islamic Pals - Opinion - Arutz Sheva

"the important fact that Khalidi is just one of many Israel-hating Islamic characters that Obama has allied himself with."

Barack Obama 'could worsen crisis': Rupert Murdoch | The Australian

"NEWS Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch has warned that Barack Obama could worsen the world financial crisis if he is elected US president"

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Obama-Supporting KGO Libtalker Calls For Death Of Joe The Plumber

KGO / San Francisco libtalker / Obama supporter Karel has been caught on tape calling for the death of Joe The Plumber.

"Based in Los Angeles, Karel is a gay activist who also writes for the Huffington Post website."

This latest incident caps a weekend of unhinged behavior by Obama's supporters, including a call for the death of Mormons campaigning on behalf of Proposition 8 in California and the push for an investigation into the "leak" that Obama's aunt was an illegal alien facing deportation.

What if these were McCain supporters? Would the media put them in the hot spot and blast their actions on the TV? You bet they would.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

FOXNews.com - School Clams Up on 'Gay' Pledge Cards Given to Kindergartners - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

A California school system refuses to say what action, if any, it will take after it received complaints about a kindergarten teacher who encouraged her students to sign "pledge cards" in support of gays.

What would happen if this same teacher would have been getting children to sign "pledge cards" in support for Christ, Christians and Christianity? Do you think that the media would handle this differently. Would the media and countless liberal groups be calling for her to be fired, fined and even give her "death threats" like they do Christians and Conservatives? You bet they would! See the double standards?

FOXNews.com - Armed Mexican Troops Arrested After Straying Into Arizona - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Barack Obama lays plans to deaden expectation after election victory - Times Online

"Barack Obama’s senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins next week’s election, amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harbouring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve."

This should be hammered! If his supporters have “unrealistic hopes” its because Obama gave them these “hopes”. PLEASE SPEAK ON THIS ASAP. He is allowing his “following” to believe lies and ideas he spun just to be elected, and then he plans to (and must) “deaden” and “lower ecpectations for his presidency if he wins”??? They only believe in what HE TOLD THEM! And this should be shown to the masses that he is the one misleading them to get into the office (God forbid), but has no plans, will or ability to fulfill them all these promises he has made. THIS IS JUST LIKE BUSH SR telling Yeltson of Russia to not believe what he would hear (from Bush) in the election because its not true just election stuff and the Democrats hammered Bush for it. It really hurt his reputation as being believable. Obama should be hit for this too…hard! Even CBS has now come out and admitted that Obama can’t do all that he promises, and that Obama’s math doesn’t add up. Look at:

Apparently, Barack Obama is sorry, very sorry, really very sorry | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Bill Clinton's Speech at Obama's Florida Rally

"And he may even be mad at me for saying this so closest to the election but I know what else he said to his economic advisers. He said tell me what the right thing to do is. What's the right thing for America, and don't tell me what's popular."

With the White House won, Barack Obama now must pick a team | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

"With the White House won, Barack Obama now must pick a team"

Now that the presidential election business has been pretty much settled in much of the media and Barack Obama has obviously won, we can get down to the next political game at hand: guessing who's going to make up his administration's team."

What is this???? The election isn't until Tuesday, three days away, and the polls show it a dead heat. These people are nothing but liars and Soviet Communist style propaganda makers! I really hope this is their "hubris" moment! It looks as if they are paving the way for riots and national problems by saying that he is the winner even if he doesn't get it. This is exactly what is said that his cousin in Kenya did: lied to start street fighting to get into the presidential office even though he wasn't the winner.

'All whites racist' plan won't die

"In was a year ago when WND reported on work by FIRE to shut down Delaware's required student training with the stated goals of converting incoming students into 'change' agents and providing 'treatment' for those who failed."

"No one has apologized to the students for the pressure and shame, the invasion of privacy, or the other assaults on students' freedom of conscience."

These so-called places of "higher learning" are nothing more than "re-education camps" for our children by the Socialist/Communist (pretending to be teachers), who are trying to destroy our American and Christian ways of life. NO PARENT SHOULD SEND THEIR CHILDREN TO PUBLIC OR NON-CHRISTIAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. That is, if they want them to get a real education instead of "brain-washing".

Turn old churches into gyms, cafes and multi-faith centres, says Culture Secretary | Mail Online

"Churches with low attendance should be turned into gyms, restaurants or multi-faith centres, the Culture Secretary has suggested."

Reality Check: The Cost Of Obama's Pledges, CBS Evening News: If Victorious, Barack Obama May Find Fewer Resources Than He Needs For His Campaign Promises - CBS News

"Without question, the Barack Obama infomercial served as a very slick and powerful recitation of the biggest promises he's made as a presidential candidate. But the very bigness of his ideas is the problem: he seems blind to the concept his numbers don't add up."