United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Monday, November 24, 2008

College threatens pro-life students with arrest

"Members of a university pro-life club have received a letter from school officials threatening them with fines, arrests and even expulsion if they set up their semiannual display depicting the horrors of abortion."

lawyers for the university sent a menacing letter to CPL informing the students that their signs would only be permitted if turned away from passing foot traffic. Violation of this policy, the letter stated, would make pro-life protesters on campus "subject to arrest, fines or a civil lawsuit."

"Being told to turn our signs inwards is like being told we can express our views as long as nobody can hear us,"

"When the peaceful expression of an opinion is threatened by violence, the appropriate solution is the provision of security, not censorship of the opinion," writes CPL. "In this context censorship would constitute an affirmation of violence as an effective means to silence unpopular opinions. If the University censors an opinion rather than providing adequate security, the University sends a powerful signal that unpopular or controversial views can be silenced through the threat of violence."

"We do not want to be arrested, but the university's attempt to bully us is wrong,"

When its Christian, Conservative or Pro-Traditional American, its attacked at the colleges/universities, but when its anything other than these (regardless of how ugly, ungodly, nasty, sexually explicit (pornographic), hateful, violent, anti-American, or openly hostile and blaspheming against the Christian faith) it is a "Constitutional Right" to express such things in an unfettered and unabashed way. Who are the real brave men and women? Who are the real "intellectuals" of our young people of today? Not those that embrace Political Correctness, but those that dare to stand against it and cry foul at all of its evil! Those are the real brave souls. Nowadays, all other students are just "run-of-the-mill" and "cookie cutter" copies of their liberal professors!

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