United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Saturday, December 19, 2009

CNSNews.com - More than 3 Million Registered Voters are Dead, 12 Million More Ineligible, Analysis Finds

"Regardless of how lively an election season might be, a new study shows that more 3.3 million voters on current registration rolls across the country are dead.

Another 12.9 million remain on voter registration lists in an area where they no longer live."

CNSNews.com - Mayor Set to Sign DC's Same-Sex Marriage Bill

"Same-sex marriages in the nation's capital will come one step closer when Washington's mayor signs the bill at a public ceremony.

The city council approved the measure this week legalizing gay marriage."

CNSNews.com - After Covering Up Symbol for Jesus at Georgetown, White House Had Obama Speak in Front of Symbols for AMA, AARP and Human Rights Campaign

"When President Barack Obama spoke at Gaston Hall at Georgetown University on April 14, the university complied with a White House request to cover up all signs and symbols on the wall of the stage behind where the president spoke. These included the monogram “IHS”-- a symbol for the name of Jesus--which is prominently engraved in gold on a pediment in the center of the back wall of stage."

Friday, December 18, 2009

Why the sign of Our Lady reigns over Europe - Catholic Herald

"“It is a symbol of Virgin Marie!” And then, as if on cue, she reached behind her cash register and grabbed a well-worn copy of a French Bible, quickly thumbed through and held it out for me to read: Un grand signe parut dans le ciel: une femme enveloppĂ©e du soleil, la lune sous ses pieds, et une couronne de douze Ă©toiles sur sa tĂªte (“Then a great and mysterious sight appeared in the sky."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Spooky: 1 in 3 Democrats communicate with the dead

"* 36 percent of Democrats report being in touch with someone who is dead, compared with only 21 percent of Republicans.

* 21 percent of Democrats say they have seen a ghost, compared with only 11 percent of Republicans.

* 22 percent of Democrats say they have consulted a fortune-teller, compared with 9 percent of Republicans.

* 30 percent of Democrats say they believe in reincarnation, compared with 17 percent of Republicans.

* 31 percent of Democrats say they believe in astrology, compared with 14 percent of Republicans

* 31 percent of Democrats view yoga as a spiritual practice, compared with 15 percent of Republicans.

* 30 percent of Democrats say they believe in spiritual energy, compared with 17 percent of Republicans."

Celebs to kids: America stinks!

"'The People Speak' as an effort to promote 'Marxist academic Howard Zinn's capitalism-bashing, America-dissing, grievance-mongering history textbook, 'A People's History of the United States.' … Zinn's work is a self-proclaimed 'biased account
' of American history that rails against white oppressors, the free market and the military.'"

The first two pages of Zinn's book demonstrate why Malkin and other critics might judge "A People's History of the United States" as inherently socialist propaganda:

Copenhagen climate summit: Tony Blair calls on world leaders to ‘get moving’ - Telegraph

"Following the ‘climategate scandal’, Mr Blair said the science may not be “as certain as its proponents allege”.
But he said the world should act as a precaution against floods, droughts and mass extinction caused by climate change, in fact it would be “grossly irresponsible” not to."

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jimmy Carter: Abuse of Women? Blame the Catholics and Southern Baptists

"In an address to a gathering sponsored by the World Parliament of Religions (PWR) last Friday, former US President Jimmy Carter has once again blamed traditional religion, particularly Southern Baptists and Roman Catholics, for 'creating an environment where violations against women are justified.'

...Carter appeals to his authority as someone who has 'taught Bible lessons for more than 65 years.'

In opposition to the vast majority of authentic scholars and historians, Carter asserted: 'It's clear that during the early Christian era women served as deacons, priests, bishops, apostles, teachers and prophets.' He added: 'It wasn't until the 4th century or the 3rd at the earliest that dominant Christian leaders, all men, twisted and distorted Holy Scriptures to perpetuate their ascendant position within the religious hierarchy.'

Contrary to the theorizing of Carter, Pope John Paul II taught, 'The Lord Jesus chose men to form the college of the twelve apostles, and the apostles did the same when they chose collaborators to succeed them in their ministry.' He added: 'the Church recognizes herself to be bound by this choice made by the Lord himself. For this reason the ordination of women is not possible.' (Catechism of the Catholic Church; 1577)

Carter singled out the Southern Baptist Convention and Roman Catholic Church, claiming that they 'view that the Almighty considers women to be inferior to men.' However, both Christian faiths hold to the Scriptural truth that God created men and women equal.

Carter suggests that only in permitting women to become priests and pastors could male religious leaders choose to interpret teachings to exalt rather than subjugate women. 'They have, for their own selfish ends, overwhelmingly chosen the latter, subjugation,' he said.

'Their continuing choice provides a foundation or justification for much of the pervasive persecution and abuse of women throughout the world,' said Carter. Carter goes on to list horrific violations against women such as rape, genital mutilation, abortion of female embryos and spousal battery.

Responding to Carter's nearly identical points in July, John Paul Meenan, Professor of Theology at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy in Barry's Bay, Ontario characterized Carter's points as 'ridiculous,' noting that there was no evidence of the ordination of women in the early Church.

Moreover, Meenan stressed that historically Christianity ought to be credited for promoting the dignity of women. 'It is the Church that invariably improved the lot of women in the lands that were converted and Christianized,' he said."

'Witch hunt' expected under new U.S. 'hate crimes' law

"The lawyer who handled the years-long battle by Pastor Stephen Boissoin over 'hate speech' charges for a letter he wrote to the editor of a local newspaper that cited the Bible's condemnation of homosexuality is forecasting a nationwide 'witch hunt' in the U.S. prompted by an expanded 'hate crimes' law signed by President Obama."

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

"The 23% who Strongly Approve matches the lowest level of enthusiasm yet recorded. Just 41% of Democrats Strongly Approve while 69% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 21% Strongly Approve and 49% Strongly Disapprove."

Friday, December 11, 2009

CNSNews.com - Hollywood and Howard Zinn’s Marxist Education Project

"The two most important questions for society, according to the Greek philosopher Plato, are these: What will we teach our children? And who will teach them?"

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lesbian awarded custody of Christian's only child

"A Vermont court ordered a Christian child taken away from her mother and given to a lesbian ex-partner, setting up, according to a lawyer for the Christian family, a dispute that the U.S. Supreme Court likely will have to resolve."

Liberty Counsel said, "Unrefuted testimony has shown that for the last five years, Janet has neither attempted to phone nor write Isabella. She has never sent Isabella a card of any kind for any occasion. Janet has refused to attend Isabella's Christmas plays because she does not want to be around a Christian environment. She has also said that it is not in Isabella's best interest to be raised in a Christian home."

Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani Held in Death of Prof. Richard Antoun - NYTimes.com

"In his statement, Mr. Mollen said there was “no indication of religious or ethnic motivation” in the killing. He said no other arrests were expected."

Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani Held in Death of Prof. Richard Antoun - NYTimes.com

"A 46-year-old Binghamton University graduate student from Saudi Arabia was charged on Saturday with killing a retired anthropology professor, a specialist in Islamic and Middle Eastern studies with whom he had worked, the authorities said."

In his statement, Mr. Mollen said there was “no indication of religious or ethnic motivation” in the killing. He said no other arrests were expected.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

CNSNews.com - Abortion Is a ‘God-Given Right,’ Liberal Leader Declares

"Rev. Carlton Veazey, president and CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, told a small crowd of pro-abortion protesters that women have a “God-given right” to abortion and that opposition from pro-life congressmen and religious leaders would never take it away."

Saturday, November 28, 2009

HSLDA | Prosecutor to Homeschoolers: No Compromise--You're Going to Jail!

"Prosecutor to Homeschoolers: No Compromise—You’re Going to Jail!

Juergen and Rosemary Dudek of Archfeldt, Germany, were sentenced to 90 days in prison in July 2008 because they homeschool their children. Their sentence was overturned by an appeals court because of a legal error, and a new trial was ordered. Their new trial began November 16. German news reports indicate the judge appears disposed to seek a compromise. But prosecutor Herwig Mueller has vowed to appeal any sentence that does not include jail time for these parents, who have been in the spotlight for years because of their insistence on homeschooling. This was the same prosecutor who appealed the lower court sentence of only a fine, saying to the family, “You don’t have to worry about the fine because I will send you to jail.”"

Teaching plan: America 'an oppressive hellhole'

"A program proposed at the University of Minnesota would result in required examinations of teacher candidates on 'white privilege' as well as 'remedial re-education' for those who hold the 'wrong' views, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education."

A mob of 3000 Muslims attacks Coptic Christians(2) (OneNewsNow.com)

"After a 21-year-old Coptic Christian in Farshoot, Egypt was accused of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old Muslim girl, chaos broke loose. Last week a mob of nearly 3000 Muslims attacked police and Copts, planning to kidnap the man they claimed to be responsible for the assault.

Throughout the calamity, wooden crosses were burned, innocent victims were severely injured, and seven Coptic women were abducted. The Assyrian International News Agency says it seems evident that attacks were preplanned, and police did little to stop it. Not a single arrest was made."

Washington State Bans Holiday Displays Inside Capitol - FOXNews.com

"The new rules -- set to take effect Dec. 1 -- came after repeated protests from The Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Washington-based atheist group, over holiday décor inside Capitol campus buildings in Olympia."
The nativity crèche and the menorah are no longer welcome inside the Washington state Capitol after Gov. Chris Gregoire banned non-government displays, including religious ones, from inside the building.

Turkeys of the year (OneNewsNow.com)

"As we gather round the Thanksgiving table, bow our heads in prayer and feast on the holiday bird, it is only fitting to take a moment to fete the unforgettable turkeys of 2009."

Friday, November 27, 2009

Roseanne Barr: George W. Bush Stole All The Country's Money | NewsBusters.org

"Did you know that last year's banking crisis was all President George W. Bush's fault, and that when he left the White House in January, he 'walked out the door with all the money?'

You didn't? Well, that's what comedienne Roseanne Barr thinks.

Such was said by Barr at an ACORN event in Watts, California, nine months ago, in a video just discovered by The Fox Nation"

To Kos, Taliban's Real Crime Is Being Un-PC | NewsBusters.org

"Why does Kos say he hates the Taliban? Because they aided and abetted Osama Bin Laden in the murder of thousands of Americans? Nope. That they are actively engaged in killing American troops in Afghanistan? Guess again. No, the Taliban's real crime—the only complaint Kos mentions— is that . . . they're not PC. Not feminist. Not gay-friendly. Hell, they might even be opposed to stem cell research.

Oh, and for good measure, Kos calls conservative Republicans like Michelle Bachmann 'the American Taliban.' What was that about dissent being patriotic?"

Media Promote Church Involvement In Politics...For Liberal Agendas | NewsBusters.org

In all of their indignation over a church being involved in politics, they must have forgotten about the recent past when President Obama asked churches to help him push government-mandated healthcare. When ministers stepped into the politicial discussion back then, media outlets were more than willing to celebrate it.

In late August of this year, President Obama held a meeting with left-leaning religious leaders to convince them that government mandated healthcare was a "moral imperative," and that ministers should be involved in educating their fold on the issue.

The media protrayed the meeting as a great idea and praised the ministers who attended. MSNBC ran an article from CQ writer Jane Norman that gushed with excitement over sermons laced with politics and prayer meetings aimed at congressional districts:

The "40 Days for Health Reform" initiative by the interfaith groups will include prayer services in congressional districts, meetings of religious leaders with members of Congress and a "Nationwide Health Care Sermon Weekend" with preaching from the pulpit on the need for a health care overhaul. The leaders say they're the ones who see up close the problems with the insurance system and the need for change.

Female? Black? Gay? All three? Then you're more likely to become an MP under controversial new plans | Mail Online

"Controversial plans were unveiled yesterday to force political parties to make Parliament less white, male, middle-class and heterosexual.

Under proposals backed by Commons Speaker John Bercow, but labelled as 'insulting' by former Tory minister Ann Widdecombe, parties will be made to declare publicly how many women, ethnic minority, gay and disabled applicants they reject as potential Parliamentary candidates."

Parties also face demands to ensure at least half the MPs leaving Parliament at the next election - in what is expected to be the biggest exodus since 1945 - are replaced by women.

High school performs 'gay' musical on Thanksgiving

"Students at a high school in Massachusetts are opening theater doors today for a free performance of scenes from their upcoming musical, a tale about a bisexual father torn between his family and his 'gay' lover."

Concord's public high school also caught the attention of MassResistance, when, on Palm Sunday in 2006, it hosted a performance of the Boston Gay Men's Chorus.

"Public school officials in Massachusetts," wrote a MassResistance email at the time, "seem to be looking for creative ways to push the homosexual agenda in the most offensive ways possible."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Religious leaders vow civil disobedience on anti-life issues - Washington Times

"More than 150 leaders across a spectrum of conservative Christianity on Friday released a 4,700-word document vowing civil disobedience if they are forced to take part in 'anti-life acts' or bless gay marriages."

"Throughout the centuries, Christianity has taught that civil disobedience is not only permitted, but sometimes required," says the document which cited civil rights icon Martin Luther King and his willingness to go to jail for his beliefs.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

'Gay' blogger calls church-bomb threat a 'joke'

"'The First Amendment gives you the right of free speech but it does not grant the right to claim you have a bomb in your luggage at the airport, it doesn't give you the right to claim you have a bomb in a movie theater,' LaBarbera said. 'It doesn't protect saying you'll shut up these Christians up by strapping bombs [on] and blowing up churches.'"

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Associated Press: Homeland chief warns against anti-Muslim backlash

"The U.S. Homeland Security secretary says she is working to prevent a possible wave of anti-Muslim sentiment after the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas."

Paleontologists Target Montana Dinosaur Museum

"The Glendive Museum stands apart, however, in that it presents dinosaurs as having been drowned and their remains preserved in the massive worldwide flood described in the Bible. This view has prompted reactionary comments from mainstream scientists."

Sweden's first lesbian bishop consecrated in Uppsala - The Local

"The Church of Sweden on Sunday ordained a female pastor as the country's first openly homosexual bishop, just weeks after approving gay marriages."

The Gouverneur Times - Your Online News Source

"Owens indicated in a press release released shortly afterwards that he was now in favor of the the 'Affordable Healthcare for America Act' bill in direct contrast to his earlier position during the election campaign."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Glasgow, Lanarkshire and West | Transsexual Jesus sparks protests

"About 300 protesters held a candlelit protest outside a Glasgow theatre over the staging of a play which portrays Jesus as a transsexual.

The protest was held outside the Tron Theatre, where Jesus, Queen of Heaven - in which Christ is a transsexual woman - is being staged.

It is part of the Glasgay! arts festival, a celebration of Scotland's gay, bi-sexual and transsexual culture."

Green views now the same as a religion after environmentalist wins claim that he was sacked because of his beliefs | Mail Online

"Green beliefs are as worthy of protection in the workplace as religious ones, a judge ruled yesterday in a landmark case.

Christian groups said the decision was further evidence of Britain 'abandoning its Christian heritage' at a time of increasing discrimination against religion.

Legal experts warned the case would 'open the floodgates' for claims of unfair dismissal based on someone's environmental beliefs."

Fulton County machines break; court order issued - NewsChannel 9 WSYR

"They were not planning on counting any votes Tuesday night. We’re told by the Board of Elections, the paper ballots cannot be touched until the absentee ballots are opened a week from Tuesday.

The Board of Elections says they do not know how many people voted, but there are 22 districts in Fulton County."

Democrats stealing the votes and victory here...again?

GOP sweep: Big governor victories in Virginia, NJ - Yahoo! News

"In both states, the surveys also suggested the Democrats had difficulty turning out their base, including the large numbers of first-time minority and youth voters whom Obama attracted. The Virginia electorate was whiter in 2009 than it was in 2008, when blacks and Hispanics voted in droves to elect the country's first black president."

Again the media goes for the race card, saying things that if it were reversed would be called "racist" or 'bigoted" in their approach.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blacks Far More Satisfied With U.S. Under Obama

"Blacks’ satisfaction tracks closely with Democrats’; black Democrats’ satisfaction up the most"

Who's the real race-based (racist) group here, white or black? Who's looking at the color of the skin of the President and who's looking at actions, ideas, beliefs and other things that really matter?

**VIDEO** Terrified Voter says NJ Dems Using Gangbangers for GOTV | Election Journal

"How would you like to be a New Jersey police officer and look out your window and see several known criminals, including a man you arrested several weeks ago and another who had just been released from prison for shooting a cop? And then find out that the men were sent into the neighborhood by the Democratic Party for GOTV operations - complete with lists of voters names, addresses and phones numbers!"
That is what happened Sunday on a quiet street in Morris Township.

The Dem gov was just shamed by one of his staff members being arrested because of a drug/ gang-related crime.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Christian groups bring different messages to Pride event  | ajc.com

"This year, two evangelical ministers who are walking a middle path between outright condemnation and full affirmation of gay people took a booth and surprised those stopping by with apologies.

'I just want to say I'm sorry,' Jason Harper, an assistant pastor from Sacramento, Calif., told a man as he handed him a white rubber bracelet with 'We're Sorry' indented into it.

Harper continued, he is sorry for the way many churches have treated gay people, making them feel like outcasts. The man paused, looked Harper in the eye and thanked him before disappearing.

Harper and Craig Gross wrote a book, 'No Matter Who You Are or What You've Done, Jesus Loves You, This I Know' (Baker Books $17.99), about their experiences with prisoners, porn stars, Las Vegas strip down-and-outers and other strangers to church. They attended Atlanta Pride as part of the book tour. They don't condemn gay people, but they won't affirm a gay relationship as an ideal union. That typically does not come up in their brief apologies.

Renee Randall, a gay Georgia State University student, smiled and chatted with Harper and Gross after an apology.

'I think it's a message that people need to know,' she said after leaving the booth."

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dozens in Congress under ethics inquiry

"House ethics investigators have been scrutinizing the activities of more than 30 lawmakers and several aides in inquiries about issues including defense lobbying and corporate influence peddling, according to a confidential House ethics committee report prepared in July."

New Brighton wife tried to kill husband over Muslim principles, cops allege | Staten Island North Shore - - SILive.com

"STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — A 37-year-old wife from New Brighton tried to slit her husband’s throat as he slept because he was not the devout Muslim she believed she married, and pressured her to eat pork and drink alcohol, authorities allege."

Hate crimes law - ungodly, unconstitutional, unnecessary (OneNewsNow.com)

"Marcavage offers three reasons why he opposes the new law. He says it is ungodly because it 'seeks to shut down the gospel of Jesus Christ'; unconstitutional because it violates the equal protection guarantee of the 14th Amendment; and also unnecessary because there are already laws on the books that punish violent crimes."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Larry David Blasted for 'Curb' Episode Where He Urinates on Jesus Painting - FOXNews.com

"David urinates on a painting of Jesus Christ, causing a woman to believe the painting depicts Jesus crying.

Deal Hudson, author and publisher of InsideCatholic.com, said he doesn't find any humor in the episode.

'I don't think it's funny,' Hudson told Foxnews.com. 'Why is it that people are allowed to publicly show that level of disrespect for Christian symbols? If the same thing was done to a symbol of any other religions -- Jewish or Muslim -- there'd be a huge outcry. It's simply not a level playing field.'"

Saturday, October 24, 2009

CNSNews.com - When Asked Where the Constitution Authorizes Congress to Order Americans To Buy Health Insurance, Pelosi Says: 'Are You Serious?'

"CNSNews.com: “Madam Speaker, where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?”

Pelosi: “Are you serious? Are you serious?”

CNSNews.com: “Yes, yes I am.”

Pelosi then shook her head before taking a question from another reporter. Her press spokesman, Nadeam Elshami, then told CNSNews.com that asking the speaker of the House where the Constitution authorized Congress to mandated that individual Americans buy health insurance as not a 'serious question.'

“You can put this on the record,” said Elshami. “That is not a serious question. That is not a serious question.”"

Turkey seeks restoration of Ottoman Empire

"As Turkey increasingly show signs of uninterest in joining the European Union, Ankara is looking to regain its historic ties in Central Asia with the idea of resurrecting the grandeur of the Ottoman Empire, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

Regional analysts say Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Recep Erdogan seeks to re-establish Turkey's historical influence in the Turkic countries of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan by perpetuating a peacekeeping role."

White House: Policy 'czars' won't testify - Washington Times

"he debate goes to the heart of weighty constitutional issues about separation of powers. The president argues that he should be allowed to have advisers who are free to give him confidential advice without having to fear being called to testify about it. Democrats and Republicans in Congress, though, argue that those in office who actually craft policy should be able to be summoned to testify because they do more than just give the president advice.

At issue are the 18 positions Miss Collins says Mr. Obama has created since he took office. Of those, she says 10 - the White House says eight - are in the executive office and not subject to Freedom of Information Act requests or requests for testimony."

FCC moves on Net neutrality rules - Washington Times

"'The heart of the problem is that, taken together, we face the dangerous combination of an uncertain legal framework with ongoing as well as emerging challenges to a free and open Internet,' Mr. Genachowski said.

He added that failing to consider new regulations 'would be gambling with the most important technological innovation of our time.'"

The Associated Press: Ex-FBI director Freeh granted Italian citizenship

"WASHINGTON — Louis Freeh, the former head of the FBI, is now an Italian citizen."

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sotomayor Says White House Even Picked Out Her Clothes | NBC Connecticut

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's nomination process was so controlled that the White House even approved her clothes, she told Yalies when she appeared at her 30th Yale Law School reunion on Saturday.

Sotomayor described her grueling nomination process privately when she spoke to 1,800 alumni, students and faculty, the New Haven Register reports.

State Sen. Ed Meyer attended the event and said Sotomayor became teary at times, but kept the crowd laughing.

The Yale Law School grad talked about shopping for clothes to wear to her acceptance ceremony, but government officials took over the fashion decisions. They told her to bring five suits and then recommended which one she should wear, Meyer said."

Mika: With One Exception, Every CBS Reporter, Director, Anchor A Liberal | NewsBusters.org

"Give Mika Brzezinski credit for candor. She has stated that during her 10 years at CBS, every reporter, producer and anchor she knew, with one exception, was a liberal."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Obama aide fires back at Beck over Mao remarks - CNN.com

"Millions of Chinese suffered or died, most notably teachers, writers, political opponents or anyone deemed a 'reactionary.'"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Hitler Knew

"Here are two official slogans or mottos. As I rehearse them for you, ask yourself where these originated.

* “Politics do not belong in the church.”

* “The church must be separate from the state.”

These mottos did not come from the ACLU, nor from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, nor from the Freedom from Religion Foundation.

No, these slogans, word for word, came directly from the mind of Adolph Hitler.

These were official slogans of the Nazi Party, adopted in the mid-1930s and relentlessly hammered into the minds of the compliant German population by the Nazi propaganda machine."

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Israeli Nobel Winners Omitted in British Media Report - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

"(IsraelNN.com) An article in a London-based news service about U.S. President Barack Obama’s winning the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize omitted the names of Israeli winners in its listing of “every peace prize winner ever” since the award’s inception in 1909.

All of Israel's prize winners - Menachem Begin, Yizhak Rabin and Shimon Peres - were omitted from the report published in The Guardian, and also on its website."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How 'social justice' leads to mass murder

"Michel Oksenberg, President Carter's China expert, complained that 'America (is) doomed to decay until radical, even revolutionary, change fundamentally alters the institutions and values,' and urged us to 'borrow ideas and solutions' from China.

Even Harvard's late professor John K. Fairbank, by no means the worst tyrant worshipper, believed that America could learn much from the Cultural Revolution, saying, 'Americans may find in China's collective life today an ingredient of personal moral concern for one's neighbor that has a lesson for us all.' Keep in mind that estimates of the number of Chinese deaths during China's Cultural Revolution range from 2 to 7 million people. Mao Zedong was admired by many academics and leftists across our country. Just think back to the campus demonstrations of the '60s and '70s when campus radicals, often accompanied by their professors, marched around singing the praises of Mao and waving Mao's little red book, 'Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong.' Forty years later some of these campus radicals are tenured professors and administrators at today's universities and colleges, as well as schoolteachers and principals indoctrinating our youth."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Guess who's now banned from Capitol Xmas tree!

"The U.S. Forest Service has banned the name of Jesus from decorations being assembled by children in Arizona for a blue spruce from the state that will become the Capitol Christmas Tree this year, and a legal firm is challenging the censorship.

'Banning Christmas from the Capitol Christmas tree is just absurd. Christian students shouldn't be discriminated against for expressing their religious beliefs,' said Jonathan Scruggs, litigation staff counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund.

'The First Amendment does not allow government officials to exclude schoolchildren's ornaments for the capitol's Christmas tree merely because they communicate a religious viewpoint,' he said yesterday."

Democrat lesbian charged with embezzling $6 million

"A lesbian political activist who donated thousands to Democrats and homosexual causes is suspected of embezzling nearly $6 million from one of the world's largest insurance firms."

Privatized police force taking over town?

"Recent stories of a private security force descending upon a Montana town in black Mercedes SUVs with police department insignias emblazoned on the side have caused an Internet uproar.

The reason? Hardin, Mont., where the American Police Force entered driving the phony patrol cars, doesn't have a police department."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

DEBKAfile - Israel's Air & Missile Forces Could Wipe out Iran's Nuclear Sites

"For the past three years, US military and intelligence sources have used attributed and leaked assessments to the American media to emphasize that such an operation is beyond Israel's capabilities because of the nuclear facilities' wide distribution across Iran. At best, they maintained, the Israeli Air Force might knock out a few Iranian nuclear installations, but only enough to put Iran's nuclear drive temporarily on hold.

The CSIS paper refutes this assessment and maintains there is no need to destroy dozens or hundreds of sites; the destruction of seven to nine targets would be enough to cripple the Iranian program,"

Coins with Joseph's name found in Egypt | Middle East | Jerusalem Post

"Archeologists have discovered ancient Egyptian coins bearing the name and image of the biblical Joseph, Cairo's Al Ahram newspaper recently reported. Excerpts provided by MEMRI show that the coins were discovered among a multitude of unsorted artifacts stored at the Museum of Egypt."

Thursday, September 24, 2009

DEBKAfile - Iran loses its only AWACS as Ahmadinejad threatens the world

"as Iranian president declared Iran's armed forces would 'chop off the hands' of any power daring to attack his country, two air force jets collided in mid-air. One was Iran's only airborne warning and control system (AWACS) for coordinating long-distance aerial operations,"

Divine intervention? Divine Oman?

'Diversity czar' takes heat over remarks - Washington Times

"President Obama's diversity czar at the Federal Communications Commission has spoken publicly of getting white media executives to 'step down' in favor of minorities, prescribed policies to make liberal talk radio more successful, and described Hugo Chavez's rise to power in Venezuela 'an incredible revolution.'"

Friday, September 11, 2009

Obama speech 'a litany of lies' (OneNewsNow.com)

"'[The AP story suggests] that he uttered 'a variety of over simplifications and omissions,'' says Noyes. 'He talked about how he would not add a single dime to the deficit, when the studies are showing it would add about a trillion dollars to the deficit over the second year of the plan. He talked about not permitting any illegal immigrant to be covered, when in fact it was Democrats who voted down any attempt to verify immigration status.'"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Associated Press: Obama disapproval on health care up to 52 percent

"An Associated Press-GfK poll says that public disapproval of President Barack Obama's handling of health care has jumped to 52 percent.

The same survey shows that 49 percent now disapprove of his overall performance as president. In July, just 42 percent disapproved of how he was handling his job."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

State preps to relocate quarantined H1N1 victims

"A blank document from the Iowa Department of Public Health has been discovered online, designed to be filled in with the name of an H1N1 virus victim who is required to relocate from his or her home to a quarantine facility."

"The Department has determined that it is necessary to quarantine your movement to a specific facility to prevent further spread of this disease.

"The Department has determined that quarantine in your home and other less restrictive alternatives are not acceptable," the document continues, before listing mandatory provisions of compliance with relocation to a quarantine facility.

Monday, August 31, 2009

SHERMAN FREDERICK: Enough is enough, Harry - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

"Such behavior cannot go unchallenged.

You could call Reid's remark ugly and be right. It certainly was boorish. Asinine? That goes without saying.

But to fully capture the magnitude of Reid's remark (and to stop him from doing the same thing to others) it must be called what it was -- a full-on threat perpetrated by a bully who has forgotten that he was elected to office to protect Nevadans, not sound like he's shaking them down.

No citizen should expect this kind of behavior from a U.S. senator. It is certainly not becoming of a man who is the majority leader in the U.S. Senate. And it absolutely is not what anyone would expect from a man who now asks Nevadans to send him back to the Senate for a fifth term.

If he thinks he can push the state's largest newspaper around by exacting some kind of economic punishment in retaliation for not seeing eye to eye with him on matters of politics, I can only imagine how he pressures businesses and individuals who don't have the wherewithal of the Review-Journal.

For the sake of all who live and work in Nevada, we can't let this bully behavior pass without calling out Sen. Reid. If he'll try it with the Review-Journal, you can bet that he's tried it with others. So today, we serve notice on Sen. Reid that this creepy tactic will not be tolerated."

Czar's 'communist manifesto' scrubbed from Net

"Van Jones, special adviser for green jobs, enterprise and innovation to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, is an admitted black nationalist and radical communist.

Jones was the leader and founder of a radical group, the communist revolutionary organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM.

STORM's official manifesto, titled, 'Reclaiming Revolution,' had been published on the Internet.

A WND review of the 97-page treatise found that the manual describes Jones' organization as having a 'commitment to the fundamental ideas of Marxism-Leninism.'

'We agreed with Lenin's analysis of the state and the party,' reads the manifesto. 'And we found inspiration in the revolutionary strategies developed by Third World revolutionaries like Mao Tse-tung and Amilcar Cabral.'

Cabral is the late Marxist revolutionary leader of Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands.

WND previously reported Jones named his son after Cabral and reportedly concludes every e-mail with a quote from the communist leader."

Czar: 'Spread the wealth! Change the whole system'

"Jones spoke about using what he termed an environmental revolution to push for other policies, including anti-war activism.

'If all you did was have a clean energy
revolution, you wouldn't have done anything. ... You'll have bio-fueled bombers and we'll be fighting wars over lithium for the batteries instead of oil for the engines,' he said to applause.

'This movement is deeper than solar power. ... Don't stop there! We are going to change the whole system!' he exclaimed."

Friday, August 28, 2009

College kids recruited to join Obama's 'army'

"President Obama's army of citizen volunteers is now actively recruiting college students in states across the country to 'build support for President Obama's agenda' – and earn college credit while advocating for 'change.'"

White House stonewalls on 'radical' adviser

"More than five months after the Obama administration announced the hiring of its 'green jobs czar,' Van Jones, the White House has refused to explain whether it knew of Jones admitted black nationalist and radical communist history and just who hired the adviser.

Also questions continue to fester about how Jones, who has an arrest history, passed security clearances for his White House position."

Noah's Ark Zoo in creationist row - Telegraph

"British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums director Miranda Stevenson said: ''I find it extraordinary that an organisation that I thought promotes free thinking appears to want censorship.''"

Woman accused of contempt for dinner blessing

"A Florida school district worker whose husband read a prayer at a private banquet has been cleared of contempt accusations brought by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The case arose after the Santa Rosa County School District in January agreed to eliminate all religious activity, including prayer, at school-sanctioned events.

However, district worker Michelle Winkler was at a private banquet held at a Naval base to honor non-instructional school district employees
and her husband read a brief blessing prior to the meal, according to reports of the case.

The ACLU alleged that subjected her to contempt charges.

Two other district employees also are facing charges for a similar but separate incident."

Faceoff! Cops versus preachers on public sidewalk

"'If I were holding a sign that said, 'Two large pizzas for $5,' I don't think I would have gotten a second look from police. I firmly and adamantly believe we were singled out and arrested because of the content of our speech,' Pettigrew said.

'If they arrest us for proclaiming the word of God, what will they arrest us for next?' he asked. 'We need to get the word out that the rights of the American people are quickly being taken away, and nobody even knows it.'"

Kennedy was our 'greatest champion,' says gay activist - CNN.com

"For writer John Aravosis, Edward 'Ted' Kennedy's early support for gay rights was very important to a community that has faced a history steeped in discrimination.
Gay rights advocates say Sen. Ted Kennedy was a staunch supporter for their cause.

'On gay rights, he was absurdly helpful for a straight senator back before gay rights were popular,"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Judge Strikes Reference to God in Ky. Law - CBS News

"It is one thing to trust in God, but quite another to be ordered to rely on protection from above during national emergencies, a judge has ruled.

Franklin Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate said in Wednesday's decision that references to a dependence on 'Almighty God' in the law that created the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security is akin to establishing a religion, which the government is prohibited from doing in the U.S. and Kentucky constitutions. Ten Kentucky residents and a national atheist group sued to have the reference stricken."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

TBO.com - News From AP

"The attackers blindfolded and bound the couple and took them to a rundown rental house. Police concluded Newsom was soon taken away, sexually assaulted, shot in the back of the head, set on fire and left beside some railroad tracks.

Christian was beaten and repeatedly raped over the next 24 hours. An autopsy said she died of suffocation after she was choked, wrapped in plastic bags and dumped in a trash can."

Where's Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson for truth, justice and fairness??? This is a hate crime, but that only applies to white criminals against black victims.

Fidel Castro says racist right-wingers fight Obama | Politics | Reuters

"President Barack Obama is trying to make positive changes in the United States, but is being fought at every turn by right-wingers who hate him because he is black, former Cuban leader Fidel Castro said on Tuesday."

Isn't it amazing how race is the favorite run to accusation of the liberal/socialist world? They always want to run to it in order to hide what they're really up to, stop critics and investigations or calls for such into what they have done, are doing or are trying to do; or when they seek to harm the public image of their opponents of communism, socialism or progressive beliefs (which in the US we simply call liberalism).

Why isn't it an issue that a murdering, thieving, lying and spy-sending anti-American who tried to do harm to all of us Americans is one of the cheerleaders for Obama? Shouldn't this be a red flag in the first place? Since when do intelligent, well-rounded people give ear to such evil men of enemy countries?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Howard Dean tells Netroots: Health care bill will happen, but will be 'ugly process' - Pittsburgh Business Times:

"“the debate is over.”

“The town halls are not about health care,” he said. “They’re about being angry.”

It’s also about generational change, he said, indicating the majority of the protesters at the town halls were older people, and their group was getting smaller and smaller.

“They don’t look anything like the generation that voted for Obama,” Dean said. “These people feel threatened.”"

Mandatory 'gay' lessons spark lawsuit

"Parents in the Alameda, Calif., school district who have been told their children will be required to undergo a controversial homosexual instruction program have sued the district to protect their children from the indoctrination.

The action was filed this week by Pacific Justice Institute, which said it will defend the parents' rights to remove their children from such programs.

WND earlier reported when the district was accused of violating federal law for approving a mandatory homosexual curriculum for children as young as 5 – without allowing parents to opt out of the lessons."

Clinton uses her own, Obama's celebrity in Africa | Reuters

"'The president considers himself a son of Africa,'"

Bill Clinton: 'New era of progressive politics' - Charles Mahtesian - POLITICO.com

"Former President Bill Clinton told an audience of liberal online activists Thursday evening that the nation has “entered a new era of progressive politics” that could last for decades if Democrats can pass ambitious measures such as health care reform and climate change.

In a nearly hour-long keynote address to the fourth annual Netroots Nation convention in Pittsburgh, a gathering of roughly 1,500 progressive bloggers and activists, Clinton said the nation—and public opinion—has dramatically changed in the 16 years since he took office. But he noted that President Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress needed the support of the online community to achieve their agenda.

We have entered a new era of progressive politics which, if we do it right, can last 30 or 40 years,” Clinton said. “America has rapidly moved to another place on a lot of these issues.”"

The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400,000 Military Personnel in U.S. | The Progressive

"The Pentagon has approached Congress to grant the Secretary of Defense the authority to post almost 400,000 military personnel throughout the United States in times of emergency or a major disaster.

This request has already occasioned a dispute with the nation’s governors. And it raises the prospect of U.S. military personnel patrolling the streets of the United States, in conflict with the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878."

Breitbart.tv » Silent No More: ‘Thomas Paine’ Calls on Americans to Stand Up and Fight for U.S.

"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty."

New FCC official: 'Fairness Doctrine never repealed'

"WASHINGTON – The new 'chief diversity officer' for the Federal Communications Commission believes the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' was never repealed and advocates crippling $250 million fines for radio stations whose programming does not meet with the government's approval, charges the author of a book on the end of free speech in America.

'Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski recently appointed Mark Lloyd, a former senior fellow at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, to be the FCC's 'chief diversity officer,''"

Breitbart.tv » Dem Congresswomen Admits ObamaCare Will Cover Abortions

Breitbart.tv » Dem Congresswomen Admits ObamaCare Will Cover Abortions:

"Abortion will be covered as a benefit by one or more of the health care plans available to Americans, and I think it should be."

Breitbart.tv » ‘06 Flashback: Pelosi Tells Anti-War Protesters ‘I’m a Fan of Disruptors’

"‘06 Flashback: Pelosi Tells Anti-War Protesters ‘I’m a Fan of Disruptors’"

January 17, 2006: "So I thank all of you who have spoken out for your courage, your point of view. All of it. Your advocacy is very American and very important."

Friday, August 14, 2009

School prayer charges stir protests - Washington Times

"Students, teachers and local pastors are protesting over a court case involving a northern Florida school principal and an athletic director who are facing criminal charges and up to six months in jail over their offer of a mealtime prayer.

There have been yard signs, T-shirts and a mass student protest during graduation ceremonies this spring on behalf of Pace High School Principal Frank Lay and school athletic director Robert Freeman, who will go on trial Sept. 17 at a federal district court in Pensacola for breaching the conditions of a lawsuit settlement reached last year with the American Civil Liberties Union."

CNN gives boot to talk radio hosts

"Jon Klein, the chief of CNN's U.S. operations, has issued orders that no more talk-radio hosts will be allowed on CNN News programs, according to a new report.

The move comes on the heels of the fracas that was generated when Lou Dobbs, a CNN anchor, had the audacity to question on air why President Barack Obama hasn't released his long-form birth certificate."

His questions were followed almost immediately by attacks from members of the Daily Kos website, who posted the e-mail addresses of CNN executives in a campaign to get Dobbs fired from the network.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Health Care Town Halls Turn Violent in Tampa and St. Louis - Political News - FOXNews.com

Town hall meetings called to discuss proposed health care legislation turned violent Thursday, with a meeting in Tampa, Fla., descending into shouting and one in St. Louis ending in arrests.

Close to 1,500 people came to the Tampa suburb of Ybor City to speak with Democratic State Rep. Betty Reed and U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, an event that exploded into a near riot.

"Top White House officials counseled Democratic senators Thursday on coping with disruptions at public events on health care this summer, officials said, and promised the party and allies would respond with twice the force if any individual lawmaker is criticized in television advertising."

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Britain To Put CCTV Cameras Inside Private Homes | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

"governments latest plan: to install Orwell’s telescreens in 20,000 homes.

£400 million ($668 million) will be spend on installing and monitoring CCTV cameras in the homes of private citizens. Why? To make sure the kids are doing their homework, going to bed early and eating their vegetables. The scheme has, astonishingly, already been running in 2,000 family homes. The government’s “children’s secretary” Ed Balls is behind the plan, which is aimed at problem, antisocial families. The idea is that, if a child has a more stable home life, he or she will be less likely to stray into crime and drugs."

Al-Qaeda's Zawahri says wipe Israel from the map - Israel News, Ynetnews

"Al-Qaeda's second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri said Israel should be wiped off the map and described the Jewish state as a crime against Muslims."

WATCH: U.S. gay Jews rally in solidarity with T.A. shooting victims - Haaretz - Israel News

"The protesters carried banners that read 'homophobia is not part of the Torah,' 'Jewish, out & proud,' 'prejudice against one is prejudice against all.' They lit memory candles and sang songs in Hebrew. Gay rabbis addressed the crowd and shared their experience of being homosexual and religious.

Josh Rosenthal, a gay Jewish activist who organized the rally, said the response from Jewish institutions was immediate.

'I just hope that this kind of energy makes it to Israel,' he said. 'It was particularly harmful that a Jew is shooting another Jews in Israel for the simple reason that they are gay.'"


"Worse, it seems Obama doesn't mind celebrating a symbol of Western weakness and appeasement of anti-Semitism at a time when the world's dictators and terrorists are deciding what to think of him."

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Republicans: Press Release :: Issa to Emanuel: Back Off!

"House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a letter to Emanuel saying “While this type of scare tactic may work In Chicago, it will not work to intimidate me or other Members of the United States Congress.”"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A new sign paraphrasing a quote from the Quran has been placed in front of the Dove World Outreach Center. | Gainesville.com | The Gainesville Sun | Gainesville, FL

"A new sign paraphrasing a quote from the Quran has been placed in front of the Dove World Outreach Center in northwest Gainesville, where an earlier anti-Islamic sign has stirred protests.

The new sign reads 'Koran 9:5 Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them.' It joins a series of signs that read 'Islam is of the devil,' which were placed in front of the church recently."

Charter school's use of Bible ignites public firestorm

"A new charter school planning to open this fall in Idaho has come under fire since it publicly announced one of the textbooks students will be using is the Bible."

Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?

"'I'm forcing the issue, where Obama will have to respond,' she said.

'Before, they said, 'You don't have anything backing your claims,'' Taitz explained. 'Now I have something. In fact, I have posted on the Internet more than Obama has. My birth certificate actually has signatures.'"

Why does Obama support Zelaya? - Washington Times

"Manuel Zelaya wants to return to Honduras as president and then, of course, continue his efforts to be a big-time socialist dictator, a Hugo Chavez lookalike, and the surprising thing is that the Obama administration seems to want the very same thing.

It has, after all, supported this law-subverting macho-style child of privilege in his insistence on being reinstated to the office he held before being kicked out of it not in a military coup, not in some sort of illegal overthrow of a legitimate regime, but through the application of a specific law by a unanimous Honduran Supreme Court backed up by a virtually unanimous Honduran Congress.

The military did the deed, but this was not a military coup. The military was acting legally and under civilian control as it shipped Mr. Zelaya off to Costa Rica."

Some of the poor cheered him on, causing him to disregard Honduras' constitutional provision and enforcing laws that say presidents can serve one term and one term only, that amendment of this provision is prohibited and that any attempt by a president to serve a second term will result in his removal from office. Mr. Zelaya tried a
nyway with a planned, nonbinding referendum on the provision.

CQ Politics | Notepad - Speaker Will Keep 'Villains' Money

"'It is somewhat immoral what they are doing. Of course, they have been immoral all along how they have treated the people that they insure,' MSNBC's Luke Russert quoted her as saying. 'They are the villains in this.'

Pelosi, of course, has accepted campaign contributions from said villains this year and in the past, as have most of her Democratic colleagues. Pelosi's campaign committee, for example, took $2,500 from AFLAC's political action committee on April 13. But she's not giving the money back just because she thinks the sources are immoral and villainous."

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gallery’s invitation to deface the Bible brings obscene response -Times Online

"A publicly funded exhibition is encouraging people to deface the Bible in the name of art — and visitors have responded with abuse and obscenity."

"But to the horror of many Christians, including the community church, visitors have daubed its pages with comments such as “This is all sexist pish, so disregard it all.” A contributor wrote on the first page of Genesis: “I am Bi, Female & Proud. I want no god who is disappointed in this.”

Saturday, July 25, 2009

'Shut up Lou Dobbs' campaign hits stride

"The report said Klein wrote that CNN researchers found Hawaiian records were discarded in 2001 when the state's records system went electronic. Therefore, the report said, Obama's original long-form birth certificate no longer exists, and a computer-generated abbreviated version that has been promoted on the Internet is the official record.

'It seems to definitively answer the question,' Klein's e-mail said, according to the newspaper. 'Since the show's mission is for Lou to be the explainer and enlightener, he should be sure to cite this during your segment tonite. And then it seems this story is dead – because anyone who still is not convinced doesn't really have a legitimate beef.'"

J. Richard Cohen, chief of the left-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center, went even further. He wrote a letter to CNN suggesting, "Respectable news organizations should not employ reporters willing to peddle racist conspiracy theories and false propaganda. It's time for CNN to remove Mr. Dobbs from the airwaves."

Isn't it proof of dishonest behavior of men in power, and who run liberal media outlets, to use claims of "racism" and so-called "false propaganda" against those that question or disagree with their, or their political allies' ideas and actions? Why not just show the birth-certificate and stop all these games? What's he hiding?

Library Association Abandons Principle, Allows Censorship

"When an organization organizes an annual banned books week to celebrate 'the freedom to express one's opinion even if that opinion might be considered unorthodox or unpopular,' it is a little disturbing to see the same group cancel a panel discussion because one of the invited speakers is considered objectionable.

But that's how the American Library Association (ALA) handled pressure from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to silence an invited speaker for a panel discussion at its annual convention who has a perspective on Islam, jihad, and terrorism that CAIR doesn't like.

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer, author of eight books on Islam and jihad, had been scheduled to appear July 12 on an ALA panel entitled 'Perspectives on Islam: Beyond the Stereotyping.' ALA canceled the panel after the other speakers decided to boycott the panel due to Spencer's participation. But rather than inviting others to replace them, or letting Spencer honor his commitment, the ALA capitulated and gave the critics what they wanted."

Newsmax.com - Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu

"It is helpful to recall that the Centers for Disease Control with the collusion of the media, constantly tell us that 36,000 people die from the flu each year, a figure that has been shown to be a lie. In this case, we are talking about 300 plus deaths for the entire world.

This virus continues to be an enigma for virologists. In the April 30, 2009 issue of Nature, a virologist was quoted as saying,“Where the h--l it got all these genes from we don’t know.” Extensive analysis of the virus found that it contained the original 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus (bird flu), and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia. Debate continues over the possibility that swine flu is a genetically engineered virus."

Newsmax.com - Swine Flu Could Hit up to 40 Percent in U.S.

"In a disturbing new projection, health officials say up to 40 percent of Americans could get swine flu this year and next and several hundred thousand could die without a successful vaccine campaign and other measures."

A world health official said the first vaccines are expected in September and October. The United States expects to begin testing on some volunteers in August, with 160 million doses ready in October.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Washington drops hammer on state gun plan

"The pushback from the states comes at a time when the federal administration is replete with anti-gun activists in influential positions, including an attorney general, Eric Holder, who supported a complete handgun ban in the District of Columbia before it was tossed by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Obama administration has even pushed for a treaty that would require sportsmen who reload their ammunition to obtain a federal license."

DEBKAfile - Russia builds key naval HQ in Syria: Missile presence worries Israel

"A high-ranking Russian navy source reported July 21 that the Soviet-era naval maintenance base near Tartus in Syria is to be expanded and modernized to become 'fully operational.' DEBKAfile's military sources report that Russian is building the facility up as its main sea base for operations in four seas: The Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The upgrade of Russian port facilities at Tartus, its only foothold in the Mediterranean, will automatically enhance Moscow's strategic interests in Syria and Bashar Assad's regime.

The Russian source said that the 50 naval personnel and three berthing floats currently deployed at Tartus with accommodation for up a dozen warships will be beefed up with a new berthing float delivered by two tugboats from the Black Sea Fleet. DEBKAfile's sources disclose that those warships will include large vessels such as the nuclear-armed guided missile cruiser Peter the Great and the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which called in at Tartus in January."

State House edits 'Jesus' from pastor's prayer - The York Daily Record

"The pastor declined the invitation after someone on McCall's staff told him he could not use Jesus' name in the prayer.

'First of all, I don't see how Jesus is denominational. The whole Christian world is called after him,' Stoltzfoos said. 'I just feel like, if you want me to pray, then I have to pray to the one thing I know. I only know one God personally. I only serve one God. How do I do something that dishonors him?'

The policy -- not yet three months old -- requires guest chaplains to first submit their prayers in writing and then, if deemed necessary, agree to change their words to meet 'nondenominational' guidelines established by McCall's staff."

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Meet the real Walter Cronkite

"I know liberalism isn't dead in this country," he said. "It simply has, temporarily we hope, lost its voice."

"'American people are going to begin to realize they are going to have to yield some sovereignty to an international body to enforce world law, and I think that's going to come to other people as well,' he said. 'It's a fair distance to get there, but we are not ever going to get there unless we keep trying to push ourselves onto the road.'"

Sunday, July 12, 2009

'Global governance' coming with carbon tax, says Gore

"Former Vice President Al Gore, whose 'An Inconvenient Truth' video epistle on the claims of global warming has not weathered recent scientific research, now has promised at a conference in the United Kingdom that the impending virtual energy tax under the U.S. 'cap-and-trade' legislation will bring about 'global governance.'"

Obama science czar Holdren called for forced abortions

"The man President Obama has chosen to be his science czar once advocated a shocking approach to the 'population crisis' feared by scientists at the time: namely, compulsory abortions in the U.S. and a 'Planetary Regime' with the power to enforce human reproduction restrictions."


"Cass Sunstein, a Harvard Law professor who has been appointed to a shadowy post that will grant him powers that are merely mind-boggling, explicitly supports using the courts to impose a 'chilling effect' on speech that might hurt someone's feelings. He thinks that the bloggers have been rampaging out of control and that new laws need to be written to corral them."

Friday, July 10, 2009

Episcopal Bishop calls individual salvation 'heresy,' 'idolatry' (OneNewsNow.com)

"In her opening address to the church's General Conference in California, Jefferts Schori called that 'the great Western heresy: that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God.'"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Temple Mount Faithful Presents the Cornerstone for the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day

Though most people missed this, I wanted to bring it up to reflect upon. We are living in the time before the Messiah's return.

"The Cornerstone for the Third Temple, weighing 13 tons, that the Temple Mount Faithful Movement prepared to be laid on the Temple Mount and start the process of the building of the Third Temple, was carried by the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement as they marched from Ammunition Hill to the Temple Mount on 'Jerusalem Day', 27 Iyar 5769 (21 May 2009). The holy Cornerstone was driven from Ammunition Hill to Jaffa Gate and along the western walls of the Old City to the downtown streets of Jerusalem and was presented to the people of Israel and to the entire world for the first time since the destruction of the Holy Temple in the year 70 CE."

Bill banning forced identity-chip implants clears House | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/02/2009

"Conjuring Orwellian images, Josephs worries the identification devices - the size of a grain of rice - could lead to a real-life Big Brother nightmare.

'I'm doing, I think, what the legislature does too little of,' she said. 'This is a problem on the horizon, and I want to address it before it becomes a societal disgrace.'"

Newsmax.com - Schumer: Amnesty Bill for Illegals by Labor Day

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Somali Islamists Cut Off Hands and Feet of 4 Thieves - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

It's amazing how liberals will stand in solidarity with Muslims and also claim to hate cruel and harsh treatment of criminals and dissenters. I wonder how many liberals will come out and condemn this act of Islamic court-ordered hand/foot removal as evil, like they do about Christians simpling preaching an end to sin in America. I'm not holding my breath. The normal Islamic/Muslim/liberal excuse for all things not right with the Muslim world is to blame Israel. But everyone knows that this excuse just couldn't be twisted into this story...so liberal leaders and activists(as usual) will ignore what they can't use for propaganda for liberal causes.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Russia snubs U.S. call to consider hosting radar | U.S. | Reuters

"'Only a rejection by the United States of plans to create a ... missile Defense system in Europe could lay the groundwork for our fully fledged dialogue on questions of cooperation in reacting to potential missile risks,' Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko told reporters."

Videotaped remarks shed light on Sotomayor

"Judge Sonia Sotomayor once described herself as 'a product of affirmative action' who was admitted to two Ivy League schools despite scoring lower on standardized tests than many classmates"

"If we had gone through the traditional numbers route of those institutions, it would have been highly questionable if I would have been accepted," she said on a panel of three female judges from New York who were discussing women in the judiciary.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

BNP Breaks Though To European Platform | The Right Perspective

BNP Breaks Though To European Platform

Shockwaves were sent through mainstream British politics Sunday night as the British National Party (BNP) won two seats in the European Parliament and gained significant ground in traditional, working-class areas of the country.

In his victory speech at Manchester Town Hall, Griffin said that the British public were angry about the “many ways the liberal elite have transformed this country.”

“For the last 50 years, more and more of the people of Britain have watched with concern, growing dismay and sometimes anger as an out-of-touch political elite has transformed our country before our very eyes,” he said.

“But, despite the lies, despite money, despite the misrepr
Publish Post
esentation, we’ve managed to win through. I regard this as the first step towards the United Kingdom, the British People, getting freedom from the European Union dictatorship.”

Monday, June 8, 2009

Napolitano adds adviser with ties to terror backers

"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano swore in to her official advisory council the head of an Arab American organization whose officials have labeled deadly anti-U.S. jihadists as 'heroes' and opposed referring to Hamas as a terrorist organization.

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, or ADC, also has close ties to anti-Israel professor Rashid Khalidi, whose association with President Obama – first exposed by WND – stirred controversy during last year's presidential campaign.

The ADC also leads the opposition to domestic anti-terrorism measures taken after the 9-11 attacks, such as watch lists, background check delays for visas and an initiative meant to more comprehensively screen visitors from select Mideast countries or specific individuals labeled as possible national security threats."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

State moves to restrict Catholics in politics

"The Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport in Connecticut has filed a federal lawsuit following assertions by a state official that rallying church members at the Capitol in Hartford constitutes a violation of lobbying law.

Six weeks after 4,000 Catholics in Connecticut rallied in opposition to a proposed state law known as Bill 1098, which dictated local parishes reorganize their governing structures to substitute lay leaders for priests in oversight of finances , the Diocese of Bridgeport received a letter from Connecticut's Office of State Ethics informing it that an investigation was underway to ascertain if the diocese had violated state law by failing to register as a lobbyist organization."

Pastor waits for final word in Bible study citation

"Pastor David Jones and his wife Mary, who was confronted by a San Diego County official, grilled over what is said at the couple's Tuesday night Bible studies and then later issued a citation barring the couple from hosting further studies until they obtain a Major Use Permit, the costs of which can escalate into the thousands. Mrs. Jones further reported the county official warned her that hosting the study – deemed a 'religious assembly' subject to county codes – without the permit could result in fines escalating from $100 to $1,000."

Obama administration supports Saudi immunity in 9/11 lawsuit

"The Obama administration has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to protect Saudi Arabia and four of its princes from being held accountable for their alleged role in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the United States that killed almost 3,000 Americans"

Through its solicitor general, Elena Kagan, the Obama administration has asked that the Saudis be held immune under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, or FSIA, even though there is ample U.S. evidence of complicity by the Saudi government and the named princes in support of al-Qaida's attack.

Prez wants queen at D-Day ceremonies

"Son of a Kenyan anti-colonialist who hated British rule in Kenya, Obama has gone out of his way to disrespect the British and ignore the 'special relationship' with Britain that presidents since FDR have relied on. Obama has shown his disdain by giving back a British gift
of a bust of Churchill and by ignoring protocol during visits with the PM and with the queen, and in giving both of them trivial gifts"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Russia and China announce new era of military cooperation - Times Online

"Russia and China announced plans for an intensified programme of military cooperation yesterday as part of a burgeoning “strategic partnership”.

As many as 25 joint manoeuvres will be staged this year in a demonstration of strengthening ties between Moscow and Beijing, Russia’s Defence Minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, said at a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Liang Guanglie."

"Only Russia and China can meet American challenge" | Politics from 2009-04-28 | RT

"Russia and China are the only ones “who can take the challenge of the U.S. in the military field”; others are unable to do it technically, says Ruslan Pukhov from Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies."

U.S. regulatory czar nominee wants Net 'Fairness Doctrine'

"It's hard to imagine President Obama nominating a more dangerous candidate for regulatory czar than Cass Sunstein," he says. "Not only is Sunstein an animal-rights radical, but he also seems to have a serious problem with our First Amendment rights. Sunstein has advocated everything from regulating the content of personal e-mail communications, to forcing nonprofit groups to publish information on their websites that is counter to their beliefs and mission. Of course, none of this should be surprising from a man who has said that 'limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government.' If it were up to Obama and Sunstein, everything we read online – right down to our personal e-mail communications – would have to be inspected and approved by the federal government."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Declaration of CumanĂ¡: Capitalism 'threatens life on the planet' | rabble.ca

"We, the Heads of State and Government of Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela, member countries of ALBA, consider that the Draft Declaration of the 5th Summit of the Americas is insufficient and unacceptable for the following reasons:"

CNSNews.com - Sean Penn: Socialist Hugo Chavez Is ‘Warm’ and ‘Friendly’ Man

"Academy Award-winning actor Sean Penn said in a Huffington Post blog entry this week that the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, is a “warm” and “friendly man” with a “robust sense of humor,” who daily “risks” his own life for his country in ways former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney “could never imagine.”"

Report: Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic to Testify Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing | Climate Depot

"“The House Democrats don't want Gore humiliated, so they slammed the door of the Capitol in my face,” Monckton told Climate Depot in an exclusive interview. “They are cowards.”"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

FOXNews.com - Fidel Castro: Obama 'Misinterpreted' Raul's Words - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

"The former president appeared to be throwing a dose of cold water on growing expectations for improved bilateral relations — suggesting Obama had no right to dare suggest that Cuba make even small concessions."

Newsmax.com - DHS Chief Napolitano: Illegal Immigration Is Not a Crime

"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stunned many listeners during an appearance on CNN when she asserted that illegal immigration is really not a crime."

In an interview with CNN’s John King last week, Napolitano discussed Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., a strict enforcer of immigration laws who says he wants illegal aliens to be prosecuted and jailed.

King said: “A lot of Democrats in Congress want you to investigate him. They think he is over the line. He says he is just enforcing the law and the problem is the federal government.”

Same old lies and crimes of liberals...standing up for and defending criminals, anti-American and illegal actions while attacking law-abiding Americans!

Texas lawmakers consider telling U.S. gov't to 'cease and desist' | Top Stories | Star-Telegram.com

"After Gov. Rick Perry's recent comments about some Texans talking secession from the union made national news, legislators are considering issuing a 'cease and desist' order to the federal government."


CHRISTIAN AND PASTOR ASSAULTED BY CNN GUARDS, HANDCUFFED AND HELD AGAINST HIS WILL FOR 2 HOURS IN THEIR OFFICES BEFORE RELEASING HIM! This is a major lawsuit; the balance and future of Christian rights hangs on this decision!

Top News - ACLU to schools: Stop blocking gay sites

"The American Civil Liberties Union has asked public school officials in Tennessee to stop blocking students' access to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender web sites on school computers -- or face a possible lawsuit."

Newsmax.com - Pelosi: Massive Climate Law Coming This Year

"Congress will pass legislation to stem global warming by year's end, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed Tuesday, as hearings got underway on a bill to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions.

'We will pass legislation this year,' Pelosi told reporters."

Former vice president Al Gore, a major climate change campaigner, is set to testify Friday.

The looming battle in Congress promises to be a tough one, with Republicans and some Democrats from coal- or oil-producing states warning of potentially catastrophic economic impacts from setting limits on emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.

With no waiting for proof or a universal agreement, they rush to pass a bill that may very well crate "CATASTROPHIC ECONOMIC IMPACTS"? This is not wise at all! This is just another fear mongering of the the left to pass more anti-American laws!

Hackers stole data on Pentagon's newest fighter jet - CNN.com

"Thousands of confidential files on the U.S. military's most technologically advanced fighter aircraft have been compromised by unknown computer hackers over the past two years, according to senior defense officials."

In addition to files relating to the aircraft, hackers gained entry into the Air Force's air traffic control systems, according to the officials. Once they got in, the Internet hackers were able to see such information as the locations of U.S. military aircraft in flight.

Last month, a Pentagon annual report to Congress about China's military power said China has been making continued progress in developing cyber-warfare techniques.

The report noted that U.S. government computers were the target of "intrusions that appear to have originated" in China, although they were not confirmed to be from the Chinese military.

Killer 'green' bill to slaughter U.S. economy

With hearings in the House of Representatives on the Obama administration's energy and climate change agenda, credible opponents are voicing concern that a U.S. "green" policy may kill the economy, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.

"Hackett attacked the Obama administration's cap-and-trade proposal that will be included in the bill to be before the House committee next week, calling the plan an indirect tax on individuals that would be as open to manipulation as the European model."

John Holdren, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy told the group that, "The energy challenge we face is actually a more difficult challenge than putting a man on the moon was."

"We have to do things that pervade our whole economy," Holdren insisted, "not just of this country but around the world, in order to get it done to the degree that is required."

Filmmaker: 'Obama, Abraham Lincoln born Muslim'

"A new Islamic film being promoted on the Internet boasts that not only was President Barack Obama born Muslim, so was Abraham Lincoln, who emancipated the slaves and commanded Union soldiers to confront the seceding South."

"The 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, was born a Muslim.

According to the Quran, everybody is born a Muslim," he writes. "It is only by his own free will that a man chooses a different course for himself. In that Abraham Lincoln was not only a born Muslim but he chose to live by Islamic edicts like abolishing organized slavery; establishing equality of all human beings, democracy and accountability to God and man; core Islamic concepts as propounded in the Holy Quran."

"Such segregated Muslim communities are spreading throughout Europe at an alarming pace," Spencer writes.

He quoted Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, of the Muslim Brotherhood, who promised at a conference in Toledo, Ohio, "We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America. … Not through sword but through Da'wa (Islamic proselytizing]."

"If Western Europe does become Islamized, as demographic trends suggest, before too long America will be facing a world that is drastically different and more forbidding than today. And the same process of Islamization will proceed here – unless enough people wake up in time to head it off," Spencer's book warns.

House votes on 'hate crimes' bill

"The U.S. House Judiciary Committee will vote tomorrow on a 'hate crimes' bill that some say might allow federal officials to prosecute Christians who speak out against homosexual behavior."

"The federal government must have authority to be involved in investigating and prosecuting these crimes when state authorities cannot or will not do so."

"H.R. 1913 is a backdoor tool from the far left and radical homosexuals to shut down legitimate free speech from Christians and others who oppose their lifestyle," King said. "It is political payback from the new administration to the homosexual lobby, and could have radical ramifications."

But King noted that pastors in Europe and Canada have already been arrested for preaching against homosexuality based on similar legislation.

WND has also reported that the Obama administration has stated its dedication to strengthening "federal hate crimes legislation" and expanding "hate crimes protection."

King said Christians are acting like the proverbial frog in a slowly heating kettle that boils to death.

"They need to wake up and take action to oppose this threat to religious liberty."

Are you licensed to reload that ammo?

President Obama, who supported the handgun ban in Washington, D.C., before it was tossed by the Supreme Court, since his election has watched various proposals to ban "assault" weapons, require handgun owners to submit to mental health evaluations

"'If you reload your own ammo you may find yourself engaged in 'Illicit Manufacturing' of ammunition under an arms control treaty that President Obama started pushing last week in Mexico.'"

"The section … clearly identifies ammo reloaders that are not licensed by the government as 'Illicit Manufacturers' of ammunition.

"If ratified and the U.S. is found not to be in compliance with any provisions of the treaty – such as a provision that would outlaw reloading ammunition without a government license – President Obama would be empowered to implement regulations without congressional approval," he wrote.

"If the kind of 'change' that Obama wants is for the United States to take its marching orders from third world countries regarding our gun rights, we're in big trouble!"