United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Watch MSNBC's hosts duel during angry tirade

Liberal tactic or emotionalism over substance, and revealing that MSNBC are not journalist,or reporters of the news, but pushers and defenders of the DNC!

"You wrote a book that says the president of the United States – on its title – the president is inviting the next attack," said O'Donnell, pointing a finger and growing increasingly accusatory. "Isn't it true that the president you worked for invited the first attack?"

O'Donnell continued escalating and pointing a finger until Scarborough implored O'Donnell to stop the tirade and let Thiessen answer the torrent of questions he had unleashed. Nonetheless, O'Donnell continued badgering without pause, over every interruption, until Scarborough cut off the segment, went to break and announced he would conduct the rest of the interview without the other MSNBC personalities.

"You just admitted," O'Donnell persisted before fellow MSNBC host Scarborough pulled the plug, "that when you were hit on 9-11, you just said, 'We didn't know who hit us.' You said, 'We didn't know who hit us.' You were told who was going to hit you before we were hit on 9-11, and your administration invited the first attack for which you should live in shame."

O'Donnell, who is also an actor on HBO's series "Big Love" and was a producer and writer for "West Wing," has made headlines for out-of-control rants in interviews before.

In a 2004 interview of John O'Neill, co-founder of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and coauthor with WND's Jerome Corsi of "Unfit for Command," O'Donnell came unhinged, repeatedly shouting that O'Neill was "a professional liar" and "unfit to publish." A commenter at SwiftVets.com later did a count, discovering that in a 10-minute interview, O'Donnell shouted the words "lie," "lies" or "liar" 46 times.

During the more recent presidential campaign, O'Donnell repeatedly talked over Pat Buchanan on "The McLaughlin Group" while discussing Mitt Romney's Mormon "faith of his fathers," which O'Donnell went on to call "racist," "demented," and "based on the work of a lying, fraudulent criminal named Joseph Smith."

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