United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Friday, September 26, 2008

The American Spectator

Couric Diminishes Gov. Palin
"CBS New anchor Katie Couric ordered staff to drop all references to 'Governor' or 'Gov.' from her interview with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin."

Couric, according to a CBS News editorial aide, sought approval from CBS News management to drop the "Governor" reference during her broadcast interview with Palin that began on Wednesday night.

Producers and editorial staff at both NBC and ABC report that fellow staffers have openly ridiculed Palin, her professional and personal background and her family during production meetings, in the editing bays during video editing for nightly news stories, and while covering Palin at political events.

Ultimately the higher ups at CBS News agreed, saying that wherever possible, the reference to "Governor" should be struck from graphics, scripts and published transcripts.

Another great example of the so-called "un-bias" reporting of the mainstream media. It is no wonder that countless US citizens are turning away from newspapers, nightly news and the such, for online and radio outlets for attaining their news info! Couric and these liberals at CBS are Stalinistic in their Soviet style of reporting and spinning of the news. And liberal voters can't seem to stop and think about this from a "fair" point of view, like they always cry for their people (if they don't like what is said or they don't win something). What does this say for liberals...that they change and remove things to make those that they don't like to look worse than they otherwise would. And thats what it takes for liberal ideas and desires/goals to succed, or that this is their party's only way of political advantage? What a loser Couric is!

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