United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Monday, September 29, 2008

Prosecutors on Obama 'Truth Squad' sound retreat

"Missouri law officials, including public prosecutors, who were reportedly planning to 'respond immediately' to any misleading advertisements against Barack Obama if they 'might violate Missouri ethics laws,' have now backed off the intimidating implications of that report, promising that they have no intention of prosecuting anyone."

This is nothing but a bullying group of lawyers looking for a fight...on some small person or group or church that they can pounce on and use their over sized power to showoff. Then again...isn't this what lawyers always do? Abuse of power, threats and intimidation, and behind the scene deals that help them get their way? They were looking for a fight, and boy did they get one...from the Governor.

How many people understand that many, if not most, of the leadership and members of the Democratic Party are lawyers, and not businessmen or real leaders in the community or workforce? No, they are just those men that prey upon those that they can convince to sue another man, and then they take 40% to 60% of the money for cost of their "service". Where's the justice in that? If you help a man get his "justice" for a wrong doing, why then take over half of it. After taxes, the man is left with very little. Some justice! Some line of work that is. And it's legal too. How many know that lawyers don't grow the economy or produce wealth, they only take it from those that actually worked for it, and earned it. They worked hard just to give it to a sue happy lawyer. And most of them are found in the Democratic Party. Now you can see a little better why this country is so messed up!

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