United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obama finds room for lobbyists - Kenneth P. Vogel and Mike Allen - Politico.com

"President Obama promised during his campaign that lobbyists 'won't find a job in my White House.'
So far, though, at least a dozen former lobbyists have found top jobs in his administration, according to an analysis done by Republican sources and corroborated by Politico.

Obama aides did not challenge the the list of lobbyists appointed to administration jobs, but they stressed that former lobbyists comprise a fraction of the more than 8,000 employees who will be hired by the new administration"

To understand his actions here you have to understand liberal logic (or the lack thereof). Maybe I should just say you must understand liberal thinking. Then again, that could be up for debate too. Anyway, you know what I'm getting at. Liberals believe that obeying rules, laws and policies are only for "Bible thumpers" and "moralist" Republicans, not Democrats. Plus, Yellow dog Democrats support the DNC and never ask questions, no matter how evil and un-Christian it gets, so who's going to rock the boat anyways? I'd like to know what does he need 8,000 people for? Where's he going to get all that money for their salaries? Is this his "Brown shirts" group of intimidaters aimed at all of us that do ask questions?

Illinois Senate ousts Blagojevich - More politics- msnbc.com

"After a four-day trial, the Illinois Senate voted 59-0 to convict him of abuse of power, automatically ousting the second-term Democrat."

Finally justice, part one, is served. America needs this to happen across the nation and in countless "public offices" to really make things right.

Social services remove young children from grandparents and arrange adoption by gay couple - Telegraph

"The five-year-old boy and his four-year-old sister were being looked after by their grandparents because their mother, a recovering drug addict, was not considered capable.

But social workers stepped in after allegedly deciding that the couple, who are aged 59 and 46, were 'too old' to look after the children.

They were allegedly stripped of their carer's rights and informed they would be barred from seeing the children altogether unless they agreed to the same-sex adoption."

World gets its first gay leader - Europe, World - The Independent

"The first government collapse of the global economic crisis is about to yield the world's first openly-gay leader. Johanna Sigurdardottir, a former air hostess, is expected to be sworn in as Iceland's Prime Minister by the end of the week."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Arsonist intended murder at Palin's church

"'The facts speak clearly. This attempted murder was perpetrated by someone from outside of the Wasilla area, a hired assassin who went there to kill people because of what they believe,' Collins reported.

'The facts of this case scream that this was a concerted effort to kill people by use of fire, a crime that could have led to the arsonist[s] being shot on sight by a Wasilla police officer,' Collins wrote."

He said the church also recently had sponsored a conference for ex-"gays" that could have provoked a violence-prone homosexual activist to target the church that was the focus on multiple news reports already because of the Palin link.

Bill calls for execution by firing squad

"New Hampshire State Rep Delmar Burridge, D-Keene, is sponsoring H.B. 37, a bill providing for execution by firing squad for anyone who causes the death of another person by use of a firearm while engaged in the commission of a felony"

Senate panel OKs Holder as attorney general - Yahoo! News

"A U.S. Senate committee approved the nomination of Eric Holder to be the first black attorney general on Wednesday and lead President Barack Obama's effort to close the Guantanamo prison."

'Jihadi rehab' is a possibility for post-Gitmo - CNN.com

"U.S. lawmakers considering the closure of the controversial Guantanamo Bay detention center will probably be looking at a rehabilitation program in Saudi Arabia that focuses on religious re-education for captured jihadists."

Wouldn't this be equivalent to sending pot heads to Jamaica (where smoking dope is legal) for a drug "re-hab" program?

Muslims in the Lords | The Brussels Journal

"He threatened to mobilize 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr. Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organizing the event to court. The result is that the event, which should have taken place next Thursday was cancelled."
Lord Ahmed immediately went to the Pakistani press to boast about his achievement, which he calls “a victory for the Muslim community.”
A victory for the Muslim community, but a defeat for British democracy where topics to which Muslims object cannot even be debated. That, apparently, is what one gets when one accepts Muslims into the House of Lords.

Muslim Thieves Rape Girl When They Realize Victim is Christian

"...six unidentified men went on a robbing spree in a rural village in Pakistan on the night of January 10, and when they realized that one of the households they were robbing was Christian, they gang-raped a 14-year-old girl in front of her parents to violate their faith."

Yet another great travesty against innocent people, especially the young girl. Where are the screaming feminist calling for these "oppressive men" to be punished? Is this another sign that feminist are simply her in the US to harass Christians and not to help women around the world? And that they are only here in the US because Christians aren't bloody oppressors like the Muslims...even though that's what Christians are falsely accused of? This blood and sin is on the hands of all the liberals that continue to support Islam as a so-called "peaceful religion".

California prepares to stop paying bills

"Facing a $42 billion budget deficit, State Controller John Chiang told the Sacramento Bee he has already borrowed $21.5 billion to try to cover the state's checks, but by Feb. 1, there will be no more options left but to simply stop paying some of the bills – including tax refunds, welfare checks, student grants and other payments owned to California citizens."

so Chiang has announced an expected payment freeze on $3.7 billion worth of the state's bills, most of it refunds owed to taxpayers.

CNSNews.com - Democrats Launch Petition Against Rush Limbaugh

"“You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,” Obama said to Republican leaders who met with the president to talk about the stimulus package."

Ban on free speech (a.k.a. talkin' Jesus) gone

"A college's ban on free speech – except for two selected hours per week – has been eliminated in a settlement with the Alliance Defense Fund, which took up the cause on behalf of a student threatened with arrest and expulsion for sharing the story of Jesus.

'Christian students shouldn't have to face jail and expulsion for expressing their beliefs on a public college campus,'"

But six days a week liberal/Marxist/communist/socialist teachers and professors use their station in the classrooms as bully-pulpits to harass and intimidate Christians and patriots, while at the same time they spew their anti-Christian and anti-American thoughts, words and ideas. And they do all this under the guise of "free expression" and the protection of "tenure" . That's where your tax money is going.

Judge tells Christian: 'I would kill you'

"As WND reported, authorities in Egypt deprived the woman's two children, ages 2 and 4, of food to try to coerce her to abandon Christianity and return to Islam."
she, her husband, Fadl Thabet, and two sons were trying to leave Cairo for Russia.
Makkar, formerly known as Zainab Said Abdel-Aziz, was accused of carrying forged government documents, because she identified herself as a Christian. Islamic law forbids Muslims from abandoning the faith.

So she and her family can't leave Egypt because she has changed religions and this isn't a big story for the media in the US??? But if an Arab in Gaza or Israel proper doesn't get through a security point (which is Israel's only stopping point for Arabs who want to get into shopping malls and other public areas and blow up innocent Jewish shoppers) and that's really big news to tell the world? The media is so lame, not to mention evil.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Racism of the Congressional Black Caucus

"'Since the members of Congress who have applied to join the Congressional Black Caucus have been turned down because, as the black caucus' William Lacey Clay put it, 'they are white and the caucus is black,' my question: Does the president hope the caucus will stop this racial discrimination?'"

Finally someone with a backbone in the Congress addresses this joke of an issue...racism! It's only racism when its a white person not giving a non-white something that they want. That is, according to the Black leaders, white liberals and the media/Hollywood elites. What a sham.

Obama reaches out to Muslim world on TV - Mideast/N. Africa - msnbc.com

"President Barack Obama gave his first formal television interview as president to an Arabic cable TV network, saying that when it comes to Middle East matters 'all too often the United States starts by dictating.'"

This speaks volumes about Obama. No one can say a word about his "Islamic" roots, father, brothers, sisters, mother, countless family members, etc, or his Arabic middle name, but he can boast it to the Arabs? Something isn't right here.

Washington Times - Rangel ethics inquiries vex House leaders

"the Ways and Means Committee that he leads will oversee House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's plans for an $825 billion economic rescue and a tax increase on wealthy Americans.

The slow-moving investigation of Mr. Rangel's home finances, unpaid taxes and dodgy fundraising is now in the hands of Rep. Zoe Lofgren, California Democrat and the new chairman of the Committee on Standards and Ethical Conduct."

After all the cries of the left concerning the Bush and Republican so-called "crimes" and mistakes, nothing is said about the seemingly endless flow of Democrats guilty and under investigation for incredible amounts of crimes, lies, tricks, deception, money fraud and political games played for personal gain. Guess only Republicans are to ("obey the law", or else they will have marches and calls for impeachments, jail time and such), but the DNC is simply above the law? Where's the outcry now liberal media? Your true colors are showing.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Oprah Show Glows for Obama: 'The Light of the New Age Is Here' | NewsBusters.org

"overflowed with strange and messianic notions about Obama and how the thrill over him is unanimous. Actor Forest Whitaker summed it up for Oprah: 'The light of the New Age is here.' Oprah pal Gayle King passed along her agreement with a message that 'Not only does he hear us. He feels us. That when I hear Barack Obama, they said, he talks to my soul.' Whitaker also strangely claimed 'we’re not used to seeing' a president and a First Lady who love each other, but the Obamas have signaled 'it’s okay to love.'

Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin strangely claimed it was 'extraordinary' to have a president care about history, and told the audience Obama said to her in 2007 he’s not getting the presidency to be Millard Fillmore, but to be great like Lincoln. Ali Wentworth, the wife of George Stephanopoulos, painted an incredible picture of a massive gospel choir on the subway system en route to the festivities: 'I took the Metro, and everyone was singing ‘Amazing Grace’ on the Metro.'"

Is it just me or is this kind of stuff coming from the media, Hollywood, blacks, white liberals, communist and several others starting to sound very creepy? I don't think everything is liken unto Hitler, but you have to admit that this does. Thinking he is going to "change" the country into something good (you mean its not already something good?), help everyone, cares for everyone, singing religious songs in connection to a ceremony for him, saying about him "the light of the New Age is here"...and the such? This is weird, this nation must wake up and change in the direction of God...not Obama. Otherwise, we'll wake up with a dictator ruling us like Hitler did Germany in the 30's and 40's. God help us.

Introducing 'Pocket Obama': Must-have Anthology of Obama Quotes | NewsBusters.org

"According to its creators, 'It is an unofficial requirement for every citizen to own, to read, and to carry this book at all times.'"

Brown Bashes Obama: Don't Make Ethics Rules You Won't Follow | NewsBusters.org

"President Obama already wants an exception to his own rule. You see, what happened is, there is this former lobbyist for a big defense contractor called Raytheon. His name is William Lynn. And President Obama wants him to be deputy defense secretary.

So, the Obama administration now wants a waiver to its own rule, which basically means it is saying, we will mostly put tough new restrictions on lobbyists, except when we won't.

Really? Is this how it's going to be? Please, please don't make us all any more cynical than we already are, Mr. President. If you have no intention of abiding by your new rules, then don't make new rules. That would be actual transparency."

WOW! Can you believe this came from CNN? Keep up the good work!

More L.A. Times God-Like Obamaconography | NewsBusters.org

"In yet another example of the absurd, even borderline blasphemous depictions of Barack Obama as if he were a religious figure,"
The photograph is reminiscent of one of the most famous and iconic depictions of God in western art, the Sistine Chapel painting of God reaching out to Adam. But, instead of God, we have The Obammessiah reaching across the page as if straining to touch each of us with his healing hand

Sunday, January 25, 2009

BBC NEWS | Americas | Mexico man 'dissolved 300 bodies'

"Santiago Meza, called the 'stew maker', said he was paid $600 (£440) a week to dissolve the bodies of murdered rival gang members in caustic soda."

Things like this are really scary...what would he do for $1000 a week? But again, this isn't evil according to Darwin and evolution. The dead ones were simply "weaker" than the "stronger" ones that killed them. Life, according to Darwin and evolution, is only "the survival of the fittest". What an empty view of this life.

President's meeting with judges questioned

"'had to explain … many of us citizens are also concerned about the eight out of nine justices meeting privately with Mr. Obama (while the cases are pending).'"
"No reporters were allowed. No attorneys were invited on behalf of the plaintiffs. This causes many of us citizens to question the rules of judicial ethics and causes us to question the impartiality on behalf of the justices."
Some allege his birth took place in Kenya, and his mother was a minor at the time of his birthtoo young to confer American citizenship. They argue Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr., was a Kenyan citizen subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time and would have handed down British citizenship.

There also are questions raised about Obama's move to Indonesia when he was a child and his attendance at school there when only Indonesian citizens were allowed and his travel to Pakistan in the '80s when such travel was forbidden to American citizens.

What in the World is going on? How did a man with such a sever set of issues not get vetted out of the election race? One answer: the media/DNC complex. They wanted such a man in power to do their bidding, and they did what they needed to do to get that done. Meanwhile they fooled millions in this country by turning American minds toward questioning "why" Palin wasn't "vetted better by the Republicans and McCain?" Such was simply a trick to distract the DNC's liberal voting base from questioning Obama, and the DNC's mission concerning him, through making them laugh, scorn (with SNL), second guess everything about, and to speak ill of Palin. I didn't like her as a choice, and considered sitting this one out, which caused tension with family and friends alike (but I feared sitting idle while I was needed...so I voted), but I recognized her abilities and real accomplishments far out-weighed Obama's or Biden's. The DNC is completely dishonest, un-American, un-Christian and evil.

Hamas slammed for 'monstrous' use of civilians

"Hamas sent civilians, including women and children, to transfer weapons to gunmen engaged in battles with Israeli forces,"
Hamas of booby-trapping many of the civilians' homes
Hamas drew Israeli forces into populated civilian areas, shooting at Jewish fighters from occupied civilian homes while women and children were inside.
Hamas sent a 10-year-old boy into the battlefield in full view of the Israeli military to remove a gun from a felled terrorist and then pass the weapon to another terrorist.
Hamas snipers used the windows of a Jabaliya house that was clearly occupied by women and children to shoot at his unit.

Now the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera quoted what it said was a Palestinian doctor at Gaza City's main Shifa Hospital disputing the Hamas casualty numbers.

"It's possible that the death toll in Gaza was 500 or 600 at the most, mainly youths aged 17 to 23 who were enlisted by Hamas – who sent them to their deaths," he said.The Gaza doctor continued: "Perhaps it is like Jenin in 2002. At the beginning they (Palestinians) spoke about 1,500 dead, and at the end it turned out to be only 54 – of whom 45 were militants."

This is the organization that Obama, Bush, liberals, the media, the UN and the EU demands Israel to "accept as a peace partner"????? Are they mad? That would be the same as saying that about Hitler to Europe in the 30's and 40's! Nonsense! You can't deal with someone under that devilish kind of murdering spirit. They don't care for other people's lives, or their own. They don't want peace.

'Partial war' looming between China, India?

"A border dispute could become the spark that launches China and India into a military conflict,"

ANSA.it - News in English - Muslim public prayers spur action

"''They have nothing to do with religion - they are threatening and intimidatory acts towards the Italian people,'' he said, adding that those who took part should be ''identified and possibly expelled from the country''."

CNN likens inauguration to 'hajj'

"'Here is a CNN report that actually compares the upcoming presidential inauguration to the Muslim hajj pilgrimage to Mecca! I kid you not!'"

For the mainstream media, who take such pride in helping to get Barack Obama elected with their incredibly biased reporting, perhaps the inauguration of Barack Obama is a religious event, as they put their faith in the Messianic Obama they helped to create."

The report by CNN's Zain Verjee suggested an inauguration trip "is similar to another grand event, in both size and preparations, the hajj, the most important religious pilgrimage in the Muslim world."

"I think that the right might worry a bit more about the dangers of sectarianism. Whatever we once were, we're no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers," Obama wrote in an e-mail to CBN News senior national correspondent David Brody

Nashville's English-only measure defeated | www.tennessean.com | The Tennessean

"Nashville listened to its leaders — the governor, the mayor, and a vast coalition of churches, businesses and universities — and defeated an English-only measure by nearly 10,000 votes in Thursday's special election."

AFP: Two ex-Guantanamo inmates appear in Al-Qaeda video

"imprisonment only increased our persistence in our principles for which we went out, did jihad for, and were imprisoned for,' al-Shihri was quoted as saying."

Obama's triumphal entry:
Gentle, riding on donkey

"Clark called the marching artwork 'A Simulacrum of Hope: Simulation of the Triumphal Entry of the Christ.'"

Obama snubs vets, skips Heroes ball

"Since its inception in 1953, every new president has attended The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball – until now."

Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee - Politico.com

"President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. 'I won,' Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation."

The hubris attitude is mounting into a mountain of pride. Can you imagine what this would sound like if it were a Republican that was saying and doing all this? The DNC is not willing to give an inch, and everything that they said during the election about coming together was a blatant lie. Only the "useful idiots" voting for him fell for it. When will Americans wake up and see they DNC for what it really is? This should be a wake up call for the nation, especially for Conservative Republicans that this administration means war...so they better get serious about war right now! Starting with kicking McCain out of the RNC for ruining and soiling the party's drive to save this country from the far left. To start with, he's one of them anyways. I think all of the election was a scam; he didn't want to win. The reporters traveling with him said afterwards that they sensed that about him. That he didn't want to win, and that he felt he was standing in the way of history being made by Obama. Now he's working with the dems and Obama...sounds a little fishy to me.

Public schools and 'tolerance' training (OneNewsNow.com)

The founder of Liberty Counsel says a recent Supreme Court ruling will have far-reaching consequences. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that people have the right to sue schools over sexual discrimination."

Kingdom of the forgotten

"More than 70,000 are forced into horrific refugee camps and then ejected from them with no place to go. Returning home for this particular people may mean instant death or living the rest of their lives in constant fear and vigilance with the threat of forced religious conversion hanging over their heads."

If only these people were being treated like this by Jews or Christians, then they would be given non-stop coverage on all television stations around the World. They would be asked questions like: how did you feel when the Jews or Christians committed hate crimes against you and also told you to leave your places of safety; are you sad that the Jews or Christians are doing this to you; why are you being discriminated against by Jews or Christians; have the Jewish or Christian murderers killed any of your family members; should these Jewish or Christian child killers be sued for crimes against humanity, etc, but then again.........these are Christians who are the being persecuted, mistreated, violently changed from their Christian faith to Hinduism through "forced conversions", and murdered. Yet, where is the media, the keeper of justice and fairness for the whole earth? Since its not Jews or Christians that are in any way open to be condemned as somehow apart of this, its no big story to the media. All non-Christians and non-Jews get a pass from the media. Yet, when Jews and/or Christians simply disagree with something that is not in their best interest or is against their religion, then they are labeled "haters" and evil, divisive people.

Judge bans moment of silence in suburban district

"Gregory Kulis, Sherman's attorney, argued the statute is clearly an attempt to inject and endorse religion in public schools.

'Things are moving in a positive direction,' Sherman said after the judge's ruling."

Muslim chosen to speak at Obama inaugural prayer allegedly tied to Hamas - Haaretz - Israel News

"A Muslim scholar chosen to speak at President-elect Barack Obama's inaugural prayer service Wednesday is the leader of a group that federal prosecutors say has ties to terrorists."

What would they do if this was a Conservative administration that just came into office? Would they just look the other way for them too?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident

"Republicans conserve the ideal. We believe it has an immovable essence that doesn’t change over time. It’s why our best traits include conserving idealism (belief the ideal), optimism (belief in the optimum), and the essentials."

Washington Times - Panel votes 18-5 to approve Geithner

Breitbart.tv » Obama Economic Advisor Limits ‘White Male Construction Workers’ From Economic Stimulus Benefit

More of the same: White Liberals = Political Cannibals for power and greed! Everything they get is at the expense of white people in this country. Everything bad, wrong or in need (or said to be in need of) changing is laid at white people's charge claiming they are somehow at fault. The only group treated this way is any and everyone (including non-whites) that professes and seeks to walk in the Christian faith, as described in the Bible. Seeing how Christianity is the religion of the vast majority of Americans that would make White Liberals to be Religious Cannibals too.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I pledge allegiance to Obama

"In a new YouTube video produced by Oprah Winfrey's Harpo Productions, dozens of celebrities – television and movie actors, sports heroes, musicians and more – describe how they will pledge to 'be the change' and 'be a servant to our president.'"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Report: Plague killing al-Qaida terrorists - UPI.com

"At least 40 al-Qaida followers have died since the disease swept through a training camp in Algeria, The Sun reported Monday. The deaths became known when security forces found a body beside a road.

'This is the deadliest weapon yet in the war against terror. Most of the terrorists do not have the basic medical supplies needed to treat the disease,' one security source told the British publication, although it wasn't reported how the deadly outbreak started. 'It spreads quickly and kills within hours. This will be really worrying al-Qaida.'"

Does this mean that the terrorist have this as a weapon and somehow it got free in their camp? This should be a very big concern for any and all targets of terrorist in the West and Israel. Notice how the media doesn't ask anything really important or pushes for the answer that we should hear...do they have this as a weapon and what is being done in our countries to stop it from being used to hurt of kill us! Where has genuine journalism gone to hide these days?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

OneNewsNow.com - Latest Blogs

Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals? "Being married and believing in God are among the top indicators for happiness, and conservatives are more married and more faith-oriented than liberals. Based on Brooks’ research, conservatives are generally twice as happy as liberals –"

Hospital could force staff to 'dismember preborn babies' (OneNewsNow.com)

"'In Wisconsin there's a plan to take a legitimate medical facility and impose upon it -- by its leadership at the University of Wisconsin -- late-term, second-trimester abortions,' he explains, 'and pro-life health professionals at the facility who object are in danger of being required to participate in some way.'

According to an ADF press release, the plan could force reluctant employees to '[dismember] preborn babies,' regardless of firmly held religious views they might have against it. The act could also be determined as illegal funding of abortion by the state."

In today's political, educational and media world of political correctness (code word for Cultural Marxism), skin color, ethnic and cultural backgrounds are more important than Christianity; and they seem to be the only legal grounds to object or refuse to participate in something. Your religious beliefs, sincerely and faithfully practiced, are of no means to even question anything, much less of a reason to not comply. What has happened is that the Marxist doctrine's hatred of all things Christian has now been put into policy in our Western countries. What this means, in terms of pushing through additional Marxist and other socialist ideas, is that the overwhelming majority of the population of each of the Western countries, who base their dissent on religious grounds and not on color, or foreign ethnic or cultural lineage, are forced into doing what their fellow countrymen are pushing for. Even though these ideas and policies are coming from a completely different set of morals and beliefs. But because they are coming from the same country of these Christians, they are supposedly held to the same standard. This means that freedom of religion, conscience and of the right to dissent, or not participate, in order to not defile one's conscience or faith, has effectively been erased for the demand to achieve a standard Marxist civilization. Understand one thing: Marxism = lose of freedoms for everyone. Today's lose of Christian's rights = the future lose of your rights!

Editing the dictionary (OneNewsNow.com)

"Saunders is concerned that eliminating 'so many words associated with Christianity will have a big effect on the numerous primary schools who use it.'

That's exactly the idea. The head of the children's dictionary at Oxford University Press admitted as much. She said that 'the environment has changed.' 'We are also much more multicultural,' she added. And she said that 'people don't go to Church as often as before' and 'our understanding of religion is within multiculturalism.'

In other words, we judge our religion by our ideology — in this case, multiculturalism — not vice-versa."

They are going after our children in order to alter the next generation. Only returning to our roots will we be saved. That root source is Bible based Christianity.

Media bias apparent on inaugural prayers (OneNewsNow.com)

"A media analyst says the big three broadcast news outlets -- ABC, CBS, and NBC -- have deemed Barack Obama's selection of California evangelical pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at Tuesday's Presidential Inauguration far more controversial than his choice of openly homosexual Episcopal bishop V. Gene Robinson to pray at a separate inaugural event."

...the networks are giving Warren the "controversial" label simply because he supports traditional marriage and spoke out in favor of Proposition 8, a ballot initiative that banned same-sex "marriage" in California.

ever since Robinson was chosen by Obama to pray at an official inaugural ceremony on Sunday, the networks have been silent about the large rift that the New Hampshire bishop has caused in the Anglican Communion with his ordination and his homosexual activism from the pulpit.

Warren praises Obama for inviting homosexual bishop (OneNewsNow.com)

Robinson, who became the Episcopal Church's first openly homosexual bishop back in 2003, joined other homosexual activists and their supporters in condemning Obama for inviting Warren, saying "it was like a slap in the face."

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

U.S. pledges $700K to rebuild Babylon (OneNewsNow.com)

"The United States has pledged $700,000 to help preserve and restore ancient Babylon."

'Gay' bishop doesn't plan to use Bible at inaugural event (OneNewsNow.com)

"Robinson said he doesn't yet know what he'll say, but he knows he won't use a Bible.

'While that is a holy and sacred text to me, it is not for many Americans,' Robinson said. 'I will be careful not to be especially Christian in my prayer. This is a prayer for the whole nation.'"

Obama will end 'don't ask' policy, aide says

Colin Powell, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., both of whom backed the 1993 policy, recently called for it to be re-evaluated. John Shalikashvili, who followed Powell as chairman, has called for its repeal, as has former Georgia Republican Rep. Bob Barr, an opponent of gay rights and legal protections for gays. In an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, Barr disparaged the policy as wasting money and talent.

"'Familiarity breeds tolerance and even acceptance.'"

"It's the 'Will and Grace' generation," she said. "They've grown up seeing gay people on TV and having friends in 10th-grade come out."

appointed an openly gay veteran as district finance officer without hesitation. He's an Iraq-Afghanistan veteran. It's just not an issue. Core competencies and leadership, that's what I need," he said. "I don't give a darn about the rest."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Presenter sacked for 'supporting the Bible's teachings' on radio - Telegraph

"In particular, Mr Mall disputed a claim by Mr Naik that Jesus Christ was not the only prophet to be 'the way, the truth and the life'."

FOXNews.com - Anne Hathaway Against Rick Warren, But Won't Turn Back On Him at Inauguration - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment

"“My older brother is gay, and so its a family issue for me. My father is coming with me to the Inauguration. At first we discussed not going, and then we thought we’d just turn our backs when he [Warren] speaks. But we didn’t want to be disrespectful. So we’re going to wear ribbons protesting his appearance.”"

'Beware, we are coming!'

"Radical Muslims in Somalia are promising Islamic rule from Alaska and Chile to South Africa and from Japan to Russia, issuing the warning 'Beware, we are coming,'"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

On Obama's inauguration, Muslims say, 'It's our time'

'As the guide to global Muslim culture, we here at elan felt compelled to honor the 44th president of the United States via this special inauguration issue. Barack Hussein Obama not only possesses a keen understanding of the complexities of society but has demonstrated his willingness to engage in discourse and seek amicable solutions even with our opponents.'

But she confirms her desire to celebrate and honor the next president, 'who, by his very nature, experiences and principles truly does represent hope for the millions of Muslims – and non-Muslims alike – on this planet.'

Chavis Muhammad writes that 'with some 1.25 billion Muslims across the globe, the Islamic world couldn't be more excited and anticipatory about the possibility of increased dialogue, understanding and unity that Obama's presidency will undoubtedly bring.'

'As an African American Muslim, I can say my prayers were answered when Obama was elected,'

Government ban on publishing news lifted

"A number of Christian converts from Islam have been denied permission to change the religious designation on their government identity cards, and the government limited the release of the movie 'The Passion of the Christ.'"

Muslim apology over prayers outside Milan Cathedral - Telegraph

"'The prayer to Allah recited by thousands of fanatical Muslims is an act of intimidation, a slap in the face for the city of Milan, which must remain Christian.' Muslim leaders now want to meet with Milan's archbishop, Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, to 'clarify' what happened at the weekend, when the demonstrators diverted from their previously agreed route and staged the impromptu prayer to Mecca."

Friday, January 9, 2009

Israel Accused of 'War Crimes' in a Complaint at The Hague - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News

"The 'deliberate and systematic rocket attacks directed at civilians and civilian objects,' the IDF Advocate General explained, constitute 'violations of international law.' Yet Hamas is also responsible for violations of 'fundamental obligations under international law with respect to the protection of the civilian population under its control,' the statement continued."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

FOXNews.com - Protester Calls for Jews to 'Go Back to the Oven' at Anti-Israel Demonstration - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

Top 10 list of 2008's Christian bashers

"The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, or CADC, has released a Top 10 list of the most extreme cases of Christian bashing in the year 2008."

Is Hollywood really anti-Christian? After reading this list, and watching some of the videos, I have to ask you these two things: what would God say about these things being done and said about him, the Bible or Christianity; what would be said if these same people said the same things about Islam, Jews, blacks, women, Latinos...etc.? You know what would be done and said. This is yet another irrefutable proof of the blatant anti-Christian bias of Hollywood and the media. They are the pros of saying what we Americans should do, but refuse to do so themselves. Not to mention the cowardly and spineless attacks on "religion" that only shows up in the form of attacking, defaming Christians, and are never shown in the same manner towards Islam--a religion that really treats women, gays and freedoms of speech and choice in a way that Hollywood claims to hate and fight against. Weird. I suppose that they aren't against these things as they claim. They're only against Christians and Christianity under the guise of fighting the evils of "religion" and "oppression".

The Big Lie at the Center of Big Spending Stimulus » The Foundry

"All the economists that Obama is listening to so that he makes sure “that the investments are made wisely and managed well” are just making stuff up. There is simply no research that exists to provide “the expertise to help guide the process.”

So we’re left with Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) truth: “Those aren’t stimulus. Those are ideological accomplishments in the guise of economic stimulus.“"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

'It's over': Ann Coulter banned for life by NBC

"Coulter previously told WND her book explains how liberal politicians and reporters drag sob stories
before the public eye and bemoan how Americans are being 'victimized' by trumped-up injustices, all to further their plan to change America's culture, laws and government.

'Most Americans are normal, lovely, decent people, and they hear these wails of a liberal claiming to be 'offended, offended,' and their reaction is to go and provide comfort to the afflicted,' Coulter explained to WND. 'I want them to start noticing these are crocodile tears. … These people pretend to be victims in order to advance, attack, and oppress others.'

The 'Today' show source told Drudge the network is 'just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now.'"

Kissinger: Obama primed to create 'New World Order'

"'There is a need for a new world order,' Kissinger told PBS interviewer Charlie Rose last year, 'I think that at the end of this administration, with all its turmoil, and at the beginning of the next, we might actually witness the creation of a new order – because people looking in the abyss, even in the Islamic world, have to conclude that at some point, ordered expectations must return under a different system.'"

ACLU to churches: Not on school grounds, you don't

"The American Civil Liberties Union, on behalf of an offended parent, is suing an elementary school district for allowing its students to attend a non-taxpayer-funded religious education program that meets on campus."

For the past 55 years, the Huntington County Community School Corporation of rural Indiana has permitted students in its eight elementary schools to attend religious study groups through a "released time" program.

The program, coordinated by an area church association, enables students with parental permission to be released from classes one hour during the school day to receive religious instruction that cannot be otherwise offered by the public school.

It's the same old pattern: an "offended" parent cries foul and calls the ACLU in to "save them from any sights, sounds or feelings" that they don't want to experience. Of course it comes at the expense of all and every person that enjoyed or appreciated what is now called an "offense" by the spoiled-brats who ALWAYS have to have their way. Why do we accept the childish behavior in adults that we don't allow in children. Poor children, all across America they are disciplined for what liberal adults get away with. Not to mention all the money that they rake in too.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

EPA 'Cow Tax' Could Charge $175 per Dairy Cow to Curb Greenhouse Gases

"“The tax for dairy cows could be $175 per cow, and $87.50 per head of beef cattle. The tax on hogs would upwards of $20 per hog,” the release said. “Any operation with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs would have to obtain permits.”"

...our agricultural landscape is comprised of 1.9 million farms with an average value of production of $25,589 on 271 acres. These operations simply could not bear the regulatory compliance costs that would be involved.”

Could we be seeing the American "salt tax" that causes riots and destruction of government and our national peace? I hope and pray for peace. I want it for myself and my children to enjoy. But it seems that our modern government is busting a gut for problems. I'm no farmer, but I can see that they can't pay this. When will this end? Where will this end? Will we still be Americans when it does end?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Bob Barr: Repeal Defense of Marriage Act

"Former Republican Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia, author of the Defense of Marriage Act signed into law by President Clinton, now says the statute overreaches the federal government's constitutional power and needs to be repealed.

The Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, establishes the definition of marriage for federal purposes as only between one man and one woman and further clarifies that no state need recognize a same-sex marriage from any other state.

Barr introduced the law to the House of Representatives in 1996, but now says – regardless of any opinion on same-sex marriage itself – that the law gets in the way of states that do wish to legalize homosexual unions."

Morning-after pills available to pupils in almost 1,000 schools - Telegraph

"n Oxfordshire alone 1,081 emergency contraceptives have been issued over the past six years, despite records showing pregnancy rates in the county have risen in every year that the clinics have been in operation.

Data released under the Freeedom of Information Act shows almost 1,000 such clinics are being operated across England. Staff at the clinics are not required to seek permission from parents before administering the contraception.

Since 2000, the Government has promoted sexual health services for teenagers as part of its 'extended schools' policy, which turns schools into one-stop-shops for education, health and social services. The new guidance for colleges says principals should consider installing condom vending machines and holding regular chlamydia and gonorrhea testing sessions."

I have long feared that as California is often the leading State forerunner for liberal ideas. This is followed up with the fears that European Nations, especially the UK, are simply forerunners for America...farther left than CA. I hope that this is stopped by the good people of America. With just a sample like this of the UK school officials' actions towards our children, as young as 11 year old girls, is enough to never want you children to attend any public school. What exactly is an "emergency contraceptive" anyway. Isn't all unwanted and "I'm afraid that I'm..." an emergency then too? What a trick on the good people, and innocent being perverted by the "sex education" folks and classes. How do these liberals think that people lived in past centuries before "sex ed" came to town and had to "teach" what is naturally built into our DNA...reproduction abilities and actions.

Police look to hack citizens' home PCs

"Police and state intelligence agencies from several countries may soon be working together to secretly hack into private citizens' personal computers
without their knowledge and without a warrant.

According to a London Times report, the police hacking process, called 'remote searching,' enables law enforcement to gather information from e-mails, instant messages and Web browsers, even while hundreds of miles away."

Political Punch

"He says the 'No. 1 goal of my plan ... is to create three million new jobs, more than 80 percent of them in the private sector.”

If you do the math: 20 percent of three million means 600,000 new government employees."

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pat Robertson: God says U.S. will accept socialism

"'The Lord said the dollar is going to go down dramatically,' Robertson said in the interview. 'If I'm hearing him right, gold will go to about $1900 dollars an ounce and oil to $300 a barrel.'

On a more spiritual theme, Robertson concluded his New Year's Day predictions by declaring that God says now is the time for Christians to expand their outreach and evangelism around the world, especially toward Muslims.
'The whole of Islam is weakening. The violence and bloodshed has turned many against this religion of hate,' Robertson declared.

'There has never been, nor will there ever be, a more propitious time for the gospel,' he announced. 'People by the tens of millions will be seeking answers. They will gladly receive the forgiveness of sins that was bought by the death of Jesus Christ.'"

Friday, January 2, 2009

Traditional family defenders now in 'gay' agenda bull's-eye

"One of the top lawyers in the nation in the battle to protect traditional marriage, historically Christian lifestyle choices, parental rights and the key freedoms provided by the U.S. Constitution is warning that there eventually could be no lawyers left to take up those disputes.

That's because of a recommendation before the State Bar of Arizona – the organization that licenses attorneys – to require all new lawyers to swear they won't let their personal religious perspective on homosexuality affect their representation of any client. Mathew Staver, chief of Liberty Counsel, warns that the proposal is just the 'tip of the iceberg.'"

Is this 1932 Germany all over again? If so, then the singling out of a "people" is the attack on Bible-believing Christians and observant Jews. Will it go the same this time as in the sicko-nazi days, or will people act faster than the mistakes made back then? Act now, or forever hold your peace? We should be making all the moves for our future now, while we still seem to have one. We must hold our politicians accountable for their actions, or the lack thereof. God help us (even the more if we don't act now).

Obama radio critic finds talk show time slashed

"Politically active Barack Obama supporters in Michigan have tried to silence criticism of the president-elect on a talk program at a community radio station by cutting its air time, the program host says.

But Dzuris explained in a lengthy interview with WND he attended at least one meeting where radio station officials discussed specifically how to reduce Dzuris' criticism of Obama, which has linked Obama's statements taken directly from his speeches to Marxism.

Dzuris said one issue raised was Obama's call in a Colorado Springs speech for a Civilian National Security Force, an issue on which WND has reported.

In that speech, Obama insisted the U.S. 'cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set' and needs a 'civilian national security force.'"

Dzuris, who spent the first half of his life under communist rule in Czechoslovakia, told WND, that concept isn't new at all.

"We called them the 'peoples' militia' (in Czechoslovakia)," he told WND.

Britain's 'betrayed' white working classes believe immigrants receive better treatment | Mail Online

"White families on the country's poorest estates believe they have been 'betrayed' and 'abandoned' by politicians who favour newly-arrived immigrants, a Government report acknowledged today.

It found that people on council estates think they always come second to immigrants for housing and benefits.

Many feel they have been shoved aside by politicians who use political correctness and allegations of racism to stifle honest discussion, it said."

The report for the Department of Communities and Local Government drew an admission from Communities Secretary Hazel Blears that white working class people 'sometimes just don't feel anyone is listening or speaking up for them.'She said people should be allowed to talk about their worries 'without fear of being branded a racist.'

And yet, just when you think that someone is listening to the complaints of ALL PEOPLE, and that some changes might be made on real equal bases, the article shows that the PC crowd speaks up. Read this:

The NCM report dismissed the idea that concerns about political correctness were genuine. The reason people spoke of political correctness, it said, was 'so that the white majority assume the role of victims.'

When will these folks grow up? Why can't people of all races be concerned or speak up when they feel left out or injured? Even when their silly little ideas that all white folk are all little evil, foul-mouthed racist is proven untrue, they still hold on to their anti-white ideas--regardless of the lack of evidence. Sound far-fetched? Read the following:

Its authors also considered that despite the lack of 'explicitly hostile language' from white interviewees, 'this is still about race'.

It's like they hate all non-minorities. Shouldn't government be about right and wrong for all colors and people, and not right and being based on what color or minority status? Also, funny to see (again) how the PC'ers will go on the offensive for their own hide at the expense of white people and saying things that they are too cowardly to say about any other group. By all means say whatever the truth is. Ask the hard questions, probe and seek facts. But do it for, and unto, all the people in the same manner! I would say: Stop the games white liberals; people are waking up and seeing you and your concerns for "immigrants" for what you and they really are: Marxist whites using immigrants as "useful idiots"(to quote your Lenin who said this years ago). But why mess up a good thing from happening. This article clearly shows that folks are seeing the political tricks, and speaking up about them as well. Good job; keep it up.

FOXNews.com - Son of Hamas Leader Gives Glimpse Into Terror Organization - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

"Yousef added: 'It's not about Israel, it's not about Hamas: it's about both ideologies.'

Yousef, son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, one of the most influential leaders of the militant group, said the organization betrays the Palestinian cause and tortures its own members."

Lesbians in fight with Christian church

"A church organization has been caught up in a discrimination case brought by two lesbians who were denied permission to rent the Christian group's facilities for a 'ceremony' after the meaning of 'equal' was changed by the state, according to a warning from Liberty Counsel.

The situation involves the United Methodist Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, which has been accused by the government in New Jersey of discriminating against a self-described lesbian duo, Luisa Paster and Harriet Bernstein, who were denied permission to rent a church pavilion."

Atheists: No praying at inauguration!

"Atheists are planning to crash the inauguration invocation, claiming the government is choosing between 'believers' and 'those who don't believe' and imposing religion on atheists and agnostics.

Michael Newdow, a California attorney who pushed a case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in an unsuccessful effort to remove the words 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance, is joining Dan Barker, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, in a lawsuit to stop the Presidential Inaugural Committee's sponsorship of prayer on Jan. 20."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blago pick: Not seating me could look racist - TODAY: People - MSNBC.com

"If Senate Democrats refuse to seat Roland Burris as President-elect Barack Obama’s replacement in the U.S. Senate, some people could view it as racism, Burris said Wednesday.

It could give the appearance to a lot of individuals — not only African-Americans,” Burris told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira Wednesday in an exclusive interview. “Is it racism that’s taking place? That’s the question that someone else could raise.”"

The racism card never dies with Democrat liberals and minorities. Every time they want something, or don't want a white person to have something, they cry "racism", "bigots", "homophobia", "islamaphobia", "anti-woman" and a host of other empty names. And that to scare everyone into letting them steal what isn't theirs to take or what they didn't earn. Or worse, people are giving it to them. Not only is he using his color/race to get something that is obviously given to him for sheer political reasons, but he is feeding the media, blacks, liberals, brainwashed students and such with what to say in their protest to secure his seat. All this for the power and pride of being the first black Senator and to help the democrats rule the Congress/country. More crime and corruption for the Chicago political machine. The same corrupt system that produced Obama.