United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Friday, January 2, 2009

Britain's 'betrayed' white working classes believe immigrants receive better treatment | Mail Online

"White families on the country's poorest estates believe they have been 'betrayed' and 'abandoned' by politicians who favour newly-arrived immigrants, a Government report acknowledged today.

It found that people on council estates think they always come second to immigrants for housing and benefits.

Many feel they have been shoved aside by politicians who use political correctness and allegations of racism to stifle honest discussion, it said."

The report for the Department of Communities and Local Government drew an admission from Communities Secretary Hazel Blears that white working class people 'sometimes just don't feel anyone is listening or speaking up for them.'She said people should be allowed to talk about their worries 'without fear of being branded a racist.'

And yet, just when you think that someone is listening to the complaints of ALL PEOPLE, and that some changes might be made on real equal bases, the article shows that the PC crowd speaks up. Read this:

The NCM report dismissed the idea that concerns about political correctness were genuine. The reason people spoke of political correctness, it said, was 'so that the white majority assume the role of victims.'

When will these folks grow up? Why can't people of all races be concerned or speak up when they feel left out or injured? Even when their silly little ideas that all white folk are all little evil, foul-mouthed racist is proven untrue, they still hold on to their anti-white ideas--regardless of the lack of evidence. Sound far-fetched? Read the following:

Its authors also considered that despite the lack of 'explicitly hostile language' from white interviewees, 'this is still about race'.

It's like they hate all non-minorities. Shouldn't government be about right and wrong for all colors and people, and not right and being based on what color or minority status? Also, funny to see (again) how the PC'ers will go on the offensive for their own hide at the expense of white people and saying things that they are too cowardly to say about any other group. By all means say whatever the truth is. Ask the hard questions, probe and seek facts. But do it for, and unto, all the people in the same manner! I would say: Stop the games white liberals; people are waking up and seeing you and your concerns for "immigrants" for what you and they really are: Marxist whites using immigrants as "useful idiots"(to quote your Lenin who said this years ago). But why mess up a good thing from happening. This article clearly shows that folks are seeing the political tricks, and speaking up about them as well. Good job; keep it up.

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