United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Monday, January 5, 2009

Morning-after pills available to pupils in almost 1,000 schools - Telegraph

"n Oxfordshire alone 1,081 emergency contraceptives have been issued over the past six years, despite records showing pregnancy rates in the county have risen in every year that the clinics have been in operation.

Data released under the Freeedom of Information Act shows almost 1,000 such clinics are being operated across England. Staff at the clinics are not required to seek permission from parents before administering the contraception.

Since 2000, the Government has promoted sexual health services for teenagers as part of its 'extended schools' policy, which turns schools into one-stop-shops for education, health and social services. The new guidance for colleges says principals should consider installing condom vending machines and holding regular chlamydia and gonorrhea testing sessions."

I have long feared that as California is often the leading State forerunner for liberal ideas. This is followed up with the fears that European Nations, especially the UK, are simply forerunners for America...farther left than CA. I hope that this is stopped by the good people of America. With just a sample like this of the UK school officials' actions towards our children, as young as 11 year old girls, is enough to never want you children to attend any public school. What exactly is an "emergency contraceptive" anyway. Isn't all unwanted and "I'm afraid that I'm..." an emergency then too? What a trick on the good people, and innocent being perverted by the "sex education" folks and classes. How do these liberals think that people lived in past centuries before "sex ed" came to town and had to "teach" what is naturally built into our DNA...reproduction abilities and actions.

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