United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Monday, October 20, 2008

Newsmax.com – Obama’s Secret Campaign Cash: Has $63 Million Flowed from Foreign Sources?

"As Barack Obama reaped a stunning $150 million in campaign donations in September, bringing his total to more than $600 million, new questions have arisen about the source of his amazing funding.

By Obama’s own admission, more than half of his contributions have come from small donors giving $200 or less. But unlike John McCain’s campaign, Obama won’t release the names of these donors."

For example, Obama has numerous donors who have contributed well over the $4,600 federal election limit.

Many of these donors have never been contacted by the Obama campaign to refund the excess amounts to them.

And more than 37,000 Obama donations appear to be conversions of foreign currency.

“I’ve never seen this in all my years of raising money for political candidates,” he said. “The first thing it suggests is foreign currency transactions -- contributions from foreign donors, which is clearly illegal.”

...meaning that as much as $63 million may have come from questionable sources.

Just ask yourself, what would the press be doing if this was the McCain's team doing this? What do you think would be on the TV and newspaper everyday until the names, addresses and interviews were held with many of them? You're right, it would happen if it were John doing this. This is yet another example, among the pile of them thus far, that the media is 100% in the Obama camp and will/doing everything that they can to get him into the White House. This is what the Christians and Conservatives have been crying about for years; saying the mainstream media have been pushing liberal ideas and agenda while lying that they were not. Now it's all open for the World to see.

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