United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Orlando Sentinel - Obama campaign cites Barbara West's "unprofessional interview" with Joe Biden in canceling WFTV's interview with candidate's wife by Hal Boedeker

"'Mr. Biden didn't like the questions,' Jordan said. 'We choose not to ask softball questions.'"

This is a great video interview for this fake politician Joe Biden. He couldn't believe that someone was actually asking these kinds of questions, but thank God someone was. If the Obama, or should I say the "Omarxa" (as one blogger but it) team had been asked these kinds of questions all along the way we wouldn't be in this mess anyway. The American people would have seen long ago what kind of man he is: an anti-American Marxist!

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