United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Sunday, December 21, 2008

CNSNews.com - $1 Billion More a Year for Gender Equality, Clean Energy and NASA, Says House Chairman

"a proposed expansion of NASA space missions and restoring gender equality to America’s laboratories. It is estimated to cost $1 billion a year in new spending."

I can't believe the level of political correctness/cultural Marxism that has taken hold of the Democratic Party! What a dunce Bart Gordon is! Another billion dollars a year over and above the billions that NASA already gets? Where do they expect to get this money?????? You and me, that's who. Tax and spend Democrats are back...and you thought voting for Obama would bring back financial responsibility to the Federal government? Guess who's laughing right now? Obama and the Democrats. They're laughing at all the "useful idiots" (as Communist always see their voters, supporters and folks who are silent about the evils that the Communist are doing/seek to do/are saying they will do)...they're laughing at those that voted for them!

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