United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bloomberg.com: Worldwide

Obama Relies on Black Pride for Record Turnout in Ohio, Georgia

"a powerful emotional overlay to the election as Democrat Barack Obama tries to become the first black president."

Obama can count on winning up to 95 percent of black voters

Barack Obama is running the last leg of a political race that started a long time ago,'' said Stokes, 83, recalling the struggles of the Civil Rights movement.

Never in my life did I think I'd live to see a black man running for president,'' she said. ``I am so proud about Obama because we've come a long ways. Martin Luther King had to die and all these things happened.'

`What most of us want to feel is a very, very big part of this campaign because this is something that we've been fighting for all of our lives.''

``He's handled it in a way that doesn't scare white people, and that's the key,'' Stokes said. ``He's getting 98 percent of the black vote without standing up in the black community yelling and screaming blackness.''

It's also working with the owners of beauty salons and barber shops in black neighborhoods to distribute voting information.

This is what they have been "working for all their lives", "Martin Luther King had to die", Obama has ran things so that he doesn't " scare white people"but still to "98 % of the black vote" , and that Obama is finishing a race that "started a long time ago" and by that he meant finishing the "civil rights" movement? Am I getting this right...are they confessing their REAL intention of all these years of social labor? All of it was for blacks to be in control? For a black man to sit in the White House? Sounds like what's going on in the black community and from a black man running for office is exactly what would be called "racism" if this was a white person doing the same thing. They should be ashamed of their ways in this election and the primary before it. Instead of the black preacher, that Obama sat under for 20 years, calling this the USKKKA, he should be man enough to say that they are really out for power more than the KKK ever could have imagined. Democrats can win (or really can steal) elections, but they cannot run, defend and guide a nation. This is a sad day for America. And for the Free World too. Where's the truth?

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