United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama donor ordered Big Brother probe of Joe the Plumber

"Following the third presidential debate, a state agency director and maximum donor to the Barack Obama presidential campaign immediately authorized a government background check of Joe the Plumber's child-support records."

Helen Jones-Kelley, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and a $2,300 contributor to the Obama campaign, permitted state employees to conduct a check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher

ones-Kelley denies the Support Enforcement Tracking System search was politically motivated...

"Our practice is when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight, we often take a look,"

Name searches on Joe the Plumber were also conducted at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, where his registration and driving records were pulled. The State Highway Patrol has seized a government computer at the Ohio Department of Insurance as evidence. A separate search was conducted in the Toledo Police Department's criminal database.

This is how liberals/socialist work, as the director herself admitted: "Our practice is when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight, we often take a look," (meaning they looked into their privite business without a judge's order to do so...which is illegal). Let me decode this for you: she means whenever a "Republican", or any other "non-liberal Democrat" comes into the spotlight for opposing the Democrats that they check them out. Now if this was a Republican, Christian or Conservative doing this all kinds of trouble would breakout in the media, the government and with many "civil right's groups" around the Country calling for her to be fired, lawsuits, marches in their downtown area, and of course some "black" leader would be saying this was all because of "Racism". Just imagine if the tables were turned and instead of a black woman illegally searching for some "dirt" on a white man it was a the other way around? Do you think this would be a BIG ISSUE on CNN? But because it is being done by liberals/socialist its OK, no crime has been commmitted! Do you see how this works for Democrats? When ANYONE speaks up to ask or oppose, or does anything that challenges or opposes Democrats, then Democrats all over the country or State jump into action...illegally! They do anything they can to dig up and find some dirt on that person or group to smear them into submission or to destroy their name so no one will listen to them! Even breaking the law to get it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Obama is pro-choice. His party can choose either fast death (by abortion) or slow death (by AIDS). But Obama would never choose this slogan: "Unborn children should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!" And he wouldn't want anyone to Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity." (This often occurs in Pelosi's district, and SF mayor Newsom tells cops to NOT arrest anyone exercising the illegal, kinky, child-abusing "rights" Obama promotes which are flaunted in public in front of children!) After recovering, Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up" and "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right." See all of this before the "God" named in all 50 state constitutions responds with quakes, violent storms, and other bad news.
Obama etc. don't want folks to know what goes on at g-y festivals in view of little kids because such info could ignite and unite the Religious Right like nothing else - which explains why nothing was said about g-y rights at any of the Presidential debates!
Incredibly, the unnatural acts which forced God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (resulting in the Dead Sea Green Party's sudden change of plans!); which were capital crimes (on a level with murder) in early America; and which are now being fulfilled as one of two worldwide "signs" (Luke 17) predicted to occur JUST BEFORE the return of Jesus as Supreme Judge, are now insanely viewed as "natural" and even "desirable" by brainwashed persons choosing to fulfill the role of the ones who "perish" in II Thess. 2:10-12!
Finally, please have everyone pray for and support this "incorrect" ministry of ours on the internet. Dr. Know

(Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Newsom did not approve of this message!)