United we stand, divided we fall... Freedom Loving American Patriot, Patrick Henry

God Will Bless America, When America Obeys God
When asked at the end of the Constitutional Convention if we were left with a Republic or a Monarchy?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

News And Comments


Friday, October 17, 2008

Teachers union donates $1 million to oppose Proposition 8 - Los Angeles Times

"The California Teachers Assn. donated $1 million this week to defeat a ballot initiative seeking to ban same-sex marriage in California, joining the ranks of wealthy gay rights activists and Hollywood politicos as one of the major donors to the campaign.

'For us, it's a civil rights issue,' said the association's President David Sanchez. 'We don't believe people should be treated differently.'"

The teachers union also takes issue with advertisements by backers of Proposition 8 suggesting that the measure would stop children from being taught about gay marriage in schools

This is the garbage teachers are teaching our children in the public schools today. See why so many people are homeschooling their children, or sending them to Christian schools? These teachers should be put in jail for spreading anti-American and anti-Christian ideas into the minds of children and youths. Its no secret that they teach this stuff with the intent and aim to change how people think and see this sin. They seek to make it OK in the hearts and minds of all Americans. They are doing this by raising our Nation's children up through the school years with these lies presented as the truth. This is so they will either walk in these same sins, or accept them as good and right. God help us. Christians wake up. These are the dark days spoken of in the Bible and only the Word of God is the Light for us to accept, walk in and to reflect to others.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I must agree that this issue about Proposition 8 and our school system has scared me into considering home school--and I don't even have school aged children yet!

This is a very frightening time to raise a family, a time when moral relativism is preached to every corner of our culture. I hope that California will make a stand and vote "yes" to Proposition 8 and I hope that every parent will fortify their home and teach their children strong values regardless of what our country determines.